Just Hit Record/Upload | You don't NEED all the stuff

We can become obsessed with all the stuff that is out there to up our game, but you don't need all the stuff. You just need to hit record, and upload to @DTube. Don't let Stuff Mart get into your head when it comes to creating. The power and fun is in the creative process. Hope you enjoy the video :)
With Gratitude,
Captain Bob
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brad_Beaird
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradbeaird/
▶️ DTube
Great video! First, our conversation was great. Just keeping it simple. I use my cell phone, a selfie stick and a bungee cord haha.
We love veggie tales. My wife @freedomtowrite was singing about loving her lips this morning haha.
Life is beautiful, we all notice it, but we don't all see it. We just take a chance and record our perspective to share with others.
LOL on the veggie tales. I was telling @thefarmerswife that "Barbara Manatee" is our all time favorite, hahaha.
Right! That has been sung on occasion 🙃
Ok, I fit in that age bracket to remember and enjoy Veggie Tales with my daughter.
Having said that, I want to extend my sincere thanks for you keeping it real. For you being real. That's what I appreciate about the steemit community. I appreciate the encouragement you offer to all your viewers and this was a down-to-earth message that everyone can appreciate and be easily motivated by.
Thank you @wesleyclark! Appreciate the feedback!
Very true Skipper. I've been living on a small sailboat for years, kind of a minimalist lifestyle if you will. One question I always ask myself before a major purchase is "Can I afford this?" Yes. "Do I want to afford this?" Maybe not. Keep'm comin.
I've heard man on sailboats talk about if I buy one thing I have to take one thing off the boat to make room. Not a bad philosophy :D
Nothing is more important than taking action, People can make amazing looking videos with just a smartphone.
I was filming all my vlogs on youtube for 1 year on my phone and it was really good.
Of course that better equipment helps but you need to ask yourself, How much would you really need it.
I bought my new Canon camera and i'm so happy with the purchase, I use it every single day for my vlogs.
Tip for noob creators, Just start doing something and take action rather than wasting your time on thinking what gear you need..
I agree with you big time.
THAT SKY! Great points all round. I really dig your sitdown camera angle, slightly turned to the camera. Very different and interesting. Have a good one!
Yeah that morning sky was crazy man. The angle just seems more conversational to me so I'm drawn to that.
love it, keep up the vlogs. I enjoy watching you flourish
EPIC view! And I totally agree, just carry the phone with you and create content on the go!
Man that sunrise was awesome! I just got lucky lol.
You took action and luck found you @captainbob
Lets go!
Heck yeah!
I can't consistently play videos because my connection sucks. I watch videos if and when I can. I'm hoping I can upload videos soon.
I have a tremendous amount of fun putting them together. If you can pull it off, it can be really fun.
I like this episode. Lord knows I know about gear. I'm into live audio and studio so I have a load of gear for that; just never done video or much editing before. I'd love to get in on this dtube daily thing, so I just did my intro and will enjoy figuring it out. It'll be time that is my biggest hurdle, but if I can post something that doesn't require hours and hours of editing, I should just about manage to see it through. Thank you for your content.
Yeah man, get in touch with Winny (@myndnow) and he can help you get into the dtubedaily crews discord, etc.
Thanks Captain Bob. I'll do that.
I completely connect to your conversation you shared with the Yeti this morning. Since begin on this platform I have had a complete re-framing of how I view the world around me. This place really has the power to invigorate creativity on a level I haven't felt in a long time. Thank you for making this video and sharing this perspective with us. Drop the stuff!! :)
I believe creating just fuels the fire even more. Even when you don't feel like it...create something anyway :)
Your words are so true! Keep on creating brother :)