[dtube] Is Steemit Just for Popular Content Creators?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Dat Crypto Life says "I like your vids but you've got to get real about Steemit. Go set up another account where you don't have any links to your YouTube fame, with some great articles and see what happens..."

▶️ DTube

Popular content creators will not earn a lot in steemit but I sure people will welcome them.

I joined steemit in June last year and made my first post early July. I did not know a single person on steemit, did not know of any chatrooms or discussion forums, had no audience on any platforms (apart from 400 followers on twitter, lol), and did no external outreach. Yet, my introduction post got 336$ worth of upvotes at a time when STEEM was well below 2$, 1,060 views, 333 upvotes and hundreds of comments since gone on to obtain a reliable size of upvotes on my posts ever since. All of this is completely unheard of for any traditional social media or blogging platform. There would be no way to get such traffic without lifting a finger, but instead letting the platform and community do its own thing, and it would take months to achieve a similar level of monetizing and regular following.

I then went from 0 to 400 Followers in 3 weeks, again without anything but the organic growth of engaging with steemians and receiving upvotes.

Now I feel like I have established myself well and hope I can contribute to taking the platform to the next level to compete with mainstream alternatives. I may not hit the trending page at all times, but occasionally which means I'll have periods where I get a fair amount of new steemians finding my content.

So I would consider myself a good case against those who claim that you need to be someone special from the start. All it takes is showing the determination and desire to make valuable contributions to the Blockchain and the platform, which may come in many different forms. Finally, there is certainly something in steemit also for those who are not "Popular Content Creators", but simply making positive engagements with others and contributing to fruitful conversations. At least anyone who does that on my posts are guaranteed an upvote from me.

So you seem to be a lucky one.

I'm here since a week and think it's a bit hard to get attention for the postings..even if you deliver valuable content. But let's see. A major factor might be to find a niche or be at least one of the first persons writing of comment related to a post.

I'm confident about the concept of STEEM - so I keep on posting :)

  1. Find your niche and understand who will be the natural audience for it.
  2. Ask yourself "where is my desired audience currently playing attention on steemit?" In other words: Where can I be noticed by those who I want to notice me? Whether it be bloggers in the same area, their readers, or the people who support their blog.
  3. Make good comments on their posts. Not marketing yourself directly by linking whatever you are doing. But by adding value to the conversation or discussion they are having that makes the people there interested about you.

Then you might get a few followers who will see your future posts, or people who are there might click on you to see what you're posting because they found your comments interesting.

Not only will this drive traffic, and thus upvotes, to your posts quicker than if you simply write them and cross your fingers that someone will come across it by chance, but you'll also earn more from the upvotes you get on your comments where there is a lot of people browsing than from your posts that do not get seen.

After all, it is not about rewarding people for blogging. It is about rewarding people for contributions.

That's the best advice I can give you anyways :)
(and seeing how long this comment got, I should probably do a post about it ^^)

Anyways, good luck!

Thx for the tips. I'm new here and i don't know how it really works.

I totally agree with your vision and I am hoping to add value to this great platform too !

I agree with you, enzo3785 it is hard to get attention, but I love the Steemian community.
We shall support one another and this platform.

You are so right -)

LUCK: Labor Under Correct Knowledge

Survivor bias. I have a group of 70 people and only one of them gets 2+ dollars per post. The rest get cents and they make great efforts at posting quality content and at promoting it and getting new followers.

A lot of success on this platform is likely due to the topic you write about. People who are driven to Steemit are probably aware of cryptocurrencies and therefore interested in economics, technology, and finance. @fredrikaa, your blog looks like it's about mostly tech and crypto (Steem, specifically). That probably has large interest base, here, whereas topics like home crafts and fashion might not.

agreed, there's very little rhyme or reason other than quantity rather than quality. which is garbage.

Which is still 100% more than they made on the platforms they used previously I would imagine?

You are of course right though. It is very easy to feel clever once you've made it. Regardless of whetehr it was thanks to luck or work. But then again, this will also be the case on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook etc. The point is still that it is possible without a prior audience. And also that it can happen quickly in a way that would be very unlikely to occur outside of steemit.

Lastly, I doubt it would have worked out the way that it did if not for community projects such as @steemSTEM and @ocd . There, people spend a lot of their time looking for content that deserves more. Perhaps these could be relevant also to some of the persons in your group?

Finally, the STEEM ecosystem is still young, and many more improvements will have to be made, but the community does quite a lot of good work to make it at least better.

I'm glad that you're here and I wish you and your group all the best on steemit :)

that's not even true, you get far more viewers elsewhere, investing time in STEEM is a gamble in a lot of ways - you're perhaps fortunate enough to actually get good returns on your time, the rest cannot be said for all of us. some of us put in real time and effort and produce quality content, but it makes no difference because we don't have hundreds of posts...

You're also a bit in the wrong here. You get viewers but not money elsewhere, and "not having hundreds of posts" is a problem with you, not with the community. If you want success, work for it. I myself believe that Steem is not some magical golden-egg goose, but I do believe that through hard work, perseverance and good communication strategies, we can have a decent follower-base that will generate more money than other possible jobs that would require perhaps less or perhaps more effort, but that would in the end be less pleasurable than Steemit.

Interesting, I'm new here and been youtuber for a long time. But I do see a big potential here. As everything, it takes some time for this as more people become aware of it. One nice thing is I would never have heard about this platform if it wasn't for some youtubers mentioning about Steemit and that's how I got over here.

Yeah. It usually takes people going back to where they came from to tell the others that the grass is indeed greener on the other side :). I think we're just seeing the beginning though. The rewards on posts are nice and all, but the true innovation lies in the instant and feeless transactions the blockchain enables. Something that Bitcoin and Ethereum can't do. Which means content creators and others can engage in a frictionless way globally.

Furthermore, as more Apps are built on STEEM. You will have an all in one chain for engagement and content sharing. When you store the same immutable data on a blockchain that can then be an instagram ( @steepshot ) a youtube ( @dtube ), a twitch ( @dlive ), a soundcloud ( @dsound ), or indeed a blogging platform ( steemit! ), then you can build your audience across platforms and do business in a way that would be much harder when using multiple apps that run on different centralized servers and can't "speak with eachother" as easily.

Lucky you, my posts never got more than 10usd without the bidding bots. I have the niche, but it is not that popular here. I show custom made models and toys and describe the process of creation. It is not mainstreem art or photography and no way related to crypto world so it does not get popular on the platform :(

I'd follow a real life Space Man on Steemit no questions asked. What more a Space Man that I have the honor to meet face to face during Steemfest.

Great post. I've been a member for some time and have not taken into account the value of what I had signed up for to create content. My first two posts didn't do too well with a couple of the people in the community. So I left and didn't come back until recently. I believe I may have posted once or twice over the course of two years. I'm still working on how I want to make my mark in the community. I have an idea I believe that may work. After reading this post. I feel it is time to step up my game and just do what I think I need to do. Congratulations on your success and keep pushing through your challenges. You have inspired someone. Me!

That's awesome to hear buddy!
Steem on :)

agreed, I'm posting quality content and it makes no difference, meanwhile some seriously garbage photography posts make some serious coin. no sense.

Have you looked at who is providing the upvotes on these posts?
Some use vote-buying services where they pay in STEEM Dollars more or less the same value as they will receive in an upvote hoping it will help them be seen and thus get new followers.

Others get upvotes not because people find their photos good, but because they do other work for the community and people are interested to follow and support them for it. It is not about the inherent quality of content, but about the overall contribution to the platform.

Personally, I care less about the content and more about the people and what they do to make STEEM better. However, if you do make great content, there are community projects like @ocd where you can look for support.

Your testimony sounds very encouraging. I will keep making efforts until I attain a whale status. Welldone @fredrikka

You work at a space agency, that’s special enough for me😄

I joined in the 2nd week of December last year, same situation as you, and 450 twitter followers. My introductory post was barely noticed but I realized later that I made it too soon. I think it's quite a bit busier now so tougher to get noticed but I'm starting to figure things out so I feel good about it.

yes! Steemit is not only for video's it's for all.



upvotes, hooray. LIKE. haha.

just buy everything,

will end well,

steemit is a shot in the dark, take the shot I say!

I feel like everything is a shot in the dark when its brand new. I grew up wanting to breakdance, and I felt, hey it's a shot in the dark. I went for it anyway ... and now i have some great experiences and was able to profit off my talents. A couple of years ago i wanted to get into the fitness world. I'm a skinny guy, but i figured, hell, might as well compete and see how high i can place. That is a huge shot in the dark. I think the key is how we use the time we have, whether Steemit blows up and gets us all a lot of money, or if it dies (I doubt that), we need to make the most and just dive in the deep end. We are difinitely in the right direction!

I'm in this community for some time and I really can't believe that

I'm following back and I'm sharing the content of followers organically. My account for following back is:@followback

Geri Takibe Geri Takip Yapıyorum ve takip edenlerin içeriklerini, organik olarak paylaşıyorum. Geri Takip İçin Hesabım: @followback

I agree, this is just the beginning and I'm glad to be apart of it.

Woot got a BAT fan here! I can't wait for that to start picking up.

I often hear people complain about whales ignoring them them but the reason they are not earning much is not because of whales not upvoting them but because steem user base is still tiny. If steem had the same amount of users as youtube people wouldn't care about whales because they wouldn't be so reliant on them to earn anything.
Currently a post that earned $10 was most likely upvoted by 1 whale but in the future its going to be 1000 likes worth 1 cent each that going to bring a post up to $10.
We need more people on here, that's it.

That's a fair point. My big complaint/my big reason for not creating more content is because one can only earn for 7 days (so I'll just grow my own website).

Currently success does depend on gaining the upvotership of whales (individuals or groups). Which I don't love. But 1,000 upvotes at a penny each, now that's a different story.

You're assuming that with 1000x the user base, your content is going to even be seen. That's the major complaint people have today ALREADY with recognition. Just look at trending for example. It's the same 5 people every day. Most people don't go "searching" for content, and endlessly scrolling for hours. If they did, it wouldn't already be a problem for minnows to grow.
Getting your post higher isn't dependent on user votes, it's dependent on $ amount.

You are right, there should be a better less "sponsored" index somewhere, I am not really interested in the 10 most popular bloggers and their articles, I want to find more pristine content... Also I am a bit uncomfortable with the google search of the site, there should be a "steemit" search... Maybe I missed something...I am quite new still...

Indeed, this is the biggest feature missing at the moment. Only the trending/new/hot tab is too limiting to find the content you want.

For example I follow the tag diving but there is no easy way to see the most popular 'diving' post for the last x months.

I found some really nice diving/uw-photo material here, like people who are making super high quality underwater film/documentary content, and such.

Some how feels like all these high-quality semi-popular blogpost are going to get buried... They should have like a quality index, a index of articles that are quality and actually have a higher value then just "popularity" or "over-night-sensation-fame"...

Check out the documentary here:

Yeah, I hate it when sites integrate google search. It makes it so unpleasant, as you now don't have the easy to view user layout, and instead, just a wall of text and links.

Yeah they should remove the google search, and create their own search function, I hope the google-search is just a beta-thing...

Hivemind will solve this issue https://github.com/steemit/hivemind
It will allow steemit to have sub-steemit similar to sub-reddit, you will have as many trending page as there will be communities

I think you're right, it's a small platform and the more people who join the potential for more votes will surface.

I do what I can to promote Steemit and to encourage others to continue even when they're not generating top pay because I believe in the value of alternative social media networking sites that are known for being against censorship and the added incentive of rewards from writing and content.

It's a wonderful platform to start getting your feet wet with cryptocurrencies, also. I know this is how I begun really venturing into the crypto world and I have learned tons of information that I most likely would not have become aware of.

Great said @luna33.
The user base is still small here.

And with time people will see how amazing this thing truly is.

agree @luna33 more people joins brings more power, which ultimately shoots up the reward result

Steemit is stilll in its early stages, trying to find a personality for itself, but it has good people behind it, creating good content. Eventually, it will find its groove...I feel that the 'money' incentive may be attracting some which feel they can make a quick buck, but it has such an attractive social ethic which will be the focus as time goes on and that attitude will become diluted

>attracting some which feel they can make a quick buck

That's the thing. People are coming here expecting to earn money in the first few days/weeks without any big community supporting them. Steemit is used by hundreds of thousands with new posts coming up every few seconds, you could make good content without getting recognition because of the amount of new posts coming up. People have to realize being part of the community is key to being successful on any social media platform. What also has to be said is that not everyone can become a whale, there will always be a majority who won't be noticed and therefore won't get any upvotes.

Well said!!! I am new myself, and steemit by far is not an easy platform to understand or use. However, I enjoy posting photos from places I travel...upvoted or no by a whaler (a steemit word I learned today) for me will not change a thing. SO LETS STEEMIT!!!

Heavens YES Steemit is for Everyone!

We made a guide to prove it. Anyone can become successful on steemit (without any investment) by following this simple guide. https://steemit.com/earthnation/@earthnation/introducing-a-simple-tutorial-for-earning-a-significant-income-on-steemit-the-steemit-minnows-guide-to-becoming-a-dolphin

Thanks for the link!

You're the reason I came to Steemit and I agree with you wholeheartedly. You're only "privileged" because you worked your tail off to build a YouTube channel which is HARD. Making a video isn't making an article... it's so much more. And then, building a following inside of YouTube beaurocracy, the immensity of competition (because the platform is SATURATED), and the sheer amount of learning you have to do to try to find ten million tips to make one step forward. I respect what you're doing here and know you've worked hard for this success. It's my fifth day on Steemit and I'm simply enjoying the community too much to care if anyone has seen my posts. Keep up the great work, you're appreciated!

What a lovely comment. Thank you Amelia :)

Thanks for pointing this out.
It is the dark truth of steemit...
Until logic of posts display changed, it is whale land - almost no place for good content creators that didn't do initial investment.
It really costs 1000$ to get your post noticed, and it is very sad :(

Hmmm, interesting perspective! I'm currently trying to figure out for myself, if it's possible to "succeed" on this platform.

The funny thing about most people complaining about not being able to succeed on a platform like this is, that they usually don't even post quality content consistently as you do, for example. And expect the same results as you. And clearly, you've been doing this for a while now. So I believe that it's mostly predicated on the consistency and the quality of the posts that you're doing - so it's not easy to succeed for everyone, it takes a lot of work. But it's definitely possible!

I've only been on for 2 days, and I can say that it's definitely possible to move up the ranks quickly.

However it can also be very disappointing when you work for an hour on a detailed post and it gets 10 views and a $0.01 profit - It quickly becomes discouraging. I rambled about it a bit earlier today:


I also joined 2 days ago and am satisfied so far. Note that the major portion of my steem income on here so far originates from comments on high-reputation author posts, and upvotes on these comments gained by them

I guess we're all in the same boat, also came here 2 days ago - this thing seems to be picking up a lot of momentum! So far, so good - I told myself that I need to be consistent for at least 30 days, before I jump to any conclusions about the platform, so... let's see!:)

Could you shoot an video on how to get followers and gain attention from scratch? Highly appreciated...

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