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RE: DTube- Director Kevin Smith On Charlottesville, Free Speech And The Left vs Right Divide

in #dtube7 years ago

Sadly its crazy how the media has helped to create such a divide in the people driving them to take sides instead for working towards a common goal. all the energy that is being spent on hate discord and division we could have done so much more with. and the people with influence like him keep perpetuating it instead of insisting we have differences and need to learn to accept them and come to understanding in order to get stuff accomplished instead of tearing us apart.


That 'common goal' would be viewed as national socialism, something the people who own the media never want because it would undermine their control.

I can see how you may see it but common goal is not a national socialist idea Americans fought to get out from under, taxation without representation that was a common goal and that formed a republic! in todays society we love labels that is a major issue. finding something in common with your neighbor and getting behind a common idea is not socialism falling in line mindlessly allowing all production distribution and exchange to be regulated by the state thats the book definition of it. Not finding a common goal. as far as Nationalism, well there are many examples of that FDR fought for the new deal to bring America out of the great depression because he had National pride, George Washington stood up to fight the British and later lead the county because he loved the Nation another nationalist then you have the other end Castro was a ulta Nationalist as was the marxist Che Guevara and Juan Peron Nationalism defined is patriotic feeling, principals or efforts. That is the book definition. If people actually read for themselves and not wikipedia, of witch no teacher will except as a viable source, and not listened to others rhetoric they would not be so quick to slap a label on something, and more ideas and advancement could be brought on.

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