Should You Have to Pass a Test to Vote?

in #dtube7 years ago

A caller asked whether one should have to pass a test to vote. Although I understand the reasoning for the question, I think it's a definite NO and I lay out why in the video. What are your thoughts? Leave them in a reply!

▶️ DTube

yes something related to your iq should determinate the power of your vote .

in the US, that would not be constitutional

Yep. It could be manipulated too easily as a basis for some tyrant to maintain a grip on power.

IQ? You might as well allocate voting power based on penis size.

I think there should be a test to prove a candidate is sane enough to be president.

I think you are on the money with this comment. @robertchr

Spot on, brother. Of course as far as a test for the general population to vote ?? No, even for people who may be mentally challenged. I think as a human being in a Democracy ALL law abiding adults should not have to take any test to vote!!

The state should not be given the power to determine which adults vote and which adults don't vote. Such a test would be an opportunity for tyrants to abuse their power and perpetuate their tyranny.

ABSOLUTELY agree and that's more or less the point I made in the video. well said.

Yeah, I watched your video, let that video sink in, and then spat this out. :) Good quality in, good quality out. Or, stable genius in, stable genius out.

I think the votes should be weighted based on their expertise in certain topics. For example, if an area is looking to legalize marijuana, the doctors and scientists who actually had patients and studies of the use of pros and cons marijuana use should have a greater weight compared to the average Joe because they have better insight. What you think?

no ways should anyone have to pass a test. One voice= one vote!

To my own understanding ,passing a test before voting is necessory so that abuse of voting will be minimized.Abuse is inevitable when there is no strict law guiding a particular thing.

Who gets to decide what's in the test? Who grades the test? Too many opportunities for mass control this way. No test.

Having to pass a test to vote just invites indoctrination and if you don't conform to that belief then you don't get a say.

How can that be democratic.?

There are a whole lot of assumptions going on here.

Also thank you for responding.

What your seeing is a backlash of people who have been forgotten about in the back country of America. The first person to give them a voice would win. Why? Because those who promised all and gave nothing to them have pushed it too far.

Look at the UK!

Benefit was a vote of no confidence more than a calculated choice. A call of desperation for change no matter how damaging in the short term.

You will find the exact same folk on the front lines, in your grocery stores, in your diners and even living next door.

I have strong opinions on politics!

The test hasn't been defined at all. Are you saying that there is absolutely no criteria that you would want for a voter? Zero, none?

That should come under citizenship. So in that sense yes a test must be sat for citizenship then free to vote.

Some people may need education on voting and constituents however restricting their access or taking that right away from said persons is kind of the same as the left hand not wanting to be on the same body as the right hand.

This would create a secular devide and education stricken areas would be left picking up the pieces.

All this because the deep South voted Trump in and the educated people blame the uneducated people for democracy.

Okay, I'll play the devil's advocate.
There already are barriers to voting. Can you name a few?

Isn't USA considering allowing convicted felons to vote? Joe Arpaio who is one now wants to run for elected office again.

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