Finding Success With Our Efforts on Social Media - How Do We Stand Out From The Crowd?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Being new to both Dtube and STeemit myself, I can wholeheartedly identify with many of the frustrations that other new users here share. Often people feel discouraged by all the noise on platforms like these, and feel its hard to stand out on their own. But, I've learned from my own experience over the last 6 years of building audiences on social media that anyone can have an influence, build an audience, and define their authority in a given subject matter.

While platforms like Steemit and DTube are remarkably different that traditional social platforms, the principals of social networking still remain the same. Often people make the mistake of broadcasting, dumping posts out, while never bothering to engage, essentially ignoring the entire underlying purpose of social media to begin with, which is to "Socialize" with others.

No doubt, there is quite a bit of noise on social platforms like DTube and STeemit, just as there are in the cases of traditional social platforms as well; but focusing on your underlying purpose and working to build an audiences for that purpose is what can truly set us apart from all the noise we see on the social web.

Here's a recent article I wrote that better explains some of the points I made here: The Art of Social Networking Explained:

▶️ DTube

Very well done video there once more some great words of advice from you on this stuff. And you are totally correct building connections is one thing that helps growth a whole ton which many people make the mistake of. Its why when I first began doing youtube I made sure to always try and reply to nearly every comment I get on my videos and interact a bit with the people. Like even if I get to said comment a bit late I still get around to it. Building connections is important indeed I cant tell you how many times I have been thanked or gained the respect of someone solely from just simply replying to a comment. While I do not get comments often on my videos I do want people to feel like they can and feel comfy knowing that.

And you are right once more some new people may come here just because they hear you can possibly make a ton of money but if you go in with the mindset money first...won`t get far. I remember when I first joined here I was on some days dumping tons of stuff on here in a single day but now I put the brakes on and slowed down some, and once more you hit the mark once more ah boy is that an issue in more places than 1 follow for follow or sub for sub so you deal with and see that happen too eh? one is not gonna build a stable following like that.

Because you may have the amount of followers but your content you post won`t get near as much views etc. to match that because you have people following that are not genuinely interested in anything you do so it pretty much equates to just having no followers still.

Its why on most all social platforms I am on you will see that my follow ratio compared to my followers is vastly different. I dont follow unless said persons stuff actually really interests me and I know I am gonna be seeing their stuff or atleast interacting with them some. And I am glad I didn`t go on a giant follow spree here on steemit aswell since you brought up that following people also affects bandwidth limit here too huh? so more reason to think smart in who follow. Great post buddy and keep it up! you will get that audience you are aiming for here in time patience is key for us :) and determination!

also I didnt know any other way to really reach you so Ill drop it here things are gonna be a little easier for me now and my doing videos recently finally I was able to get a new laptop! and let me tell you recording videos and running programs and games has been so much less stressful now. Because the stuff actually works! Like I have had screen recorders and even certain games that ran slow or lagged etc. on my old laptop run 100% smooth on this one so I am happy everything goes faster even rendering videos so this is a good step for what I want to do, the only issue I have had so far with this laptop is my Touhou games they don`t seem to run right on here when I play them they are running at 40 FPS I dunno how get them to 60 FPS or what could be making them go at half speed on a newer laptop with barely anything on it right now.

Yep! You only get out what you put in! I've seen first hand how responsive you are with your audience on YouTube Naglfar, and the incredible effort you've made in building relationships with the people you interact with. I still see people begging for followers on YouTube all the time, and Google's response is to now flag all their comments as spam, and back in Sep they started terminating accounts over it because the issue got so out of hand. I think those are the types of people who lack social skills and how the technologies that drive the web work. They have to be willing to learn.

By the way, I'm glad to hear you got a new laptop! I know you're in a similar financial situation as I am, and its great to know you're still going to be creating for the foreseeable future. As for latency issues with FPS, etc, there are some things you can do to overcome those limitations. Sometimes its just a matter of a reconfiguration of power settings; other times its hardware limitations as a result of a slower hard drive, which can always be upgraded later on. Find out what the model of your hard drive is and the associated speed. You want at least a 7200 RPM drive for doing gaming videos, with solid state being the best choice.

Either way, it sounds like new PC is already proving itself beneficial based on what you stated. I've found my new laptop is really helping with my content production efforts as well. I had so many limitations on the old PC that I don't have on the new one. The only drawback with my new PC is webcam, its really low quality, so I'm going to replace it soon.

Yeah I try my best to reply to all comments I get on any site I am on I admit at times it gets overwhelming but I think the end result is worth it I love answering peoples questions or helping someone if they ask about a game or something etc. I can`t tell you how may times getting a simple ''thank you'' went a long way for me it makes me happy :) I have even been thanked at times in the past for replying period so i am glad to help others out.

And yeah! man it is tough being in a tight spot money wise but finally being able to get this thing was the biggest and best thing to come this month. And yes! I can even record more vareity of games now on this too I tested RPG maker games as there are some good decent independent and fanmade stuff out there and a few others they run great!!

ah and thanks for letting me know I will see if the power settings have anything to do about it as I am not so on the up and up when it comes to seeing specs and all that on a machine etc. and I hope you get that webcam replacement soon! so you too can bring the quality of your vids to where you really want them.

You really do have to have a pretty powerful computer to produce gaming videos on the web these days. But even budget laptops are getting a lot more powerful today, and can often run the bulk of most games and applications pretty well. In the case of my new laptop, I got a lot of powerful hardware for a fairly cheap price, but the sacrifice was ending up with a junk webcam. The good news is the old laptop still works as far as the webcam goes, it just wont run any games really. The nvidia graphics card fried on it, so all it has is the integrated intel graphics chip, which can't run anything other than webcam recordings.

So, I'm still using the old PC for its web cam alone now, but the hard drive on it is failing as well. 2 of the 3 USB ports are dead on the old PC as well, so I know its going to work for much longer. Meanwhile, the new PC works great for my games, and that's what really matters.

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