Dtube Challenges and Successes with No Video Because I Can’t Upload Right Now

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

dtube challenges fitinfun.jpg

I am trying hard to post one minute videos to @dtube each day, and having a lot of failure for each success.

I have a fitinfun you tube channel which I have had since 2013. I have over 100K in views and about 500 videos over there. So when dtube started I tried to make it work. I’ve tried to make it work several times and given up each time. But my steemit friends started to have success on dtube over the summer and so I decided to try again.

In October I was trying to upload one video a day and had to give that up when I lost wifi. Now I have limited wifi back again so I am trying again for the last few weeks. My result are spotty as you can read about below.

Here are My Successes

- Delegation

I got an anonymous delegation from from blocktrades in the neighborhood of 777 sp. I believe this is from @nathanmars as part of his dtubefamily777 initiative. I am so grateful for that help and try to spread my bigger small vote where it will make a difference.

I’m thrilled to be a part of this program and believe it is just what we need to succeed. I have believed from the start that we need more small fish to succeed here. Smaller help spread more widely is better than big help to just a few.

Note: Nathan is looking for more participants on this post which also gives more details of what he is doing. You can see how many people he is already helping and you are most welcome to join in too. So follow directions and get active. Nathan will notice you. This is not an exclusive club. It is an inclusive club.

- Comments

I now seek, comment, and vote on on dtube videos as part of the dtubefamily777 initiative. This has opened my world to many new topics and ideas I had not heard of before.

- New Connections

I’ve met many steemers I would not have otherwise seen and made a number of new friends in just these last few weeks. I’m always on the hunt for new friends, and now I have a good boost going on. A lot of people here mostly post on dtube, so I was not seeing them before this time.

- New Skills

I’m learning so many new skills to be able to post my videos and make them succeed. You will see below that I am not on target will all my technical goals, but I am not deterred.

- More Exposure for My Work

As a weight loss coach specializing in helping obese people lose weight naturally, I seek people who need my help, will follow my health posts, or need individual weight loss coaching. Now I am in new place with new chances for that. 80% of American are now obese or overweight, so I throw a wide net.

- Great Comments on My Videos

My videos are not that good, but they get wonderful comments and interest. As I improve, I believe this interaction will improve too.

Currently I am posting mostly about my SE Asia travels since that is the material I have at hand. This is an interesting topic for many, and I am glad for the feedback and questions.

And now for the Bad News

- Eating WIFI Time

I have had a lot of failure in my attempts to upload videos to dtube. I can use half of my allotted time for a day in one hour of trying to upload and have nothing to show for it. Currently long videos over one minute will not usually upload, and even short ones are failing.

I often get a variety of errors messages I do not understand, and then video will not upload at all.

Me watching for something that is not going to happen

dtube actions after upload.PNG

My uploading problems are partially due to my wifi. Recently I enrolled in a wifi program here in Kuala Lumpur called Yes This gives me a little gadget that provides wifi, but it seems not to be reliable enough to upload videos to dtube in a consistent manner.

I'm thinking that both rain and other people on the network cause some of my problems related to the wifi. I tried uploading in the morning when people are at work. No go. Next I will try in the middle of the night and see if that helps.

As far as the problems of dtube itself, I reached out for help in discord and get this message from the very helpful @nannal:

The "upload a video before submitting" error comes from the source field of the post in the advance tab not being filled out, why that hasn't occurred is hard to say, typically it's a browser extension causing some issues, so uploading in incognito mode can be a fix.

So based on that advice, I use incognito mode to try to upload videos now. I have turned off my extentions for incognito mode too. Further, I completely reboot and start fresh before uploading so that at least my laptop is not doing other things.

@nannal also told me:

For IPFS issues this is typically a failure to connect to or maintain connection to the server during upload, unstable networks connections (wifi, 4G, any packet drops etc) can be the cause here but again it's hard to diagnose especially if it happens infrequently or sporadically.

I was having the problem infrequently or sporadically, but now the problem occurs much more frequently than the success.

I do know that the wifi drops off at times. I see this issue in some things I use that constantly update, such as steemnow. As I am working, that page will “freeze.” Back when I had “normal” wifi, this never happened.

My wifi is a limited plan, and I am blowing out the time by trying to upload and failing. I have 25 gigs a month, so that is about 800 mbs a day. Sometimes trying and failing with dtube takes half of my allotted time, and I am using the time too fast right now. I’m currently about 1.5 days over my time. This means I will not have wifi at the end of the month until it renews.

Somehow, I need to do better with uploading.

- I have bad looking thumbnails

One of my videos has the wrong thumbnail due to uploading issues. None of my videos a has good thumbnail. I know how important thumbnails are, and I try to create good ones for my steemit posts.

For dtube, I have been taking the best snap I could from my videos and uploading that. This is a big fail and attracts no one to my videos.

fitinfun dtube thumbs.PNG

I tried using Canva like I do for my other posts, but then the thumbnail was too big and would not upload.

Today I found an answer to my questions about thumbnails by @kawaiicrush with her comment on this post. She says to use Canva and:

Use the custom dimensions and create a thumb that is 1280 * 720. Then use MS Paint that comes with your laptop and choose 'Image Resize' option at which point you will need to shrink the image by 50% but keep your proportions equal.

So I will try that and hope the thumbnail problem will soon be history.

- My dtube posts look awful on steemit

I have two answers for this problem.

@iamjadeline told me to use the “advanced” tab on dtube. I am afraid to switch screens when uploading, but that might not be a problem.

@xcountytravelers told me to create my post in a steemit window and then cut and paste it into dtube. If you do this on the “basic” tab, it comes through fine on steemit and looks bad on dtube.

- I’m not in my videos

I am not in my videos because I do not like how I look. When I first started on You Tube in 2013, I read the advice that if you do not like to see yourself just record the scene instead. This is what I have been doing for all of these years. Out of 500 videos I have posted, I might be in 10 of them.

I don’t look at you when you are in your videos either. It makes me uncomfortable to stare at you. I scroll down and listen instead.

I know I am not alone in this quirk and many people have told me they were inspired to make videos like mine as they are too scared to film themselves.

The good news for this section, is that at least I can film videos at all. I finished losing weight in 2011 and it took two years to get up the courage to make and post videos. I know I need them in order to reach people, but it is not my easiest path.

- I’m not recording new videos

Many people find it easy to use their phones to take photos and videos. I am not one of those people. I find my phone difficult to use. I lost my camera a few months ago and have not filmed or photographed much since. A big goal I have is to learn how to use my phone better and I am trying as best I can.

My hands are shaky, and the phone videos I have filmed so far are sub-par even with my low standards.

- I’m running out of good, shorter videos to post.

I do have a lot of videos on my hard drive and I have sorted out the short ones. It’s just amazing how many are blurry, cut off or otherwise unusable.

- I do not know how to edit videos

All of my videos are in one take and what you see is what I filmed.

I have a Windows Video Editor and Sony Vegas Pro on my laptop, but I do not know who to use either one of those programs. I need to learn so I can edit. I think text and cuts will help. If I can improve what I have already filmed, I can post better videos.

I know that "rendering" can shrink video size. Would this help me uploading problems?

- Low upvoting on my crappy videos

Yes, I know that this is not about the money. But my videos are dependably my lowest paying posts. This is discouraging based on how hard I have to work to get them uploaded and how much of my wifi they eat up.

- I am not sure what tags to use

Here are the popular tags on dtube now:

trending on dtube.PNG

Here is @nathanmars definition of various tags:

dtube tag definitions.PNG

Currently I am using dtubefamily777, a dtubesnap tag, and fitinfun. Then dtube adds the dtube tag. Then I go to steemit and add a tag about the video such as the country location.

My Steps for the Future on dtube

I want to continue the good things I am doing and improve the bad. That’s it! If you see this post and have any ideas at all to help me, please chime in. As you see, I can use all the help I can get!

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

Are you worried about gaining weight over the holidays?

December 2011 is the month when my weight loss efforts really took off. Please follow my blog for weight loss information, or contact me directly if you would like some individual help.


First off, your tranformation is astounding! I get why there could be some residual self image issues, but you look great to me.

@kawaiicrush has the right idea with thumbnails. Look to @coruscate for ideas. Putting your face on the thumbnails will do wonders for the upvotes, I promise.

I use windows media maker. It's am easier 'drag and drop' interface than most. However there should be courses or youtube tutorials for the software you already have.

My videos are made very simply so that I can get the uploaded quickly.

But yes, DTube has all sorts of problems that I hope they will fix. It's really hit and miss at times.

Posted using Partiko Android

Also, I should add that the payouts are being affected by the drop in Steem price against the US$. That will change in the future though. Fingers crossed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm replying here, but thank you so much for both comments and the compliments @shaidon. I really mean it when I say that anyone can do this if I did. I was a fat 4 year old and lost my weight at 50 when I was pretty ill. Few people have better excuses than I did. But life-long obesity does a number on your self esteem. I am lucky to still be thin 8 years later and be as "well adjusted" as I am lol.

I think I might be able to make some type of thumbnail with my photo and alter it for the video topic. Thank you for the head's up for @coruscate. I get the idea, I like it, and I can do something with it. I like how you are doing your thumbnails too. This is so helpful for my struggle!

It looks like I do not have windows media maker with windows 10. But I will look for tutorials on the two I have. The sony one is so complicated and I have a 70000000-ish page manual for it. I need courage :)

And yes, the price is very discouraging each time I look these days. Sigh...

I downloaded windows media maker for free, but then found a way to circumvent their registry process. In reality I should pay for it. It's really easy to use.

But I need ideas. I do want to do a regular upload but I struggle with both self esteem and dtube's uploads.

I need to be uploading when things are stagnant.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm your girl for ideas. It's execution that stops me these days.

Try filming your immediate vicinity in one minute snaps. We all love to see how people live and what their view of the world is.

Go back and look at some of your older posts without video and make some videos about those topics.

With self esteem issues try my idea of not filming you own face in a few videos. I find this to be fairly easy.

Also - do it as a challenge. I think we have a 60 day one for videos. I think @xcountytravelers are doing it now.

I'm back to suggest you try freewrite by @mariannewest. It's an easy post and good for the creative juices. I do it almost everyday and get a lot out of it. At least you are active even when the videos are giving you trouble. I hope to see you over there, @shaidon :)

Yeah, that sounds like a cool idea.

Posted using Partiko Android

With the wifi issues, I would suggest pinging cluster.d.tube, that will help you see how consistent your connection to the service is. It's ICMP packets instead of TCP like it would be for uploads, but it should give you some insight.

lol @nannal, thank you so much for coming to my post, but you give me far too much credit. I should have made clear in the post that I do not even know what IPFS is, or 4G, or packet drops, or really - any of the acronyms and issues related to dtube.

I have no idea what you are telling me to do with this comment, but if you talk way down to a lower level I will try!

How would I "ping cluster.d.tube?"

And what would I be looking for that to tell me? What would be a good or a bad answer?

Should I do this before each time I upload?

Thank you so much for your help and the laugh. Please believe me when I tell you I am very dumb on these technical details.

"...ICMP packets instead of TCP like it would be for uploads, but it should give you some insight."

Hahahaha. I have no idea what this means, but I seriously do want some insight!

Depends on what OS you're using how to ping, but you can look it up easily.

But you want to see a consistent low response time in ms, and drop outs or long interruptions.

I'm using windows 10 on a laptop.

I am equally as dumb as you in terms of the technic stuff. I use phone to upload all the time so I don't know how to use computer though.

Trust me to use the advanced tab, and only put in the text after the uploading is done.

For xcountrytravellers idea, you copy and paste to "advanced tab". And for basic tab, will be the same description as in what you type in advanced except without all those formatting command. Just words.

Editing I also use phone. But if you can do a good decent dtubesnap, you don't need editing at all and that save time.

Tag - you can use the versions of dtubesnap by nathanmars. Vlog also can. Actually there is no fixed rules for tags. Is up to you.
And if you are in some dtube-related communities like @dcooperation, @onelovedtube and @ddaily, you can use the tags too. But for tags, it is really up to you.

And when you log in dtube, remember DON'T use steem connect but use your posting key instead.

I hope the wifi issue will not hinder you from uploading though.

If your hands are shaky, it is always good to get some holder to hold the phone. I see others do it so prevent the shakiness. Or sth behind the phone as a ring to slip in your finger to stabilise the phone a bit.

Ask me again when you see me but that will be quite some time from now as we keep Jansen at home on year end to prevent him getting RSV (a virus which can cause danger to his lungs).

Sigh... I am digesting all of this. Thank you so much @iamjadeline.

Is this virus always at year end, or just this year? I have never heard of it.

I would like to offer you to try the #OneLoveDTube uploader for solving your uploading issues, I am not certain it will work but worth a try 😅. @gray00 / @graylan & @techcoderx do you think it would help?

Usually it’s a paid service but we are offering a trail to selected users to see if it will help their creation process. In short you skip the DTube uploader completely submitting your video straight to IPFS and we have full support by DTube for the project, still shows in DTube feed and will recieve the normal curations.

Great post 😘 by the way with lots of useful information, thank you for sharing your experiences and I’m sorry your uploading is so challenging.

Hit me up in discord if your wanting to give it a try 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you so much, @d00k13. I would definitely like to try. It's almost 1 am now in Malaysia, but I will definitely contact you tomorrow to find out details. My brain is fried right now and I need sleep!

Thank you for the compliments. I tried to lay out all the issues I'm having even though there are so many diverse ones. So many people want to post videos, but not all of us are technically and creatively up to speed.

Yea it’s the biggest issue facing DTube simplicity of use 😅

Sounds like a plan, I hope we can help you over come at least that one annoying aspect that waists so much time! You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to reupload the same thing I’m just lucky my data is not limited and I have a quick connection.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will try it as soon as I can. Since I got a video to upload today, I need to wait until 24 hours later now. Thank you so much for ll your help and resteeming my "help needed" post :)

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

You give me strength to carry on, my @trufflepig friend. I am always so happy to see you, and I hope your dream for me come true :)

寶寶說: 利害了!我的媽!

I tried dTube in the early days and have battled with it, so no comments on helping @fitinfun also very slow internet connection does not help.

Thumbnail sizing I have used Gimp to resize when I never had one available. Here is a link that may help as well https://steemit.com/thumbnails/@kenmelendez/5y3aeng1

You are beyond me so I can not comment on what to do. However I do agree with joanstewart a slow internet connection is bad. Good luck with you work.

You are inspiration to me as I still do not use Dtube, but I want to start using. Your experience encourage me.

I hope you will have success in Dtube as well along with youtube.

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