RE: ✏ Sketch Off Contest - Edition 1 ✏ #ImaginaryCreatures & #YearoftheDog 😍😍😍
@omarydler you had commented on my artwork today, I drew three characters on @w0olf “Designacharacter contest. I grouped the three entries together. Anyway, not only did I appreciate your comments, but I also was very intrigued by the John Lennon’s face, so here I am. I see you draw loving things I can see were you would have a connection with John, he was all about showing the world what loves all about. I deeply appreciate that, all us old hippies did. I’m still that flower child speading the love. I see the deep love here your conveying to all between this magnificent couple. Truely appreciate that, the world needs more love. Your a beautiful poet to wow! I’ll be watching for more of your work amazing! I can see your a very passionate person.
Hello! @lildebbiecakes I appreciate and thank all your words, with sincerity, thank you very much ... I will be very aware of your work and of your person, we look for that which we are so passionate about, but among which we seek the most is love. Greetings and good day!!!!
@omarydler wow you are very wise! You speek very eloquently. Nice, and poetic. Beautifully! Keep spreading that sincere love you have in your heart there, and showing it in your amazing artwork like you did, I predict you’ll go far. Thank you for your kindness.