
DON'T be "Kali'd" = New Street Slang for getting thieved!
Were you "Kali'd"?; Dude, you just got "Kali'd"!!; Watch out, that dude's gonna "Kali" you!

Kali Ju, by force-recovering the account without my consent and NOT returning the funds, you became a THIEF.

Would @hannaju, your Wife, be truly proud to have a Thief as a husband? Would you be able to stand tall with heads up in honesty before your children?

It truly is "THE END" for dSTORS!! Very sad.....sad indeed.

One most important thing that a Man has is his NAME! Why? A Man's name shows how he lives. The name of @kaliju is now synonymous with thief. Me? I would die for my integrity and honor of my name.

It is now public. ALL knows of your embezzlement, how it took place and shown with irrefutable evidence. Thus, every additional post from you makes you look like the greater fool; every additional comment from you makes the name of Kali Ju synonymous with thief, one who's been so blatantly caught but denies and denies.

How bismirched the brand of dStors is, it now lies in the bottom of the cess pool of shame....and it was not I who went public regarding your was @practicalthoughts who knew what was right and that you Kali Ju were totally in the wrong.

YOUR ACTIONS alone brought down dStors!!
dSTORS now stands for: Distributed Sneaky Thiefs of Real Sins

You try so hard to throw word cocktail grenades to distract...but your attempts of sleight of hand will never wipe clean that mark of the THIEF that you have burnt onto your forehead. Your children will see that mark till the day you take your last breath.

Every time you attempt to deviate from the truth, that you stole through premeditation, that sign of the thief on your forehead will burn deeper. Go ahead...feel your forehead, it's right there on the center where the third eye is. When you feel it, it'll always be accompanied by a prick of guilt.

The brand of dStors is now in ruins because without integrity, no business succeeds and it was all YOUR doing.

PS: Here is the funny thing. You think you're in control of dStors but my side has the 70% majority control. Amazing how you think so tiny.


To make more clear and ready to see: He had posted the below selected excerpts in attempt to throw confusion away from his CRIME OF THEFT!! My comments were point by point honesty based responses. I have the original blockchain based post for anyone to see.

I present what he had originally posted but had removed:


You had a college puke charging you $750 per month from Argentina. You were so clueless that you didn't even consider researching the average salary of a dev in Argentina. You were getting scammed!


I hope you don't get involved with idiots in the future.

I'm very sorry it came to this. Especially because your trust as investor is betrayed. That means that tomorrow someone with good idea seeking investor will have big trouble to get to you. After failed trust next person coming gets the bullet.

But that isn't what I wanted to comment. I want to comment this bullshit about average dev wages in certain countries. I'm a dev and this is poking my eyes. Why the fuck you people think that my work is worth less if I live in a third world country? That's why you constantly get fucked by these devs from India, Vietnam and similar countries. You pay them less because you think that is average in these shitty places and they will be happy with it. But that's not real reason, in fact you pay them less because they are crappy developers. I know that because after that you come to me to pay even more to fix their shit in your code. I saw that because I fixed shit code for years. Shit code written for $5-$15 per hour. And also I fixed shit code from an Austrian dev which was paid 160€ per hour just because he was Austrian. So, although I'm not talking about this particular dev from Argentina, please stop thinking in this way. Pay devs for what they are worth, not for from which country they are.

Does Samsung or GE pay US wages to employees at developing or third world countries? No, they do not. Why? They pay the local competitive wages.

What the dev from Argentina was asking was payment equal to a 10+ year experienced programmer. This kid was a college puke!

So, you compare high skilled engineers with Samsung factory workers? OK, that tells much about you. Good luck with employing cheap Indian labor.

I already stated that "I'm not talking about this particular dev from Argentina". I don't know how much is he worth. I didn't interviewed him. Paying $750 per month to anybody will not get you any good code. Think about it, probably you spend more in Starbucks each month.

I know that the topic here is kaliju's thievery and dishonesty. But I just wanted to stop by and tell other good devs, don't work for peanuts, ask as much as any other dev from US, Switzerland or Norway would ask for the same job and for the same skill set.

He actually only said employees, not what roles they had, only that they get paid a competitive wage for where they live.

Posted using Partiko Android

@baah are you an ass kisser or what?

You went on a redundant rigmarole and avoided the point he made that people are paid based on a competitive wage for where they live, and since I pointed out that, you can reduce it from you "engineers vs idiots" nonsene to me being an ass kisser. You really want to make this about me and my "role" when you won't acknowledge why other people won't pay "ask for Switzerland wages" but will pay instead based on the local job market, aka local competitive wages. If you think "ask for Switzerland wages" is great advice you hadn't bother to say why such unconventional advice is justified, only to asert it, so maybe, before talking about "what my role is", try to bring it back in the relevant realm of the discussion and explain in no uncertain or vague terms why "ask for Switzerland wages" is good advice (especially considering that you remarked about the Austrian who you fixed code for, regardless being paid competitive wages as an Austrian, as you said: "160€ per hour just because he was Austrian") either for employees or employers as is the case with Haejin, just a suggestion.

Good devs can get whatever they ask for. Simply because there are no enough good devs.

Posted using Partiko Android

YOU say you're done interacting me? Well, I'm NOT done interacting with you regarding your thievery!
I will downvote until you run out of stolen funds to upvote or bid bot. Every post you and dStors make will be downvoted. You'll have to then keep putting in liquid STEEM from your own pockets....I know one thing...everyone of you thievs on the dStors team is piss poor!

I will work with the bidbot owners to blacklist @dStors with irrefutable evidence of your embezzlement. I will also work with your current delegators to undelegate! See how the delegations are leaving? Why? They see a thief to be not trustworthy!

First, you have a few screws lose in your head! More importantly, you now boldly wear the mark of the thief on your forehead which EVERYONE can now see. How ashamed Hannah and your children must be to have a Thief as a husband and Father! You sold your conscience for a lousy 21,000 STEEM....sad.

Second, your post here completely fails to prove your innocence but rather enhances your guilt!

As long as you harbor funds that are not yours taken by forced account recovery without my consent, you remain a thief.

As I said, whatever word cocktail and baseless side and distracting allegations and arguments you make, NONE of that will erase the mark of a thief from your forehead!

Your thief mind is trying so hard to furtively and slyly mislead others away from the evidence of your crime...Thievery. Try hard as you want but you will fail.

Keep witnessing the delegations from @dstors spill outwards.

You cherry pick your copy paste of conversations....I have the full download of the discord channels; so keep trying in vain to mislead others away from the blatant evidence: YOU ARE A THIEF!!

... it is starting to look more like that - after reading his own account..

Peace to all said the thief.

Posted using Partiko Android

The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on

Honestly mate?
(I cant see the images)

.... just going off your account in the written texts...

It sounds like you were out maneuvered, and acted very weak.

Business isn't a playground...

This feels like you took a good idea, beat it bloody, shat on it and dumped it in the woods.

What a Shame!

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