Hundreds Of Olive Trees Torched By Zionist Settlers

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

(Video 4:12)

Right at harvest time, of course. This and so many other tactics are used by the zionist settlers and the so-called 'state' to uproot Palestinians from the little land that they have left. I'm telling you about the world's 11th largest military power against people with sticks and stones.

Talk about David vs. Goliath. And we all know how that story ends, yet, here we have international silence as a 70 year ethnic cleansing program persists.


Israeli settlers burn hundreds of olive trees in Nablus

Extremist Jewish settlers have set fire to Palestinian farms near Huwwara checkpoint to the south of Nablus on Sunday

Always remember folks, silence is consent.

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Your fight, dedication and resolve to to continue speaking your truth is inspirational. I know how these communities have a far deeper symbiotic relationship with their food sources and animals than many of us can understand so these weren't simply trees. I see they are close to allowing another 2000 settlements to be built in the west bank, regardless of international outcry .. when does this end?? You are doing a fantastic job at focusing peoples attention on these issues. I know at times it can seem like a fight between David & Goliath .. but then again we all know what happened there. Thanks for speaking the truth @lyndsaybowes

And I just stand in awe every day at the strength of the people of Palestine. How whatever they build gets torn down, what they grow gets burned and poisoned...yet still they rebuild, and still they regrow, after 70 years, and they still persist. They are not going anywhere! One day people will look back, and feel shame in their support of this nazi shit pulled by the zionists.

It is once again inspiring to see you continue to shine light on this tragic situation.

There is no end that they will go to. Until the Palestinians are eradicated from the Earth, every tactic will be employed. Of course, starvation is a tried and true methodology. If a society cannot feed itself, it is doomed to fail.

There is nothing more infuriating than the victimization of others, especially when done by those who claim to be victims themselves. Political correctness is enabling thousands to be slaughtered without anyone lifting a finger.

Thank you for your efforts in this area.

No truer words were ever spoken. The tentacles of Israel run deep and far. We see that here in the US since the media, banks, and many politicians are all owned by it. woke as fuck!

Those trees are hundreds of years old! Torching them is foolish on the face of it. It doesn't starve anyone to be without olives or oil, it just makes them poor. Poor and angry. This is idiotic, foolish, and evil.

Thank you for caring, we need more righteous rage!

Funny how the Palestinians are "religious extremists", but not the ultra orthodox Jewish settlers that come from outside the Middle East.

You nailed it. Thank you for always bringing reason to the table.

This something they have done many times before.

Thanks for sharing @lyndsaybowes

#BDS #Israel


And I thank you for caring, and for spreading the word @venomnymous.

I've read about the uprooting/burning of olive groves in Palestine many times before but never fail to be amazed at the levels the Zionists will go to make the lives of Palestinians worse. Some of the trees are hundreds of years old aren't they? Thanks for continuing to expose the daily suffering endured by the Palestinians. Not that I watch the 'mainstream' news but they certainly aren't going to be covering this story on the BBC

Thank you for your compassion, empathy and awareness Jim. You are a beautiful soul, and I'm happy to call you friend.

Words can't express this!

Thank you for having a HEART. Something a lot of folks seem to be missing nowadays...


Thank you very much for spreading the word @cloudculpepper!

Good grief, when is this shit going to end?
When these banking scum bastards are toppled from there high perches and are unable to fund this genocide.
Lyndsay you're fucking awesome babe ❤️

Hoping that we can help that topple along...thank you for all the work you do to bring these slave systems down TP!!

Makes no sense. Just destroying something for no reason.

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