Israel Demolishes 4 Palestinian Schools Just Days Before Classes Begin
Watch Israel Demolishes 4 Palestinian Schools Just Days Before Classes Begin video on DTube
(Video 6:49)
When will this madness end? When will the world Rise up and Stand up for Palestine? How much worse will it have to get?
Around 80 children aged five to 10 from the village of Jub-Ad-Dhib had to attend classes in cramped tarpaulin tents or under the hot sun on Wednesday. One day earlier, Israeli authorities had decided to confiscate and destroy steel terrapin cabins used as school buildings along with other educational equipment.
The area was sealed off, declared a military zone, and security forces used stun grenades to keep residents away, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said in a statement.
The security forces also removed solar panels powering a school for Bedouin children near Jerusalem on 9 August, ignoring a High Court petition over their removal in the process.
The demolition of a school building the night before the start of the year epitomises the administrative cruelty and systematic harassment by authorities designed to drive Palestinians from their land. -Roy Yellin of B’Tselem
More than 300 structures in the occupied West Bank demolished by the Israeli authorities in 2016 were at least in part funded by the EU or international NGOs, an Israeli military official said earlier this year.
Last year also saw the highest number of Israeli demolitions of Palestinian structures since rights groups began record-keeping.
the palestina will soon be assisted by god never stops to always walk the god, all things in the world have begun to lead to good, liberal economy and capitalism can not make the world peace, the resurrection of good will change the world and the Palestinians..
Yes, we are at the apex of evil right now, around the world, I hope soon people wake up and stop the madness of war and capitalism.
soon will come, just look at people all over the world, they always expect peace and prosperity together, the world will be peaceful and prosperous, everyone is getting good, just a few, and we regret the attitude of the president of the usa, then they will know how Harm if war. they are like not willing to learn from the past. ok .. @lyndsaybowes hava a nice day ..
I am just surprised when I hear people still scared of Hitler when he is dead , and they dont scared of Israel , USA , UN , Pakistan( they never Boycott them , and also that's the base of USA terrorist army )which is under control of Arabs which those Arabs are playing a game which produced by USA Government , we are in world war 3 but people can't touch it. cause it's a rat war , at least Hitler was fighting with all and he said he is doing it , but USA presidents which are puppets of another groups back there , always say : we are controlling the world to make peace in the world and we help poor people in the world , but everywhere they go , they destroy and ruin life of people in every country they went . we are too small and powerless and most of people are blind . when USA bombed Japan and when Israel killed first children , people should do what they did to Hitler , they should ending them in that time ! , and I think maybe Russia in this situation can fight back with USA , and I don't want to take a side but I think Russia is better than USA , cause they didn't do a huge crime in the world and hiding it with a smile. , ok my friend lyndsay , the reason that I come here and comment is to support the way you go and the works that you do and also adding some other things that people may like to know , but maybe later I start to post in politic by myself , but I feel like this place is full of blind people , and I can't take much words from them and fighting with stupidity cause I was fighting with stupid people in insta enough , ;) wish you luck.
I appreciate you @davidfar.
Hitler was the good guy In WWII who was against the very Talmud worshiping Zionists who control the US and Israel today.
Hitler WAS a rotchild...
You switch from so right to so wrong with every post and comment - do some more research!

If he was one of them why have they vilified him and lied about the holocaust? I tell you why because National Socialism and Ideals of Honour and Work could unite all of us against there communist bs. Your username contains mark of the beast so I don't trust you, I go with what Hitler said what he stood for. National Socialism or Natural Socialism. The only thing I don't agree with Is there Is no place for any governments or rulers, they all need to be gone, we need to affirm our Natural Rights and vanquish these Druid Freemasons.
I enjoy your comments, you are hilarious!
Zionists do have a bit of a pattern of lying occasionally you know?
But don't trust me I am a satan worshiper!
I'm a truth seeker and fighter we will bring you down. Jesus will give us the love and strength to take you all down.
Yes, you need to bring me down - I am clearly a zionist...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if this was anywhere else in the world the UN would step in, it's a disgrace.
Oh yeah, Murica would be there in a heartbeat bringing 'freedom and democracy'.
While the actions carried out by the Israeli apparatus never cease to cause me outrage, I have long since ceased being surprised... The state, if viewed as an individual, is a psychopath. Psychopaths can only behave as psychopaths behave...
Truth spoken.
Another heartbreaking example of mankind's fall from grace. It's disgusting that whilst all this goes on the rulers of this world not only turn their backs but also try to make it illegal for us to even speak about it. Keep speaking your truth @lyndsaybowes you're doing a great job, one day we'll hit a critical mass of pissed off people and may just be able to stop this bullshit. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for CARING, you are a beautiful soul @perceptualflaws!
Thank you for saying so @lyndsaybowes if more people cared with the same degree of passion that you have then the world would be a better place.
The Israeli government is systematically stealing Palestinian land by various different methods, including destruction of their houses and other buildings. Israel wants the land, and doesn't want the people who currently live there. It kind of reminds me of the American west in the 1800s. Kill the people, steal the land.
Yes, exactly Amber! It's the same history in Canada. Colonialism kills!!!
Freedom palestine
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be FREE! #FreePalestine
Thank you for supporting the oppressed @klen.civil
Twas savage their actions towards children's education
That's right, there is no excusing these actions, even though some stupid people try to.
WOW Hi Lyndsay, we have been friends for years on fb. I just joined steemit 2 weeks ago. It is great to see a long time friend here.
Aww, so nice to see you here! :) Horray!!
I am a newbie so my up votes do not count for much yet. :'(
That doesn't matter! It's great to have another activist here :) :) :)
I agree :)