Evaporating content...

in #dtube6 years ago

So I discovered today that many of my old posts had disappeared. Ok, so the posts didn't disappear, but the content has because it was hosted on DTube. If you go back 2-3 months you'll see a post with a picture, and when you click on it the circle goes round and round, but nothing plays.

I'm a little bit irritated by this. Yes, in the DTube discord #faq, as of 5/29/2018, it says that old videos will be deleted, but this is a little understated -- 13 words in tiny font. You'd think this would deserve large, bold-faced, all-caps WE WILL DELETE YOUR VIDEOS AFTER TWO MONTHS TO MAKE SPACE ON OUR SERVERS or maybe not.

I guess I went into this making many assumptions, several of which didn't hold. My mistake.

In all seriousness, I've made 23 DTube posts, earning an average of $6.951 per post. Then 25% is around $1.74 fee per post. Yes, some of my profit was from DTube rewards, so let's round this down generously to $1.00 in fees per post. Some of the posts were lengthy, but others were not. Again, if I round up in their favor, were looking at around 2GByte per post.

According to the BTCManager article:


DTube estimates $0.044 per GByte per month. Let's round that up to $0.05.

At this rate, my content should have been viable for 40 months before becoming a financial burden.

Maybe I've made a mistake with the math... let's say I'm wrong by 2x, then the magic number becomes 20 months. This is still one order of magnitude off.

There is something not right here. Am I missing something critical in this estimate?

Anyhow, I'm in the market for a video hosting site. I like the idea of distributed content, but perhaps I should simply pay for my own hosting? I can post and advertise on Steemit and host the data on my own server. Does that make any financial sense? Data storage is cheap if you're only hosting for one person.

Thanks for listening to my rant... I apologize if it sounded too harsh. I don't mean to be. I do think that Steemit (and others) should think about the definition of value and content. It is hard for me to say that persistent content should be given the same value as content that is deleted in 2 months. (My videos showing how to make Pastirma were valued at $68, but now they are worthless because nobody can view them.) But again, there very well might be something that I'm missing in my understanding.

Posted using Partiko Android


I should point out... I'm not here for the money. The money is nice but not the driving force. I'm here to have a platform where my content is available freely, the crypto-economy helps facilitates this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds like you didn't even read the shit...How is that helpful...

Uppps buddy...I didn't realize it was still you,I thought someone was commenting on your post...Sorry!

You do have a good point, that this should be available to be read. DTube should put this on the website not just the faq of the discord channel. I person should be able to use this technology fully from the web or app frontend. I didn't join discord until i realized that much of Steemit/DTube didnt make sense, so i needed a place I could ask questions. The web-based documentation is not very good.

Believe it or not, I found DTube first, in March, and then joined Steemit so that I could use DTube. I was looking for where I could migrate from YouTube.

This is also something interesting. The was DTube is advertized is that the D stands for distributed. I was attracted to the idea of distributed content, like bittorrent. But if they delete videos from their servers to save space, is this a distributed model? Aren't they just a less-successful, fully-centeralized model similar to YouTube?

In contrast BitChute used bittorrent, which is probably where I'm going to move my video content. I'm still happy with Steemit, and from what I can tell it still uses distributed techniques to store the content across the world.

I was Soo hoping that IPFS was different then DTube...but nooo...nothing worked...
I was still able to watch the videos,but that's because you had 5hem on UTube too...
I remember reading a post about how to save ur videos on DTube...there is a way...I'll look it up tomorrow...it's late now,I hope I can help...

If you read carefully, they use IPFS based technology, but this is their implementation. From what I can tell, what DTube is differs from the way it is advertised.

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