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RE: Good morning universe!...Let's have a threesome. You can never have enough threesomes...< clickbait

in #dtube6 years ago

1 apple + 2 apples = unknown.

incorrect = cider.

1 apple + 2 apples = unknown.

Ok, experiment - for the rest of your life put 1 apple and two apples together - and if you get anything accept 3 apples , you lying.


How so?
Empirical data is not scientific?????
how many apples to do you have? - I'm betting 3 ???


I stipulated in the beginning that you only have 2 apples.
So, you can have one apple, and you can have two apples.
There doesn't exist three apples.

The metric system is supposed to be based on the wavelength of light, which is based on the speed of light.
They were measuring the speed of light and kept getting different values. So, they (Metrology) got together and SET the speed of light.

So, the metric system is supposed to be all scientific based, but instead it is based on a number some guys pulled out of their asses.

Further, it is self evident that the universe is base 12.
Imagine all the strange numbers you get count dozens of eggs.
12, 72, 144...

When we start counting in dozens, so much of the math just falls into place. In the future, all science will be done base 12.

So, since the metric system is base 10, it will be even more unscientific.

Base 12 may indeed be a much better system...and nature indicates it to be so...BUT...

...but that doesn't change the addition of 1 + 2 =3...?

1 , 2, and 3 are still numbers in base 12...!

You have missed what i said.
It is not that the numbers do not exist, it is that they have no meaning.

And meaning is far more important to actually understanding the laws of the universe (or science as it is sometimes known) than any want to believe.

If there are only 2 apples, 3 apples has no meaning.
If there are only a dozen eggs, 13 eggs has no meaning.

Yes, you can imagine such. We imagine imaginary numbers all the time.
But when dealing with reality, to use such numbers messes up the math.

It would be like saying, in this task you used one hand.
In this other task you used two hands.

Thus, 1 + 2 = 3. So, you have three hands? and.... utter
I never realized you though postmodernism was valid logic to apply to the real world.

Your entire reality is dependent on a logical use of number (using a computer to type the post....)
This is a ridiculous conversation.

Oh, something i should have brought up first.

One of the assumptions of mathematics is that
you can always add one to a number.

This is an assumption. It is not proven. It is not based on logic.
And, this assumption leads to many contradictions in mathematics.

...postmodernism is a mental illness hasn't been proven either...

This has nothing to do with postmodernism. Please stop lumping me in with them.

This is a serious fallacy that we have in math.

Of course this fallacy is hidden and then buried over with Calculus. (why do you think they teach calculus as the first higher math course? Its not because of its usefulness)

There was an excellent post on what i have been describing in these comments, but i can't find it.

You have missed what i said.
It is not that the numbers do not exist, it is that they have no meaning.
But we do use them all the time and the hypothesis of 1+1 = 2 proves itself to be correct . Always. forever.

Everything that has exists has meaning.
The fact you can write them down, shows they exist (even as a concept).
If they have no meaning , then to ever use them would be meaningless.
You are arguing against mathematics - by using mathematics..!!
You use mathematics every day - and trust it - the correct change from buying product at a shop....
If number have no meaning, it would make no difference what change you received back.
Arguing against a reality (provable results from an hypothesis) - and then using those established realities to function successfully is paradoxical beyond belief.

A postmodernist contradiction, maybe?

1 + 1 does not equal 2 is postmodernist theory. Everything is subjective.
If you believe everything is subjective, that is post modernist theory.
( and provably incorrect).

Clean your head, matey.

i am sorry you are not getting it.
i am talking about the edge where math breaks down. (and just trying to use small numbers to illustrate it)

Have you seen mathematical proofs that show that
1 = -1 ?

Of course, 1 does not equal -1.
However, there are edges where math breaks down.

The only really known one is division by zero.
But there are many more.

∞ >> (much greater than) all the atoms in the universe

When we are talking about a number that is so large, its hard to imagine, but then compare it to a number that dwarfs it, we get unrealistic results.

# of atoms in universe
------------------------------- = zero
       ∞ (infinity)

Or, mathematically speaking, there are no atoms in the universe.

Mathematics, in order to be useful to scientists has to be calibrated to the universe.

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