Lead Fraudster Of Fraudulent JP Morgan Says Bitcoin Is A Fraud?
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I just posted about this image and it's origins here: As Predicted - JP Morgan Caught Buying Large Amounts of Bitcoin After Public Statement That Bitcoin Is a Scam and No JP Morgan Trader Would Trade It.
Upvoted. If you want to know the REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (not what you think) check out this 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard

Nice you found the source, thanks. I had been shown the jpg in chat here on steemit. Now I can go read some more. Thanks for sharing
Very good information. Thanks.
For 'those with eyes to see', the hypocrisy and criminality is blatant, yes!
My recent posts covered this topic:
JP Morgans Patent on a 'Bitcoin Killer' Currency and involvement in largescale fraud
In depth look at the whistleblower that exposed JP Morgan's crimes that lead to them receiving the largest ever fine for fraud.
The CEO JP Morgan based his assessment of the current usage of bitcoin, ofcourse not included good people using it.
Sad truth, but if the government will not support it will be difficult to go mainstream.
Follow me @Yehey
Thank you
Upvoted. If you want to know the REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (not what you think) check out this 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard
We should do a few videos together if you are down. Im trying to get more steem users to get on a first person bases. You down? We have problems popping up in this community and ive only been here for 14 hours.
You look better without your hair dyed.
but what about me? lol
Ironic isn't it!!!!
Corrupt bankster talking shit. The Blockchain will ruin all of them.
Upvoted. If you want to know the REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (not what you think) check out this 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard

Hi all read my post about what I said a few days ago . Banking cartel want in , or they wIll do everything to ruin btc etc so that we can't legitimise this revolution !!!
JP Morgan is a Scammer!
I agree 100%
When Jamie Dimon retire , it is his daughter's bitcoin holding that will keep him alive
Everyone has an opinion on this. Time will tell.
So one of the biggest CEOs of the biggest scam in recent history (Fed Reserve USD) calls Bitcoin a Scam... Yet... His company is part of EntEthAlliance and has multiple investments in Bitcoin and Blockchain Startups...
Then... less than 48 hours after the FUD he creates tips an unstable market down 30%... There is enough buy orders filled in less than 4 hours to raise the BTC Market Cap by TWELVE BILLION... 12. With a B. 4 Hours.
You do the math.
Where does that jp morgan demon get off telling us bitcoin is a fraud. The government and banks are the tyrannies keeping everyone enslaved under them. Their systems are the real fraud. Bitcoin is here to tame them and free us all :)