Saying Goodbye to my YouTube channel.. Hello Dtube?!
Hello Steemers!
This morning I got a bit of a sad email in my inbox..
For the last 2 years I have tried my best to make videos for my YouTube channel.
I figured that it would be fun to watch me paint / see timelapses and to create educational/tutorial videos so those who were interested could learn something.
My channel never really took, despite the fact that so many people always said/commented that they were surprised I didn't had thousands more subscribers.. I guess my way of making videos.. or probably tagging them correctly never made them appear in the search algorithms that YouTube uses... And thus.. quality content is lost, never to be seen.
At least.. I think it is quality content! :P
YouTube is undergoing some changes, they want to focus on those who are viewed the most, becoming more selective of who they support. If you don't meet the cut - 4000 Hours a year and over 1000 subscribers -- you are no longer allowed to generate income on your videos.
Now my videos never really generate income.. I'm fine with that.. I think my most successful video generated 7$ in 2 years.. (IM RICH!!)
That wasn't ever the point for me anyway.
The sad thing about this is mostly that they will probably start pushing the content creators that DO make them money even more.. making all the videos of the content creators that don't meet the cut even less visible on the platform. Which I think is a shame..
And thus I'm really just pushed out of the platform and will probably make me quit the platform all together.
But before I leave I must got 1 thing off my heart.. and that is the fact that they can just do that.. and steal from you.
There is a rule on YouTube that if you want to make money.. before you can get Google/YT to pay you, you must at least!! earn 70$ .. Get to 70$ and you receive your first cheque..
My channel made 59$ in 2 years time (whopping!) .. I will not be able to make the remaining 11$ before the time my 'income generation' get's taken away.. and thus I will never be able to get paid that money that is actually.. rightfully mine?.. as it were MY videos that generated that income?..
It is clearly messed up.. And i am happy we are slowly shifting to a more decentralized manner.. where there is not 1 boardroom that can make decisions that will make thousands suffer.. Because believe me.. I'm not the only one who in this position.
I'm sure there are THOUSANDS of people who are just like me.. Google/YT will walk away with all their generated income and content and will never give away a dime.
Yay for Dtube! .. I have already started to make the transition, There are a bunch of videos up on my Dtube channel that I haven't even uploaded to YT anymore because i sort of gave up on the platform.
I will slowly start bringing over all my YT content that is still 'OK' to Dtube and try to develop my channel there.
I hope you will all stick with me and hope you like and appreciate the content I try to make!
Thank you all for the support! Steemit.. You are awesome! <3
Rogier / @beekart
When I go to youtube and see the trending videos being advertised, I still cannot believe how the crappiest videos become so popular! Yea, a few are funny, but it's almost like no one wants anything but dramatic dumb entertainment. Youtube is deterring actual creators from being able to share their knowledge. That sucks your hard work is treated like that: ( But, I look forward to you sharing videos here!
very true.. if you do your best to try and create a video that people could potentially learn something from (not all my content is like that though!) it is easily ignored by the next 'cat pushes an ashtray of a table' video :/ i guess thats fair,,, cats are ffin hilarious :D
Lol, aw I hear ya! Meh I suppose cats are alright. Maybe that's the secret, just knock random cups and things off the table during videos! That could be the key lol
dtube is best today for sharig vedio
this is also good for community
carry on your activity
oh , sad about your story over that 2 years and 7$ ,
you are one of the steemians i know,, who make high quality content, you deserve the best , !! :)
yesterday i was outside and when i saw a dvd store- (game and movie) ,, i remembered you , i told myself maybe Rogier designed that character :D ,hahah,,,, it was some 3d sculptor there related to games , i think it will always be a sign to reminds you ,
Haha thank you Adele :)
Funny how you remember me when looking at videogames .. :/// :D
It might actually be possible tho!
When i now see mandela's or plate designs here in Delft i sort of think of how you couldve made them :P
I didn't know you had content on Youtube.
The hardest part Is breaking in on Youtube since there millions of users on there, on Dtube we actually have a chance of being seen so It makes sense that users will join Dtube for a fighting chance. I started Youtube about 5months ago and I will still continue to upload my videos on there, even though I know It will take me years, If ever to meet the new requirements.
But it is rediculous mate.. its not like they will NEVER show ads on your video.. they will throw them on their.. people will see them and companies will pay for it.. but they choose not share ANY of that income with you.. it is disgusting.. :/ and their search algorithms favor those who create everyday.. but seriously what kind of production value can 1 person put out everyday by himself without giving up everything else BUT youtube.. thus sort of become a slave of the platform only to hope it will do good by him/her and can earn a decent living.. yug! grose grose youtube! :D
See, I do create videos everyday, maybe that will bow well In my favour In the future, I don't know. If that's true then I'ts even more of an incentive to continue uploading daily.
I don't agree that Youtube should be making videos on the backs of their creators without benefitting the creators first. I didn't know that they are still able to put ads on your videos when you yourself aren't making money from them.
I admit what I do Isn't anywhere near as hard as what you do so I can put out content daily. I work full time but use my time at night to record a few videos, then another night I will edit, then another I will upload to Youtube. I have a full weeks worth of videos uploaded and scheduled on Youtube so I'm always Infront of myself. I can record a full weeks worth of content In a few days so im very lucky. I spent most of my time on work breaks on here because I want to invest time on the platform.
For now I will stay on Youtube as I don't know where Dtube will be In the future and I feel like Youtube Is the standard for video content and It will be a while before anything Is able to compete. Hopefully, Dtube will be a viable competitor In the future :)
They make money from YOUR content how nice is that. I used to post videos in YouTube and Not anymore!! I’ve seen many stories of people being wronged by YouTube and glad to see a great alternate. D.TUBE!!
It feels like stealing really.. i have almost made that level of 70$ limit to get at least SOMTHING from them (its a joke, seeing how much effort i put into it!) and now they just take it away never to see a dime of it.. assholes :X
Good choice @beekart. So much more interaction here anyway right?
And I have been hearing a lot about YT de-monetizing accounts left and right.
You can always do a sort of "This is my LAST Video on YT" kind of thing and send your followers here.
Anyway good luck man
Thank you mate! Yeah i dont know what YT is up to but they will lose alot of content creators if they keep up these kind of policies..
Yes true, I hadn't even thought about the content creators they would lose. Wow!
Wow I didn’t know before about the YouTube strict eruirement to generate an income! Yep! Goodbye you tube 😀 👍🏼

Thats a wise choise man. The established channels are scrambling head over heel to try and generate revenue, which will be done over the back of their users.
They say screw the little ones. We say screw you. Hey Youtubers. Over here ! The Steem Blockchain provides ! DTube !!
sorry. small rant. Looking forward to your art man.
totally understandable man.. it is rediculous how yt makes up their own rules and sway with their power.. if you are not an enslaved content creator there is no way you will get rewarded for what you make and share.. not even the slightest.. dtube and steemit is sooooo much better!
I like your video thank you for sharing that
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good luck . following you ♥