Dtube Does What?!? Why I Won't Be Using Dtube...For Now

in #dtube7 years ago

There were some things about Dtube that I didn't know and I had to learn the hard way. 

Today I learned that Dtube takes 25% of your rewards just for posting on their platform. Had I known this, I would have put more thought into making a decision in using the platform. I take full responsibility of my ignorance because I should have done more research before posting.

Why Does Dtube Take 25% Of Rewards

After doing my research today, I do understand why they take 25% of our rewards. In order for Dtube to stay decentralized, they use IPFS which is InterPlanetary File System. This allows for our files, or videos rather, to be distributed in a peer-to-peer system. With this system there are costs to store files hence why Dtube takes 25% of our rewards. 10% of the 25% is used to pay for the long term storage of the files. I believe the other 15% is to improve the platform even though I could not find it written anywhere.

If you want to read up more on Dtube I suggest reading the post below:

Introducing DTube: a decentralized video platform using STEEM and IPFS

Insert From The Post

Why I'm Going To Stop Using Dtube...For Now

I'm A Minnow Trying To Build My Steemit Account

One of my reasons for not using Dtube is because I'm currently a minnow. Have 25% of my rewards taken is counterproductive to me building my Steemit account. My main focus is to produce quality content, build my account and influence so that later I am able to help others do the same.

Right now I'm not in a place where I can help Dtube especially when they have 2,000,000+ of delegated Steem Power

Dtube Issues & Bugs

Another reason is because Dtube can be a bit buggy. There has been a few times when I tried to upload a video repeatedly only to have the same error message pop up over and over. There has also been times when I have tried to watch other people's videos only to have 4 seconds of it play and then freeze.

I am sure that these problems will be worked out as time goes on but to have 25% of my rewards taken and people not be able to watch my video is a bit too much for me.

My Plans & Conclusion

I'm not completely done with Dtube. I may even post more content on there but I will not be boosting any Dtube posts. I plan on getting to a place on Steemit where I can actually delegate some of my own Steem Power to help the platform but now is not the time.

This post is not to bash Dtube anyway but rather to inform and be totally transparent with the people of Steemit. I like the whole idea and concept of Dtube and I want to see the platform prosper but now is just not the right time for me to do so. We have a loooong way before we can actually take on and take out YouTube.

Also check out my video I made on this topic as well

Best of luck to all of you Steemians and Dtube.

Till next time Steemians...Steem On!!


@yesaye aye bro look at this, did you know this???

This is how we get ads ...services are not free to provide so there has to be some cost somwhere.

I understand that. I said in the post and video that there is nothing wrong with them collecting 25% BUT the information needs to be known.

busy, dtube, steepshot all take a % as a beneficiary for their service layered on steemit. It may not be obvious so I agree it should be clear. However you will also find posts on steemit talking about getting more viewers by using those platforms so it may be a wash since you make up for it in volume once you get more established. In the early days it is harder for sure.

edit: dlive does not charge, I was mistaken

Yeah it really is hard but my mind is set to get established on this platform. I stopped posting on IG and Facebook because I have spent so much time creating content for this platform. Once I get to where I can leave a decent upvote amount Steemians who read my content then I will venture off in other platforms again. I may start back using them sooner and just avoid boosting my post.

Neither does busy.org.

Steepshot doesnt have beneficiary setting on posts, but on the comments of that post.

You can easily check who is taking a beneficiary slice from your post through the steem explorers (i like steeworld.org a lot for that), looking for the detail of the posts.

Clearly I am very mistaken in how I was reading the beneficiary info in steemdb.

It looks like steepshot is doing 1.5% of comment rewards, as no the esteem android app is doing 1% of comment rewards like you said.

So the only one in my stream is dtube for the 25% author rewards. I am ok with that because in reading how dtube works behind the scenes there is going to be a cost for running the service and improving the service.

Could they introduce "pay for reduced %" approaches in the future if people were concerned about the %?

I just followed you BTW

Dlive takes 0% of your earnings. They have stated this several times.

sorry, that is my mistake I will update my comment.

I would go with the ads over the 25%. Anyone else would too.

25% taken away is not the worse because it pays for storage of the video, the worse is that videos are gone after that and it is not clear how to have them hosted permanently somewhere.

Agreed! That is a huge problem that will has to find a solution before we even get close to that time.

that's very true, because I uploaded a lot of videos and didn't find any of them just after they gave me the link of those video, they are stored somewhere but not seen in dtube or in my channel, and if they take those 25% why to not upvote the most original contant, mine is all original, they even upvote some people that steal video from the web, but not the original content where people spend a long time to do it.

dtube should have a promoted section but unlike steemit where sbd are burnt the promted funds are used to pay the hosting

Now that is a great idea!!!

Maybe i should get in contact with the creator of dtube maybe he will like my idea..

we are actually redfish since our steempower is below 500

Thanks for the information. I have only recently learned how to post videos to YouTube - have never been much of a blogger or anything like that before coming to SteemIt 9 months ago.

I tried looking into and using Dtube about 3 months ago, but found it lacking. I couldn't find any good posts about how to upload videos, what format they needed to be in, etc. There seemed to be some kind of program, code, or video codec that you had to install on your own computer in order to get it to work right. And, overall it was just more hassle to bother with than I wanted to take time out for using.

But, more than anything, the quality of watching videos just isn't quite there yet. I still come across many, many dtube videos that I click on to play and... nothing happens. Of course, somebody will come on here and say that it's my problem of there's something wrong with my computer. But, if there's something wrong or missing with my setup - why do videos from every other social media platform work just fine? Until dtube works its' $#!t out, it's not going to be "the next big thing," IMHO.

For now, dtube is still not working right because I go to the site, click on their videos, and they don't play properly. I have no similar problems on YouTube - so I'll keep on using it until it doesn't work any more. I don't see that happening any time soon, despite dtubes' best efforts, so far.

As far as the advertising revenue bitches and complaints go, I have no horse in that race - don't make any money on either platform, so it doesn't make any difference to me. As a simple consumer of "just watching videos" for learning and entertainment, YouTube is still working much better than dtube. Nothing against dtube - and I hope they get everything all worked out and running smoothly. Right now, they don't seem to.

Thanks for sharing your experience and information. I'm also a minnow and want to focus on building steem power so I can give more valuable votes to the quality content I want to support. It makes sense for DTube to invest some of the earnings in making it a better platform. People willing to help with that can continue to post and help it grow. For minnows it may be more challenging, depending on the rest of their financial situation, outside of Steemit. Best wishes in building your account :)

Well, in the last 5-or-so updates, a lot has been fixed, and as usual, the next one is going to be big, but this time, the source code will also be documented and released.

If you ask me, that's gonna mean a lot of improvement, and even forks maybe - making the D in DTube real!

I'm rooting for Dtube! I want them to be successful!

Oh it will! Sure, IPFS needs some performance updates, but in theory, no government can shut it down, which is a huge selling point.

I can't wait for it to work flawlessly!!

Thanks for the nice post. But I personally would phrase it a bit differently. It's not that DTube is doing it intentionally or without Steemians' notice. It's just simply author/curator reward system, that was set up in that way - 75% authors - 25% curators. The same thing applies for posts here, coming from Steepshot etc. But DTube is just using it's SP to promote the platform by rewarding contributors and using rewards from their curations to pay for our storage. However, if I remember it correctly I read that they are considering to change the structure - authors would have to pay for the long-term storage (somewhere in the far future - but that wold be a tiny fraction - few cents for a 1gb of storage space). I am not sure about it but will try to find the article and link it below. Also, DTube takes around 25% because its the largest curator for the platform. Nevertheless, its everyones own responsibility to do a due diligence before using any platform.

Thanks for sharing this once again. Cheers!

25% is taken by curators. After that Dtube takes another 25% of the author rewards so its not the same as just doing a regular post on Steemit. I just found out about the other apps doing the same but I believe they have a lower rate. Dlive is the only app not taking anything for posting. Nevertheless I am rooting for Dtube's success. I just would like the information to be transparent. We have a lot of new people coming on to this platform and they should be able to know this info without having to dig.

so instead you will post on youtube where they take 100% of your rewards?

I will use Dtube again once I build my account up more and can afford to lose the 25%. We need to be on YouTube because that's currently where most of the people are at. If we stop posting there, how can we inform people on YouTube about Steemit and Dtube?

now that is a good question!

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