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RE: Steemit Had Me At Hello

in #dtube7 years ago

Good question. It actually took me 10 years to settle on my current username. I was born a critic and feel that I have a natural talent for sniffing out bullsh%#. I have never been convinced that our current society is a result of trial and error and being the sum of lessons learned, as your public schooling implies. I have, since an early age been a self professed Atheist, even though the rest of my family are Christian. I question everything, regardless of your academic credentials on the topic and have never had respect for authority. When this name came to me, I knew it was the one. I then started using other platforms and in a stroke of luck, the name has been available on all of them. I recently pondered a change in name, which I believe you read, but have come to the conclusion that was a bad decision. I have now become Not Convinced Smith and it is as comfortable for me to hear and respond to as my own name is to me. I found SteemIt through a search for freedom of speech and have tried at least 80% of the other platforms. SteemIt is the only one that has a platform that truly works for it's user's and pays you to start out. You get paid to be you. You can't get better than that.


Public schooling is a joke man. Questioning things are good and at the same time we have to be open to knowing the truth. Truth outweighs everything. The problem however is actually figuring out what is truth and not. That's why faith plays a big part in anyone's beliefs. Whether ot not you believe in no God, a God, many gods or whatever, you still have faith in something.

I think your name is fitting and you should keep it. And yes here on Steemit you get paid to be yourself. You don't need all the cheesy superficiality to make an impact here unlike some other platforms.

Why do you HAVE to have faith in something? I understand you mean that everyone has an opinion and makes assumptions? But, 2+2=4- no faith needed. My dog loves me- no faith needed. Not everyone requires faith in something, which describes the unknown. The statement that, " you still have to have faith in something" or everyone requires faith for their beliefs" use discriptors which are classic qualifiers for false statements. It's also a tactic used to shut further conversation down. For some of us it's easy to admit we just don't know. You are right though, truth outweighs everything. To bad truth seems to be quite subjective, which I am sure you also meant. We all tend to think we are right. It's actually quite easy to test right from wrong, truth from myth. It's simply hard getting those who just have to be right to accept it. What would the consequences be if you were wrong?

I said you have faith in something. Not you have to have faith in something. Now in dealing with truth. There is absolute truth. Saying there is NO absolute truth means you are attempting to make an absolute statement which would make that statement a contradiction. So you're stuck between trying to make that sentence work or just go with the non-contradictory claim which is that absolute truth does in fact exist.

It's one thing to say you don't know which of course there is much we don't know. But we make decisions everyday without knowing what will happen which means we are exercising faith. Exercising faith does not pertain to religion or spiritual matters only. Every last person on the planet exercises faith in one way or another since we in fact don't know everything.

What I think is right or wrong doesn't matter because I am a finite being with limited knowledge. If I am wrong and without any answers as to what actually is true then I am hopeless and my faith is in vain.

Man I enjoy exploring these things.

I am sorry, I didn't mean for my comment to go in this direction. I have no problem with people having faith and living by it. Our perspectives differ greatly on the issue of religion, but it needed be an issue. I mention and reference my belief in regular conversation just like most people of faith reference theirs and their God(s) often in passing without even thinking about it. I simply answered the question you posed honestly. I notice many go in to automatic defense mode when a person of an opposing belief states their belief, then the other incorrectly interprets that as a challenge or judgement, when it's actually just a statement. I made no inferences and I apologize if it came off that way. I respect everyone's beliefs as long as they physically harm no one and even when they do, I judge the person, not the belief.

No worries. It may just be a problem with writing instead of physically talking. It's all good I was just trying to discuss things you bought up or questioned.

Perspective is a very intriguing result of thought and the way our brain interprets all of the information gathered by our senses. I have a different take in faith.

When I put one foot in front of the other or eat food and even climb a 14,000 mountain, I have no expectations. Faith is not necessary for me to live. I simply take life as it comes, trying to create my path as I go. I don't put faith into the hope I will wake up tomorrow. It is what it is. So, I do not believe faith is a default setting for living. I am not afraid of death and am fine with the thought that I may die tomorrow.

Part of the reason for this is my non belief in an afterlife. I don't worry about impressing a higher power, with the hopes of going to Heaven rather than Hell.

People are perfectly capable of living happy healthy lives without putting their faith in anything at all. If you simply live, taking your bumps and bruises as they come, faith is not necessary. You allow chance to do it's thing. I equate faith to taking something for granted, which I never do.

So there's not one thing you look forward to? For example: Looking forward to go hiking. Looking forward to seeing my dog. Looking forward to living a happy life?

And do you think people just will it in their minds to get things done or is there truly some expectation that compels people to get things done?

If a storm is coming and you need to set up camp before it hits. Is there not expectation that the storm is coming because otherwise you would just sit there getting soaked. I mean let's say you have no expectations. Does that mean you also react to absolutely nothing?


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