Quickest way to mine Verge CPU - Nvidia GPUsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Quick way to Mine Verge CPU / GPU

*****Just a heads up I am just getting started with D.Tube and had no idea when I post there it will post to Steem blog, but when I post to Steem it doesn't add it to D.Tube. So this is a duplicate, sorry and Thank you*****

Now you will find many guides showing you how to mine Verge currency, but not too many showing you how to mine using you CPU.. Yes, your CPU, now whether or not it is profitable is completed dependent on the Crypto Market, and your hardware. The best thing to do is to grab a miner whether it is for your CPU or GPU, copy the scripts below (make sure you replace my wallet address with your own), and run the miner. Get the hash rate your CPU / GPU is putting out and go to Whattomine.com, alternatively you can just Google search the words "verge whattomine" and click the top link. Then enter your hash rate, power usage, pool fee, and kWh cost.

On my Asus Laptop with an Intel 4710HQ, I am averaging around 8 to 10 verge a day, which isn't much compared to a GPU mining Verge. Again depending on your CPU you may get more or less than me, also account for what ALGO you are mining. CPU mining Verge you will be more than likely mining the x17 ALGO...unless I am missing something, and for GPU you can mine also x17 but most mine on the Lyra2v2 ALGO. Just give it a try, and if you want to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck, grab yourself a "KilloWatt meter". You can also use HWinfo software, to measure wattage being pulled, but depending on your hardware it may not be as accurate. Good Luck in your mining venture!

Quick correction in video, vergecurrency.com has a full node wallet in which the link to the blockchain is beneficial

Full Node wallet is called: "Verge Windows Wallet"
The Verge Electrum wallet, was the one that gave me connection issues, just get you wallet setup and use my script below.

*******Remember to replace my wallet address with yours*******

For Coinomi wallet, just search it in the Google Play Store


CUDA ToolKit:

ccminer x64 example script: (save as batch file, not Text file)

ccminer-x64 -a x17 -o stratum+tcp://yiimp.eu:3737 -u DFfebyFi4NxcYCKUwZeqWptfd5EHfREMoG -p c=XVG

CPU Miner:

CPU miner script: (save as batch file, not Text file)

cpuminer-gw64-corei7 -a x17 -o stratum+tcp://yiimp.eu:3737 -u DFfebyFi4NxcYCKUwZeqWptfd5EHfREMoG -p c=XVG

Once done, double click your batch file, and it will start mining, you can check your mining stats by going to the pool's website you are mining on.
There are CPU priorities you can set, if your system becomes unresponsive, you can add the following command at the end of the above script. (Note: leave a space between each command)

--cpu-priority 1 or --cpu-priority 2 or --cpu-priority 3

Mining pools:

stratum+tcp://yiimp.eu:PORT# -u WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=XVG

stratum+tcp://x17.mine.zpool.ca:PORT# -u WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=XVG

You have to go to /xvg-mg.suprnova.cc and setup your account, there is "Help" of column on the left
If you would like to donate, to help the channel I vow to use donations sent to improve content!

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Zcash: t1J52Y5vozYZFRfTPMB3tcFgwvBzRMVznBu

Bitcoin Cash: 1MiHVUfMF1mpJTuHRSRsBp1QdKUtCx9kcn

Monero: 49mLL1TjekuaYfzzLFg1uJfpNYFFn7JYZiDNgPfCrhhGdjDk2jXEvgWDFvBSEAyYHFFw6mfT4mFXb8rU1hXEVkhA8h5qByJ

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