Quarter Life Crisis Journey - Sharing My Awakening From 21 to 35
Quarter life crisis journey - I wanted to share my own precarious journey from 21 to 35 years old, where I went through many existential crises, and discovered what I am actually here to do.
If you want to connect with me further - below are some ways:
Gamify your spiritual journey. https://theawakeningodyssey.com/
Join my team! https://www.patreon.com/boomshikha
Check out my website at http://www.themillionairehippie.com
Follow me on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/boomshikha
Join my free private FB group at http://www.whatsyourfreedomnumber.com
Subscribe on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/millionaire-hippie-podcast/id1127465163?mt=2
Email me at boomshikha at themillionairehippie dot com if you have any questions or comments or feedback at all.
Love and light as always,
Boom Shikha aka ‘The Millionaire Hippie’
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