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RE: NZ shooting Helmet Cam Uncut Uncensored Video WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT!!

in #dtube6 years ago

I voted you down because the person who committed these murders recorded and live streamed his actions for fame, notoriety, and publicity and in honor of the 49 victims I refuse to grant that evil son-of-a-bitch his wish.

He probably also did it to inspire others to do the same thing where they live.

No sir. I will not publicize evil.

This has nothing to do with censorship, and everything to do with respect for the 49 victims and their families.


your a fucking retard
youd rather have people kept in the dark like jerkoff beanie drug dealling and rolling over on his businuss
no censorship[ buddy but i guess you agree with beanie jerkoff censor everythin you dont agree with right
go back to facebook

good for you man you know whats going on

Actually....he says he didn't do it for notoriety in his "manifesto" if that's even his. Regardless, it's too late. I doubt very much I will come close to rivaling the "fame and notoriety" he's already gotten from MSM in the last 10 hours alone. Further, I see no disrespect in showing those who are living what could happen to THEM if they're not prepared (as these people clearly weren't). Fish in a barrel is what they were..and that is how they died. And it's a damn shame. EVERYONE should see this and learn from the mistakes of those who met their fate unnecessarily at the hands of a psychopath.

Imagine if just two people set up in the far corner with their weapons trained at the doorway. As soon as the gunman entered he would have been met with a hail of bullets instead of the whimpering cries of a room full of unarmed, helpless victims.

Shielding people out of "respect" is why we have censorship. So...I disagree with you. This has EVERYTHING to do with the deadly idea of censorship and NOTHING to do with disrespecting the dead or their families. TRUTH is truth and reality is reality....and showing everyone this reality should serve to reveal the absolute IDIOCY of "gun control" (PEOPLE control).

check this out this came out during the shootings its like a production film with sound track and poeple must have gone home to clean up the blood they were covered in

Brian Young, as I am myself is an independent commentator who gives analysis and investigates these crimes with a clear minded analytical view. There is much that can be learned from this video, just one of which is what we can do to respond to and prevent these incidents. If you truly want to "respect" the victims....THEN LEARN WHAT TO DO TO PREVENT ANOTHER ATTACK.... Online censorship is not the answer. I hAD THIS FOOTAGE IN MY private google drive files to analyze it and write an article and Google went into my private drive files and removed it with all links I had in the file. Your emotionalism does not trump our right to a free and independent press. If laws come on the wake of this, (that affect far many more living than dead) we have a duty and an obligation to cover it and learn from it.

It’s a psyop. It’s staged. How do you fire a shotgun into a windshield and not create a hole? How do you fire multiple times, point-blank at someone in a narrow hallway against a wall, and not have a single projectile impact the wall? How long is the response time for police in New Zealand? How many people in cars saw a man in full SWAT type gear, carrying weapons in broad daylight, openly fitting on the sidewalk, and failed to call police? How many improbable factors do you need to see before you start to question what you’re being told?

the number of times those folks were shot they would have been bloody messes. You don't see any bullet holes in the walls, no casing on the floor. On top of that, why didn't the group just rush the guy? Another interesting thing I noticed is him returning to the hallway to get another clip, he did not drop them on his way in.
I am calling gun grab on this one.

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