Macron Weapons against Own Citizens Yellow Vests
The same Emanuel Macron who badly wants to overthrow the Syrian president and punish the Syrian people for their political free choice standing against al-Qaeda terrorists, and the same Macron giving the president of Venezuela an ultimatum of 8 days or else he and his lackeys will recognize someone else as the president of another sovereign nation allowing the starvation of the Venezuelan people in the process, is this Macron using these weapons against his own people who never carried any sort of weapons, no knives even, not to mention any Western provided anti-air missiles, anti-tank missiles, satellite communication devices...
What if some 3rd group not from the Yellow Vests and not from the Macron forces started shooting at both parties? As what usually happens where a civil war is needed? If this is how Macron shoots out the eyes of his own people, imagine his response to a foreign-armed insurgency in his country.
Check this out: Trump, Macron, Netanyahu New War Crimes against Syria: 70 Casualties
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