Daily Greetings 10 – Ninnu in the forest with some slow motion
The previous video upload was broken, so I'll have to re-upload it. But before I do that, I will publish the 10th greeting video along with Ninnu doing some running in the forest.
For this video I tried using the "speed" tool to create slow motion, and it worked pretty well. The video was shot in 720p 120 frames per second and I'm amazed at how much I'm able to slow the movement down.
There are some quirks with the kdenlive video editor that I noticed, that I would like to be fixed. Maybe I'll make a video about editing on it some day.
But now I'll have to go and make some dinner.
See ya guys later! :)
▶️ DTube
You are practicing slow motion videos! That's nice of course!
Ninna is the main character of the film, copes well. Thank you for the interesting video.
Good video, and with a slow motion look very professional
The video was interesting. It is interesting to watch Ninna.
Ninnu can be proud of her hairstyle in slow motion, she manages her so beautifully :)
Ninnu looks like she is very happy. Seeing such a white snow makes everyone feel better. It looks very cute to see.
That was pretty cute seeing her come running up and giving you a smootch!
She probably thought she'd lost me for a while. :)
Good to see you back, I had not seen you @gamer00
Nice to see you too! I've been here for a while now, since having the break. I've recently begun a new daily project, this time in videography.
It is nice to know most people I've met here haven't left the platform while I was away.
if we are still here some enduring, and I have not seen you since your return from "rest" I'm very happy, I can not see the video I'll try later surely my internet is fatal in Venezuela @gamer00
Bonnie looks really bold and confident you really amazed me wth your editing skills this video really looks professions and of high quality
Ninnu is back as the star!!
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