Monero Gets Multisig! / BitPay To Support Bitcoin Cash / Cobinhood & CME Futures Have Both Launched

in #dtube7 years ago

Story - Multi Signature Wallets Coming To Monero

Yesterday, on the Monero GitHub, pull request 2134 entitled Multisig was merged by the one and only fluffypony.

Now this has been merged into the Monero codebase it can be integrated into the next core wallet release and Monero wallet developers can begin building truly private multisig wallets.

Someone on Reddit was campaigning to get Monero integrated into OpenBazaar as a result of this.

That is because multisig now allows you to do private payments but with with an escrow, in case you need a mediator to come in and resolve a disputed transaction.

I think the success of Monero is one of the most interesting phenomena because their marketing is pretty much to develop the protocol and then when something cool gets built, people like me talk about it.

So I suppose you could say they end up getting free advertising on merit.

I said recently I have been eagerly awaiting Monero support for the Ledger Nano S, well did you know that the Monero community have already crowdfunded a Monero hardware wallet

This fundraiser is on their forum and was originally posted 3 months ago.

In the meantime though, I have accepted the risk of using the web wallet.

So far it’s working OK but I can’t recommend it to anyone in case there is a security issue with it and you lose your money.

That’s why I said I am accepting the risks of doing this.
Story - BitPay To Launch Bitcoin Cash Support

I actually Tweeted this out as soon as I heard about it.

In that Tweet I basically referred back to my recent comments that businesses will not wait for Bitcoin to scale.

This is because they want to bring the benefits of cryptocurrencies to their users now and whichever technology offers that will get used.

This is why I keep banging on about the user experience. This is how it works in the free market.

Users have all the power, they are the ones that demand the solutions to their problems.

The entrepreneurs job is to find solutions to those problems, and then transfer them to the users.

Because the entrepreneurs are all competing with each other to provide the most effective solutions possible and gain the most market share, they’ll be constantly on the lookout for better solutions to their customers problems in order to get an edge on the competition.

And this announcement from bitpay is an example of a trend I think we are going to see continue for the reasons I’ve outlined.

So BitPay in this blog say…


So this doesn’t mean Bitcoin is going to go away. It just means Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash offer different features which will suit different use cases.


So this is people actually buying stuff. We know that because BitPay is a checkout system for merchants that allows people to pay with Bitcoin.

[show screen shot under yellow heading]

In terms of when this is happening…

Story - CME Bitcoin Futures Launch With Little Fanfare

If you tuned into my live stream last night you will have been there for the launch but for everyone else the CME Bitcoin Futures product has now begun to trade.

Nothing much happened at the opening, and many people in the live stream chat suggested that the optimism about the launch was already priced into Bitcoin from last week's run up.

I think that’s a fair statement.

In terms of the price of the futures contracts in the last 12 hours since they launched...

They opened way up at 20,650 and are now at…

Story - Cobinhood Launched At Last

The eagerly awaiting launch of Cobinhood has arrived.

I say eagerly awaited, eagerly awaiting by me.
The beta version has been available for a while but didn’t do any real trades.

At midnight however all test accounts were reset and you can now sign up for an official account.

I attempted to sign up right away last night during the stream but it wouldn’t let me, probably because there was too much traffic.

I have now managed to register an account although there doesn’t seem to be a lot happening in terms of trading so I’ll see what happens throughout the day.

▶️ DTube

Glad to see Monero growing from strength to strength.
Monero has been my favourite cryptocurrency for some time, and keeps improving.
The undisputed King of the private coins.
Also the Monero developers are true to Cypherpunk and Freedom principles. Unlike the devs of Zcash....

Here's hoping they add more alts soon!

@marketingmonk great updates, appreciate the quality content you are bringing here.

Thank you for the support. Don't think that I haven't noticed you ;). Very much appreciated.

For all those who have recently gotten rich with crypto, consider that one of the most rewarding uses for that wealth is helping those you care about. Do big things for your family and friends. Change lives around you while we change the world together. #Bitcoin

The escrow function will be 🗝 for me. Didn't know about that funding for the monero hard wallet, that's really interesting as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Hey ,
Thanks for the great content

good info and great updates especially in cryptoverse

Great show and exciting times

still not sure what can I use monero for.. I have that online wallet from them, mining monero made me feel insecure rather than with enhaced privacy..

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