Sonic Groove Live week 24 - La meccanica del cuore - The mechanics of the heart #Go2DTubeForum

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Here it is an original song for the sonicgroove community and also for propose you to join DTubeForum in Hamburg with @tibfox
I'll talk about SonicGroove Community as well over there
Enjoy with my entry and a big thanks to @isaria who support music inside Steemit and @ausbitbank if you are looking for an independent witness he is your man

The mechanics of the heart

Because it's so hard to get up in the morning
Find that rhyme then earn the estimate
Of myself and of the life that I climb quickly every day
Against the wind and reluctantly but tonight I'm at the top
What does it matter if I have tears under the skin
If anger devours me I'm here to pay fines
Every day a wound I get up all right
You are more and more terrified our world and even more vast
I do not have a sword when I look for my prey
A rhyme that pleases me or a phrase that gladdens me
We do not need any ruin to go and command
Just take a few steps in the mechanics of the heart
The mechanics of the heart
the mechanics of the heart
the mechanics of the heart

It is from there that everything is born and where everyone is staying
When you no longer have J-Ax to advise you
In the silence of the night the heart beats hard in the throat
For fear of the beatings, of the love encountered at school
You do not need Jovanotti, the Mannoia or Vasco Rossi
Just take a walk in the mechanics of the heart The mechanics of the heart
the mechanics of the heart
the mechanics of the heart

La meccanica del cuore

e Perc così difficile alzarmi la mattina
Trovare quella rima guadagnare poi la stima
Di me stesso e della vita che ogni giorno salgo in fretta
Controvento e controvoglia ma stasera sono in vetta
Cosa importa se ho le lacrime il dolore sottopelle
Se la rabbia mi divora sono qui a pagare gabelle

Tutti i giorni una ferita mi rialzo tutto a posto
Tu sei sempre più atterrita il nostro mondo e ancor più vasto
Son sprovvisto di una spada quando cerco la mia preda
Una rima che mi aggrada o una frase che mi allieta
Non ci serve poi rovazzi per andare a comandare
Basta farti quattro passi nella meccanica del cuore

La meccanica del cuore la meccanica del cuore la meccanica del cuore

È da lì che tutto nasce e dove tutti si dimora
Quando non hai più J-Ax a consigliarti la parola
Nel silenzio della notte il cuore batte forte in gola
Per paura delle botte, dell'amore incontrato a scuola
Non ti serve Jovanotti, la Mannoia o Vasco Rossi
Basta farsi quattro passi nella meccanica del cuore

La meccanica del cuore la meccanica del cuore la meccanica del cuore

Lorenzo Pistolesi : Voce, chitarra e kazoo

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Thank you for your entry in Sonic Groove Live Week 24

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Questo post è stato condiviso e votato all'interno del discord del team curatori di discovery-it.
This post was shared and voted inside the discord by the curators team of discovery-it

This has a really funky groove! Nice tone from the guitar and the vocals are a really nice contrast. I suggest balancing the mic a bit better so it's closer to you, and probably closer to your voice than the guitar.

¡Esta publicación ha sido votada por @minuetoacademy!



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