
This kind of thing makes you wonder about 'democracy', no?


It sure does Homa.

Thaks for bringing this to my attention. The abuses of humanity are beyond disturbing! yes they may have enshrined their right to do this in law, but legality and morality parted company many years ago :( Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for watching/listening, yes, is there anything more dangerous than ones who believe they are God's chosen ones?

Two years of incarceration rather than a fast time, let alone without any accusations, it's cruel

Thank you for understanding, always @heriadi!

In good 'ol 'Murica we call it indefinite detention. Trial ballooned and perfected at Guantanamo Bay. It even happens here on American soil. The Zionists got a new toy out of the democracy tool box to play with. Disgusting!

Yep, freedom and democracy are just words.

Hey Lyndsay. Unrelated question. How do you get your tags to read normally on dtube? When I post a video on dtube all of my tags end up having dtube in front of them, for example (dtube-palestine dtube-news dtube-politics)

I edit my Steemit post right away. I can change all the tags, except dtube will always stay the first tag.

Also if you want to only post on dtube, and not on Steemit, just delete your post here right after it's posted and it will only show up on dtube.

hmmm...ok. Still a bit confusing to me. I've gotta find a tutorial. I thought we couldn't delete posts.

You can if you do it right away. I have done it before.

Thank you. I tried to 'edit' the post again and it worked with the tags. Will attempt the delete on my next vlog. :)

I am for human right and hope that there will be peace everywhere including the Palestinians living in freedom along side their neighbors . Thanks for sharing and am following you now in order to continue sending in my support.
I posted an article about delegation power and refrenced you there-feel free to see my latest blog post, I wish you a blessed weekend

Thanks for the support, and for caring about human rights. I'll go look at your post now.

you are welcome and I hope that you liked my posts . Thanks for your support.

Sad. Wish all democracies had the USA bill of rights and... stuck to it

Never again need not apply; duplicity and hypocrisy to the Nth degree. I'll just leave it at that. We are always "labeled" for sticking up for the most basic of human rights and dignity.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. Now that I know how uninformed it is, I can hit the MUTE button.

Great. Thanks for sharing. I vote for you and begin to follow you. And Resteemed...