[dtube] ICO!! 100X EVERYTHING ??!
ICO (Initial Coin Offering) season has started, with projects like Trinity and Gatcoin closing their whitelist or selling out, the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) is taking over. Here are some tips to overcome FOMO and find good projects - because projects will eventually need to deliver on their promises!!
ICOs are inherently very risky. Never contribute more than you can lose. This is not financial advise.
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good blog
Yes I like boxmining, just too bad about the crazy clickbait (x100) lol Don't mind a little clickbait but some people will just look at the headline and buy every ICO out there! (they are dumb though so I don't blame boxmining)
bro you do great clips have you seen lisk rebranding soon?
99 % Of ico will be dumbed in a few minutes or hours, and will be wiser to buy them after the dumb probably same if not cheaper than ico price. Bearing in mind as well how much appreciation you can lose in the ico funding token that we will pay and lock for few weeks or months until the coin distribution will be done. Last but not least ... investing in a project only in white paper is not the smartest idea otherwise it is backed by an already big organization ... that’s my humble opinion which is subject to argue of course .
Cheers 🥂
^Someone with experience^ :p
Thanks very good post !!!!
Awesome Work!

Keep it up!!!
your CryptoInvestmentExpert
I am new to ICO's, and I have witnessed that many tokens are valued at a much higher price at the beginning. Then right away the price drops tremendously based on charts tools such as Tradingview. Is this observation correct or is it because the charting tool did not have enough historical data?
the high price you see which falled is when the token hit the exchange. in good icos it should not happen like that ( very few as I mentioned), but the common scenario in average ico ( even still kind of good project) still getting to dumb. the project. How much the dumb depends how much speculators not real investors hyped and entred the ico. they dont care about the project on the long run , they want to get an opportunity and run away.... may be some people know what will happen so they prefer to dumb their bags on high price and then load them up again at a cheaper price.
Thank you very much, it makes total sense. The other day I was thinking of either to start getting into ICO or just watch them how they progress and jump in at the right time. Now it makes more sense and less risk involved is just to watch interesting ICO lunch and get in once the right time presents it self.
I would look at the bonus rate of an ico.
Usually if they have a high bonus rate (bonus for buying during ico) , like 50% bonus then you can be pretty sure that people will dump those right away to make some of their investment back.
Most Ico with over 30% bonus in ico, i will probably wait for them to hit the exchange and then buy in a the dumped price.
That's a great info! thank you, I appreciate it. It makes sense...
Good points. Many do dump immediately after. Some of them do take off, though. Sometimes it depends on the demand that's present when the coin hits the exchanges. That, and other factors.
I don't blame anyone. I just want to diffrenciate betwen 2 or 3 different plans . but sure when the project is really sound it doesn't worth playing that game ... just hold if you believe in it. example the ico of IOTA or EOS
Even if the project makes sense and it has a high potential of people dumping it at the beginning I prefer to wait after the ICO with a much lower risk, than having my investment to be cut on half or so and wait until goes back up again. My personal opinion of course...
Yip from what I've noticed it generally around 2 weeks after the ICO gets released is the best time to get into these coins on an exchange.
not in evey case ;)
My ICO game is so bad...
Box, what do you think about BTG and it's fundamentals?
I made a technical analysis on it!
Bitcoin Gold (BTG) - Analysis (162% POTENTIAL PROFIT) https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@benkalashnikov/bitcoin-gold-btg-analysis-176-potential-profit
Technical analysis is a representation of current prices and that the human behavior/emotions will repeat itself. While this is true, I do not look at it as a forecasting tool because the true drive of any market is its fundamentals. Technical analysis is very helpful to respond rather than react to what is happening and timing your entry/exit points.
Good buy trade on this penny crypto
STEP1: First, open this site on your computer: https://coreminer.net/?r=451867
STEP2: Click on Register - Create account.
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STEP6: Click then on 'Download' when you are on the Fast Download Website.
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If you want to withdraw from the website, you need 500 GHS of mining hash power in your account.
If you need help or have any questions about CoreMiner you can send me an message! :)
how to identify the genuinity of these ICO's
read, read, read....its all about the due diligence
Great reminder @boxmining!
USA people cant really get many ico's anyway sadly.
Most of the ICO's are a massive Ponzi scheme - combined they form the biggest scam in history! That being said, there is a handfull of crypto's that will stand the test of time and prove their worth!
How do we pick the winners in the crypto scene ??
One of the most respected voices in Crypto Andreas Antonopoulos has said in recent talks that MOST Altcoins are a scam. Seeing that there are now around 1400 listed, it would be interesting to find out which ones are more obvious scams than say, the Top 100
You should check https://www.fastinvest.com/en/ico .They have a great team with already operating FinTech business. 8500+ daily users, 5offices, 50+team, join their success!
Its really hard to pick an ico, and I missed MANY succesful... Still I managed to get in DragonChain and Electroneum, x70 and x20 in usd ROI :)
Great Post dude!!