Be Careful what you ask for!!!!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

In this vlog I would like to talk about a recent conversation that I had with @heimindanger who is a developer of the Dtube platform.

Careful what you ask for. .jpg

I have been Vlogging for about four weeks now. I previously tried before on youtube, but when I started Vlogging, this was around the time when youtube started to implement its major changes. I decided not to go ahead with Vlogging on the platform. When DTube first came along, I thought what a great idea here we have a platform similar to you tube, where people can create what ever content they like and show it to the world.

When I posted up my first video, months ago it would not load, it would not play, so it kinda put me off the whole thing, and I left Steemit alone for a while.

Remember that I only have been back on the platform for 4 weeks.

And in that 4 weeks, I decided to go full time with Steemit. So every day while I am producing content I think might be worthy, I try to learn a little more every day about how all of this works.

There's feedback and there is feedback.

I decided last night to contact @heimindanger directly on their discord DTube group as I noticed some of my video’s do better than others. And I needed to know why that was, how do they look at content and what they base it on. For example is it the subject, the camera quality, the sound etc?

comment 3.jpg

I asked @heimindanger, what would be seen as good content to get a larger audience, I actually said votes should not have said that I mean't audeience. I was told they would contact the curator team to find out.
@heiminddanger informed me that DTube has about 4 curators at a time including themselves. I understand that the curators have been changed many times so it's not always the same people. Also. @heimindanger told me that the curators are anonymous so their identity is protected, I could not at this point understand why. But then when they said.....

Comment 1.jpg

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I knew I needed to prepare myself.

I am going to post up the pics, of the feedback I received on the discord chat I had. Please be aware that this information was passed to me and it was not from @heimindanger directly. (I speak in the plural because I don’t know if @heimindanger is a man or a woman.
So here is the feedback I received which was passed on to me.

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Here is my response to these comments.

Of course now I understood why the need to be anonymous, after all I am posting this post up now, it might not go down well to name and shame people, of course the platform is there for everyone which means that everyone has the right to an opinon..... including me!!!!
How would you see these comments, its interesting to some they could be seen as a form of bullying somewhat, in general terms if these comments were to be public then it could also be seen to be trolling remarks.
However I cannot make that accusation because they were not said to me directly, but by no means we're the comments constructive.

I need to make a remark about the gay comment!!

I wanted to talk about this issue because I think its important to highlight the importance of words. Now generally today people loosely use the term gay when representing an action or an object and they will make a statement. So they might say That's so gay!!

I would like to share this wonderful video that gives an excellent explanation why you should be careful when using this word.

(Credit you tube)

I just want to say at this point that the comments made, I am not taking personally I can't do that in a sense. But I am alarmed and concerned for the community.

Let's say a person with a mental health illness asked those questions??

So same scenario but the person has deep issues, they might use vlogging as their means of escape and wanting to share their feelings and emotions to the world.
Would those comments have a deeper impact?? The written word is a beautiful thing, but it can also be a deadly thing as well if the comments are not carefully thought out they can represent themselves as insulting or degrading. Hence why I made the point about the use of the word Gay.
I am openly Gay I have no problems with it, with me what you see is what you get, I hid behind a persona of being straight till I was 18 and since coming out, I have never not been myself.

So what if it was a good content creator who is Gay and acts more feminine or masculine in their video's?? Would the content be good, or would it be a write off because of the way someone acts, or the way they look or the way they talk?

Moving on now.

I don't want to make this all about Gay people, or that I am talking all about being cautious about prejudice that is not the whole point I am making here.
There are other comments made which speak for themselves, which I have responded to in my vide. But I have to say that I have lost my confidence in DTube.

What I would like to see happen.

If DTubeare using their voting power to support content creators, this needs to be done in a fair well balanced manner. It is a platform that people are pouring their very souls into. What I would like to see is those with experience of vlogging and promoting video's on a platform to have the ability to curate on DTube's behalf.
Not to use test viewers to decide one who is to be supported on the platform and who isn't and certainly not have people that do not know how to post constructive criticism's and say the first thing in their head without thinking.

DTube has a duty to be transparent, accountable and responsible for those that it supports, it is helpful to the viewer to be able to understand why the post holds so much power. The example I have given today had it not have been me and someone else might have resulted in a far worse outcome.
I personally do not see why the curators have the right to remain anonymous, because when given that right means they think they can just say anything, without considering the possible repercussions of what they have said.
I often wonder also why posts only trend on their voting power, and not for things like most comments reputation etc.

We all as curators have a duty to think before we act, the very fabric of Steemit
relies on a reward structure, but that does not mean to say that those who are not as
good or newer to the platform should be treated with any less respect.

We need to keep sexuality, gender, race and any prejudice out of it.

As I have stated I won't be using the DTube platform after this video if you wish to view my future videos I will be posting them on the DLive platform.

Be careful what you ask for.


As a curator myself for a Steemit Discord group, I am stunned and sad to read of your experience. Asking for help -- from people whose advice could help you improve -- should never result in ridicule and disparagement.

As curators, our opinions carry extra weight -- whether we mean them to or not. The people who depend on us to be fair with them expect us to behave responsibly. It's not always an easy role to fill, but it's also not one to take lightly. We must always remember that words can lift up ... and words can hurt -- and it doesn't cost anything to be kind. What you received was not constructive criticism. It goes by a much uglier name ... and no one deserves such treatment.

I wish you well in your new endeavors ... and your new location. Above all, keep growing -- and keep moving forward.


Thank you very much for the warm comment, especially where you said.

We must always remember that words can lift up ... and words can hurt -- and it doesn't cost anything to be kind.

I could not agree more with that statement it costs nothing to be kind, I am happy that I posted this up and now I feel I can move forward.

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First let me say that I feel for you and in many respects can relate to the struggles of being new. Also...I'm sorry that you saw the hurtful comments.

However...I do think that you misunderstand a couple crucial things:

  • Not only are we challenged with finding what content we want to create...we also have to find a good fit into one of more communities. I think you might be surprised with how many there are to try out. While comments and conversations on posts are always important and useful...a community is where you're going to find a lot of the support and camaraderie I think you're looking for.
  • DTube is a project and in all reality can choose how to vote just like any other user here on Steemit. Even if we don't like the curating methods...that's not really our call. But there are tons of people people voting, curating....some with higher SP...focus on finding them.

In the end...the goal is to find the combination of you want to create and something that people are consuming. You definitely don't have stop posting on Dtube to not be concerned with their votes.

A few last things I do have to at least mention:

  • They were saying this believing they were behind closed doors. I'm not condoning it...but I do view this a little differently than them attacking outside their 'private' room.
  • You asked

In closing...I can't say I'm happy to hear this sort of conversation if happening within the curation room. But in the end...we just have to find a 'way for you to succeed' without them.

If you want, drop me a message in (@sykochica) or on discord (sykochica#9521). I can at least help you find some communities you might like.

What to say here, my friend? I have actually so much to say that I don't know where to start really. I always talk about the importance of words in my posts, and how people should really be careful about what they write, and how they write because words are POWERFULL. And, they can inspire people to do amazing things or they can have quite the opposite effect.

I am sorry you had to go through all of this and hear these inconsiderate people comments and you should not thank Hem or whatever his name is because he chooses to share these words with you while he could of chosen to use the positive comment and use it to encourage you to keep Vlogging. In a way it seems like he agrees with them and that his kind of comments are ok with him? Wtf really? This is what is what is wrong with the world today. People are helping each other but rather enjoy putting people down, or trying to in your case.

I felt you on this vlog. And, I am glad you are happy who you are and not changing for these pricks leaving comments like at this. If they did not have anything positive to add to help you improve than they should off shut their pie holes before speaking. But, the one above see all my friend, and KARMA will do its thing. I am happy you stood up for yourself and told them you are not changing for anybody. This says a lot about them, and even much more about you.

You are a kind, genuine, and a great person. A good human being. And, I actually don't want to quit Dtube. F... them all who wrote these comments. Inconsiderate pricks. Sorry about the language. I get really rattled up when seeing people do stupid crap like this. I want you to keep Dtube logging because you should not quit just because these people have no idea what it is to be a good human being. I encourage you to keep sharing yourself on Dtube. I want you to be happy. I want you to turn on your favorite music today and be happy.

Don't let these pricks take your happiness from you. These people need some lessons on how to be a human being. You don't. Their words describe and telling us all here on Steemit who they are. So if any of them are reading this, I want to tell you that you should evaluate your life. Because if you felt better at writing these comments, you should be ashamed of yourself and the life you are leading. Maybe, someday people will do the same for you when you ask help and I truly hope you get a response like this in return. Then you will know the importance of words, and how to use them. I truly hope you are reading this, and that you will change the ways and how you speak to people.

@crazyadventure I am sorry you had to go through this. But, in reality, we live in a world like this today. Where being "different" is scrutinized and insulted. I don't want you to quit Dtube but rather keep reporting on these kinds of problems. Maybe that should be the theme of your Vlogging. Reporint about issues like this, and finding stories similar to yours and giving your opinion about them. Raise the awarness of the problem you just experienced in person. And do it on Dtube so you may help other users who find themselves in situations like this. :)

Keep your head up, and don't let them discourage you being YOU, and keep up Vlogging and being happy. You can CHOOSE it right NOW. :)

Have a blessed day. :)

Wow what a comment, deep and passionate and uplifting. I cannot contribute to a platform that allows for such people to make these decisions based on idiocy and small mindedness. Why should I reward the platform with my time and my work when I am working so hard to help myself and the community. If DTube were to change their stance on this matter then I would happily return, but when I am seeing DLive wanting to work with content creators and reward good work, where I see the creators talking to each other and working together, that deserved my time and effort. This will only make me a stronger more determined person.

You are more than welcome. I just hate seeing things like this and people doing stupid stuff like this.

And, you are right. I just thought you should maybe spread awareness about it on Dtube. And, tell them this is not ok right at their own backyard. But, I am just happy to see you will keep sharing your thoughts and keep Vlogging. :)

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And he said you are the gayest thing he's ever seen? Those comments were meant to be hateful, but they put you in very fine company indeed. Be you, and care less about those who don't understand you.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I'm glad you were able to see what was happening under the hood, because this kind of thing remains hidden most of the time. And even in that case, we would want a transparency report concerning whether curation is done in a fair and responsible manner, for the benefit of the platform.

As it is now, this reveals a rather ugly side of the platform that frankly should be amended. The stakeholders are the people using the platform such as yourself (well not anymore, unless this is addressed).

The extra dtube owned account should serve solely to attract users, not to alienate them. My suggestion to them would be to let the wider steemit community curate by voting (duh...), And use the bot vote to reward those that bring in more engagement rather than try to curate themselves. Otherwise you have centralized bias that only serves to alienate prospective users of the platform.

That is one of the best comments I have read all evening I could not have put it better myself, plain and simply if your face fits you get the rewards, if you praise them enough you get the rewards. But if you go against them you get well the opposite.

Wow, that is crazy that they had such harsh words. Maybe since they were able to hide behind the "anonymous" user, they felt they could say that. If I were the main guy, I would have told them that was not appropriate for them to say and definitely wouldn't have passed it on. Thank you for sharing what is going on.

@apanamamama Thank you so much for commenting, I agree the fact they can be anonymous proves a problem I only hope that this post can help somewhat, but im just a tiny voice in the masses.

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I just came across you today...bless your heart..I feel for you..and hope that you continue...most dont understand what a big leap of courage it takes to put oneself out video...and what harsh and terrible..comments can come ones takes a strong heart and the love of sharing...I send blessings your far as your equipment..there are several people that have become very famous with very little equipment.. so dont let that put you off.. if you really have a heart to share...strength and power... ~*~

Hi thank you so much for your lovely comment. I truly appreciate your recognition of understanding
how hard it is for a new person who has limited experience of vlogging has to face.
Things like this make me pause take a step back and plough on through there will not be any walls that I cannot break down.

I have watched a few of your videos after have a great personality.. from what I have seen so are actually doing very well considering...what most receive here...and your reputation score is I would say keep at it..those that "get you" will find you...bless*

Thank you so much I try to be and I try to give back to the community, like you I work hard to build in steemit it is not always easy. I guess what comes out of the horrible ordeal is getting to know and speak to awesome people like you.

Wanda Sykes is terrific, and she is rarely a sixteen-year-old boy with a cheesy moustache.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Well, I for one would like to see more textual content from you, but I have a biased reason for that. It's that dtube and dlive both don't really have closed captioning and I kinda require those to watch videos to a greater extent, then again I typically ignore videos in favor of reading.

We all get shit thrown at us though, even I do, it's just sad that it's come from curators. I know fully well that the videos I produce lately on dtube aren't going anywhere, reason is because in my latest videos, I used signed exact english rather than just talking.

Something you'll be interested in soon enough though is which will be integrating itself with dtube, dlive and YouTube if you're dead set on video creation. As of right now, multitube isn't accepting video uploads as it's in early alpha stages, but it might be up your alley.

Sorry about the mistreatment you've received even if that mistreatment was via proxy. Words can hurt. I know hug

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