Udemy Income Report #108 Promo Email Click-Thru Rates

in #dtube6 years ago

Website: http://Courserapy.com

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!


What's going on guys welcome to the daily udemy income report the show where I talk about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and today is Wednesday January 2nd 2019 in today's episode I want to talk about udemy's 2019 New Year's sale promotion and discuss my latest email promotion as well but before we get into that let's look at yesterday's numbers so we were off yesterday it was New Year's Day we did not have an income report so today's report will look at the day before yesterday which was New Year's Eve as well as yesterday's number so starting out on New Year's Eve amazingly good day we had 47 courses sold and made $189 and 21 cents now that came to just four dollars and three cents of course down a little bit from you

know the average but still I'll take it because it's $189 total refunds to date we had another couple of refunds that day no big deal and you can see this is the last day of the month so incomes ended up or refunds ended up being $118 which is sort of around average I usually get between 100 120 sometimes a little bit more than that but around that sort of stage that level I guess of refunds totally normal and we had four reviews so yesterday New Year's Day was a little bit slower we had 12 sales well quite a bit slower but historically see yesterday was a Tuesday so the last Tuesday we had was the 25th you can see right there but that was Christmas so that's kind of hard you know to to compare it to let's see do we have the 18th yes so the other previous Tuesday that we've looked at we had 13 courses sold versus 12 yesterday so looks

like keeping in line with the normal Tuesday Wednesday whatever that day was so 42 dollars and 14 cents look at this it dropped way down to 3.51 sends a course which we don't like to see at all the reason why this is is because you know me is running right now there are 2019 New Year's resolutions sale we'll talk about that just a minute and why that means less less per course but we'll get in that in a bit so a five reviews yesterday so not bad sort of average all right so month to date let's look at this ending month of December we had 1962 dollars for the month that's fantastic now that's not actually the number because you to me for business doesn't calculate and show up in your reports for about a week or so so four or five days from now this number will increase by a hundred to two hundred dollars I usually make couple hundred

bucks with you to me for business or a little bit less than that so it'll be above two thousand dollars for the month which for a December was fantastic I thought revenue is gonna be a lot lower this December but and it'll be in pretty good four hundred forty four courses sold throughout the month one hundred sixty five reviews for the month fantastic promotional activities $312 now one thing I want to talk about um Monday I guess the 31st I sent out a follow-up email to my promotional email that I sent out last week and we got six sales so roughly around sixty dollars worth and that's pretty much keeping in line with what I thought it would do it's always a percentage of the original email and we made a couple hundred dollars on the original email so I figured it would be sixty eighty somewhere around there and ended up

being sixty bucks which is right in line now of course I didn't know what was gonna happen because this is New Year's Eve so you know it could have been anything but in and of being sixty bucks it was just pretty good so let's see average rating ended up four point five three yesterday it bopped down a little bit more so let's look at reviews real quickly before we do that he really is my unity profile page udemy.com slash user ford slash John elder three and we have forty five thousand five hundred seventy nine students as of right now thirty seven courses as always and two thousand three hundred and sixty four reviews and the two highest rated badges are still on these courses so that's good now let's look at reviews this one Velen cross five star review if you actually read through here there's some criticism in here and

it's I think meant to be helpful but you know doesn't matter this is a gigantic review and we always like to see people typing things especially when it's a five star so we'll take it that's great okay a five star four star four and a half star very simple and straightforward explanation of basics I recommend the course for beginners beginners of course let's pull up our numbers again and see okay so who Wayne M is the last one so let's look up here David four stars five stars four

...more at: http://Courserapy.com

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