JivamuktiMonkey VloG: Firefly Pose/ Feuerfliege (DEN/DE)

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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Want to fly? Fire up your core. Firefly pose is an arm balance pose that requires more core strength than arm strength.

The arm balance Tittibhasana provides a fun opportunity to explore both physical and mental integration. Also called Firefly Pose, this asana requires you to balance oppositional forces: It invites you to support yourself on your hands while you lift your legs like wings, and to soften into the quietness of a forward bend while hovering above the earth and holding on tight.

But you are not alone if the word "fun" doesn't come to mind when you see this pose. Maybe you think, "That's crazy!" or "How could I ever do that?" Those two thoughts are actually a perfect starting place to move toward Tittibhasana. The first response signals you to use caution, while the second nudges you to explore. When you combine them, you're left with a balanced mindset that integrates old ideas with new possibilities. You may think that you need to be totally open hearted to try something new, or completely courageous, or superstrong and stretchy. But you can come as you are, bringing the very body you have today, with equal doses of skepticism and eagerness, right onto the mat with you.



When you begin to investigate Tittibhasana, it might appear that the secret to doing it is core strength. When you look again, it might seem to be all about long hamstrings; perhaps you need robust arms, or maybe just a sense of adventure. Of course, the pose requires you to integrate all of the above. Combining a forward bend, an arm balance, and a hip-opening pose, Tittibhasana is a tall order. But when you get it, you will have the experience of both flying and landing.


Sanskrit: Tittibhasana (Tittibhasana ist ein Insekt, ähnlich der Feuerfliege)
Name: Feuerfliege
Kategorie: Vorbeuge, Balance, armgestützt

Füße breiter als hüftbreit auseinander stellen. Oberkörper vorbeugen, optional Beine leicht beugen. Schultern an die Innenseiten der Beine bewegen. Hände greifen über innen die Fußgelenke. Das Gefühl beibehalten, als wolle man die Schultern zusammendrücken und gleichzeitig die Sitzknochen nach oben bewegen (Beine strecken). Langsam die Knie beugen und Hände direkt hinter den Fersen zum Boden nehmen. Gewicht nach hinten verlagern, während die Arme sich langsam beugen und dann die Füsse vom Boden lösen. Beine strecken, während man die Innenseiten der Oberschenkel aktiv hält und tendenziell zusammenführen möchte. Schambein bewegt sich nach hinten, das Brustbein leicht nach vorne. So entsteht eine Vorbeuge in Kombination mit einer Armbalance.




Yogaübung für ein paar Sekunden halten, dann langsam die Beine beugen, Körper absenken, Arme und Beine ausstrecken und entspannen.

Option: Decke unter Gesäß legen, falls man Sorge hat, zu fallen.

Mögliche positive Wirkungen

  • Vorwärtsdehnung der Wirbelsäule
  • Kräftigung von u.a. Nieren, Leber, Milz, Eingeweide, Gallenblase, Harnblase, da Lunge und Bauchmuskulatur zusammengezogen werden
  • Förderung von Balance und Ausgeglichenheit
  • Belebt und stärkt die Armmuskulatur
  • Beruhigung der Nerven



with love @akashas


You are awesome sister... Make great dtube video and explains really well... Thanks 🙏 🎯

thanks my dear. i sent you a mail with my number! whats app or discord bro. hugs

I store you number and tryed to add you on what's app... Didn't manage it yet... Unbelievable... Not strange I'm not able to upload my videos to dtube? Fb norwegianyogis and same on Instagram.. If you can... Should been chatt inside here.. Ye ye... Keep up the good work... And have a good one 🙏

oh my poor friend...breath...hugs to ya

Ye I'm breathing kind of good... Just not when I'm trying to upload one dtube video for rhe 250 time... I know its nothing to do... You lucky living in Germany... Where technology works... I think its because the blockchain technology.. I dont get it true now from bkk or my devices... But it got uploaded before... Hmm 🤔

you have discord?

follow this link to @mammasitta s steemit group. there are steemians who helps others...check it out.


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