"SEC-S20W6 | My Business Ideas | Expansion and Customer Support."

in #dtt-sc20w62 hours ago (edited)

Just like a blink of an eye, we are into the last week of this wonderful topic on how to be successful in every business plan, expansion, and customer support, which is very important for a successful business.
This two point will okay a huge role in makes your business success because customer is like the heart of the business and when you treat them well they will fall in love with your products and also invite their friends to patronise you.

Are you planning any expansion of your business?

Our other branch which contains electronic devices

Of course, every good business, mam or woman, will definitely want their business to be expanded so as to make more profit and also grow their business.
I am currently running a little grocery business with my father, and it hasn't been an easy expression due to our country bad economy and also an increase in inflation.

Customer when they come to patronise us always complain on the rate in which prices of goods increase, but as a businessman man with good strategies we will just find a way to talk to them ans they will end up buying it.

So, I am currently planning an expansion of my business so as to increase my income and also make my business grow faster.
Firstly the shop is a very small place and the hoods there are only grocery so I will have to add some food stuffs products in it by by buying new goods so that I will attract more customers to my business.


I will also do some renovations in the entire shop and try to add some new buildings that will be able to contain the goods that I will purchase, I will Tey and build a warehouse that I will use to store my hoods incase of shortage I can easily replace.
Sometimes they come to my shop to purchase some items and it won't be available, if I had a warehouse i would just easily go there and carry the goods to my main shop.

Expansion of business is very important and I have that idea in my mind but what is delaying me fron starting is lack of capital, that is why i am working hard everyday to expand my business, currently I am just managing it because it's a small scale business.

To expand your business you should be ready to employ new workers that will assist you in other aspects of running your business, so I once I successfully expand my business i will make sure that I employ more workers to assist me.

If you are trying to expand your business, what are your strategies?


I will first of all employ new workers who can take very good care if customer and give them what they want I mean a good customer service because this is very important in every business.
Expanding your business, you need to employ good workers who can handle your customers, and I will do exactly so that my business will continue growing.

I wi also try to seek some advice from business experts because I believe they will have sole knowledge more than me, i am only controlling a little business at the moment so it will be difficult to handle a big business, I will undergo raining that will educate me more about business and I believe this will help me even better in controlling my business once it is expanded.

Have you set your business expansion strategies?

The little grocery business that i am currently running

Of course, I have made my business expansion strategies, but the only thing delaying me from expanding it is lack of capital. Currently, I have no money to commerce the expansion.
I am currently managing a little business with my father, and currently, I am the one in charge of it because my father isn't around, so he kept me in charge.

Honestly speaking dealing with customers is not an easy task at all because they all habe their differences and also some of them don't have manner at all, but I just try to tolerate because each day I encounter most of them and I am gradually learning how to handle them.

Currently, the market is not quite in a good hand because in my country, we are experiencing a bad economy and for you to go into business you need to survey the environment very well so you know the type of good that they patronise the most, yes this is very important as I have seen many people failed in their business because they bought good that people don't patronise.

The people that are currently assisting us in another branch of our business

I will make sure that I try to employ some business experts that will help in managing my business because I will open it in different brunches so will need people to manage it for me, I will try to invite investors to my business and aftwr that my business will definitely go viral because of their capital and support.
I will set a goal for my business, which is a target that i will hit every month. I will make sure that customers are in good relationships with my workers.

No no matter how good you are you can't have it all, running a sole business is very risky because you need other ideas from people and also capital to support your business do that it will become successful.

20231230_125934.jpgWhere i seaf and attend to customers

As a boy who is expanding his business for the first time, I will make sure that I employ business experts to see me through and also help in running the business smoothly.

What are your finance arrangement plans?

My financial arrangement plans are collecting a loan from the bank to run my business because I believe it will be successful, and I will be able to pay back.
A plan b will be inviting other investors to support me financially in running the business they will become stakeholders and have some shares in my business they will be happy to invest in it because the higher their amount the more profit they will make.

Are you paying attention to your customer service or planning to provide better service?

Where i sit and attend to customers

Customers' service is what most businesses men and women pay attention to, but for me, I think it is becoming more common in most businesses, so I will go for the provision of better service. This covers both customer service and also helps in running the business and also providing quality products in your business . This way, you will attract more customers to your business.

I will employ good workers to take care of things, stocking my shops with quality products, and also try to make customers comfortable by building a standard shop to entertain customers.
I will put a television for movie lovers and sldo try to put a speaker with good music, you know some people are in love with music and the rhythm will make them comfortable in my shop, as a customer when you see all this services you will want to patronise me again.

What are you doing to improve your customer support strategies?


I will try to have a get together with my customers and also hear their opinions on how they see my business and know if they are comfortable with my customers' support program.
I will hear and listen to their opinion so we can be on the same page, I will try and do some promo that will enable customers by goods at a low price this way me and my customers will have a good relationship.

Are you doing it on your own or taking support from customer support experts?

I am taking support from customer support experts because they are people who have graduated from business administration and they have more knowledge on how to take care of customers and satisfy their need so I will seek advice from them and it will work well for me.

Do you and your crew understand how to work with customers?

Of course, the people that I will employ to work with me must have ideas on how to satisfy customers and give them what they want, business is all about ideas and strategies so i will make sure that my crew are business experts.


For you to work with customers you need to have patience and also know how to understand human as they behave, so myself I know how to take good care of customers and with the little knowledge that I have my crew will also teach me more on how to work with customers.

Do you know how your customers feel about your business?

Yes they are quite satisfied with my business because I normally have a conversations with them once in a while to know their opinion on how they feel about my business their feedback was quite positive although they demanded more from me and I am trying my best to meet up to their expectations.
I try to make them comfortable whenever they come to patronise me, and I believe my efforts are satisfying to them because they always say positive things about my business.

So tell us, what will you and your staff do to satisfy the customers?
20231230_125925.jpgI make sure that the price is clear for my customers

By satisfying our customer need, we will try to listen to their opinions on how they see our business and the way we attend to them, giving them attention is very important because customer love when you give them attention and I will make sure that we crack jokes with them, this is very important in building a good relationship with your customers.

I have tried it in my business and it work out well for me, sometimes customers come to my shop very angry and I will just approach them in a calm way to know that reason for their long face and when they explain it to me I will try to give them some advice on how to settle it amicably, I also try to make them happy by telling funny stories that will change their mood for good this way our relationship becomes stronger.


Doing giveaways once in a while will make the customers to be very happy and comfortable and I will try to give them discount according to how they patronise me and also the amount of goods that they purchase at a time.
Sometimes no matter what you do it will be difficult to satisfy certain customers because some of them are greedy so I will just make sure that my clients are happy and the products that they purchase are of good qualities.

When you have a quality and original product and it is sold at an affordable price then customers will patronise you very well and when they talk good about your business other people will come and patronise and that is how me and my team will continue satisfying them.

I am currently managing a little grocery business with my father and the little experience and strategies that I have gotten will really help me in succeeding in my future business plans, attending business classes online will also help.

I am using this opportunity to invite @simonnwigwe, @josepha, @enamul17, and @marito74 to join me and participate in this wonderful challenge


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