Questions for a Scotsman - Episode 10

in #dsound7 years ago

Today we're starting off with a new avenue. I opened up questions to my Facebook feed too and I had some really interesting questions. One question from one of my friends from way back that asked me a question about himself, and I was thinking that this may be a good point to open the floor to my audience...

Do YOU have any burning questions that you think I may be able to answer? Try it and see :)

As for now. Here are the questions I was asked yesterday and today:

@amarbir - Yesterday at 1:19 PM
Which cartoon did you enjoy the most when you were a child?

@shawnamawna - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
I’m curious about your experience marrying into Italian culture and how many languages are spoken in your home/if there are cultural holidays observed and how.

@TraciYork - Yesterday at 10:21 PM
Okay, one question but with three parts -
If you could switch lives with someone else for 24 hours -

  1. Who would it be (at any time in history, and at any place in the world)?
  2. Why that particular person?
  3. What's one thing you'd want to do, and one thing you'd like to learn from being that person?

Barry Sullivan:
Oh I have one. How did you break your addiction to fruit machines. If it was simply by taking drugs please elaborate.?

Kriss Mcmullan:
Why is my life so fucking shite?

Mat Baker: / @matbaker
Have you ever been sexually attracted to a man?

Jon Perkins:
What question do you hope no-one will ask?

Jim King:
why do scots speak 75% faster than the average person is able to listen?

inalittlewhile - Today at 5:19 PM
Do Scottish men sometimes wear kilts to get out of doing work up high or on a ladder? For the pod cast.

That's all for now - thanks for listening :)

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Questions are shaky... Nice post sir

Interesting questions. Looks like people are mocking you, @raymondspeaks, I would say, personally. Are you incredibly famous and I should leave my cave more or do they have a point (if they are indeed mocking you)?

Good luck with your experiment, all the same.

They aren't - a lot of them know me personally.

Ah - so it's just comedy?

Of a Scottish fashion? Nice.

Did you listen to the podcast? Definitely no joke :)

I return to my first post - are you famous for something? Otherwise, why would I choose to listen to a Joe Bloggs character answering random questions off people who are now turning out to be his friends? If it's comedy and of an incredibly high standard, maybe I could spare 5 minutes. If it's not and it's just some random bloke rabbiting on about some random stuff, then I'd probably rather have a spliff and listen to Dark Side Of The Moon.

I suppose there's a mental illness for everyone, these days. But if you're happy doing it and it's a winning format....

Good point, however, if you don't listen to what you are judging then you have no basis on your judgement. It's like me judging the latest film craze without watching it. How can I tell?

You do have a point though, and I'm about to change that. Everyone seems to be running out of ideas. The basis of the show is to champion transparency, so I'm going to improve on that in the next one :)

Lol. Some questions are quite funny

I agree.....following you now

not so sure these are any of the questions I would have asked, but interesting to read what some people are actually caring about. keep it're doing great!

You should try me out on one of your own questions, huh? :)

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