ROCK YOUR WORLD PODCAST #1 - Bananas & Life! :)

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the FIRST official "Rock Your World" Podcast!!!

Eeeeeek!!! I am Super excited!!!
Definitely more excited than nervous this time around!!!
YAY! - Time for a HAPPY DANCE!!!!

In today's podcast, I answered a couple of questions (literally a couple hehe) about life, honesty, "cutting through the CRAP" and... BANANAS! haha! It was LOADS of fun exploring all of it, so a big thank you to @scotters and @amarbir for your questions and input!

And I also shared a little bit of background - specifically relating to what shaped me into the person I am today.

There were a few questions that came through on my intro post, after I had already compiled this podcast... so I will definitely look at those next time around... juuuuust in case you thought I had neglected you @branlee @frequency50

I am REALLY SUPER EXCITED to get some "life questions" from all of you in the comments... and would also LOVE to know who would be interested in chatting to me for a live podcast! YAY!!!

Let's hear it peeps!

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Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Why yes, I am doing running commentary as I listen. Your story is amazing and inspiring. And you use the word "whilst"!

hahahaha!!!! is that not a normal thing? lol

American English has been dumbed-down so no. But I like!

Hey @jaynie your post was the great and many time i fllowing you ........plz like my comment and fllow me

ai ai ai.... REALLY?! LOL!

Holy cow...thank you for really being real. I'm only about 1/3 of the way through and floored by your authenticity and vulnerability.

REALLY glad you are enjoying it @scotters!!! That means SOOOOOOOO much to me!!!!!!

It's giving me ideas too!

Hahahaha congratulations for starting your own podcast @jaynie!!! :D

Consider yourself my PRIMARY inspiration @aaronmcheong! Thank you!!!!!!! xxxxxx

Felt like I was listening to talk radio. Loved it.

Thank you @deadsparrow!!!!!! and if there were a select few I would want some kind of question from.... you would DEFINITELY be one of those individuals... so lets hear it please.... and no big words hey... I am a graphic designer by trade, so essentially I made pretty pictures for a living... lets not confuse me....mkay :P

After pondering the podcast for some time now, I have two sets of thoughts.

On the business side of the discussion, I think the whole CTTC™ [you like that?] could do amazingly well. Even as much as I've doggedly build up my business over the past almost-10 years, there's still a lot of crap that gets in the way (or more accurately, that I allow) of me doing more, or better. I'd venture to say for you as well...and everyone else working for themselves. (And likely still applicable to everyone!)

On the personal side of story and background is amazing. And even if others haven't been through some of what you have, there's so much they can pick up from it. It really is inspirational.

Frankly, I'd love to hear both. Maybe alternating? Maybe split each episode? Maybe just play around with the format and figure it out.

Sent friend request on discord to chat about it some time!

Just LOVE your input @scotters!!!!! And I think that is precisely what I will do.... "wing it" ;) hahaha!

Will respond to your request in two secs :)

This was beyond wicked awesomesauceness!

Dang, I wasn't the only one who said you had a cool accent? LOL!

I especially love how straightforward you were in laying out your background - not surprising, of course, given how upfront and honest you are in general. I'd love to pop in a podcast at some point, but for now, would a text question do for your next show?

imagining you nodding your head yes

Excellent. Here's one that I already asked Raymond, but thought his answer was sooo cool, that I want to ask you too you might like...

One question but with three parts -

If you could switch lives with someone else for 24 hours -

  1. Who would it be (at any time in history, and at any place in the world)?
  2. Why that particular person?
  3. What's one thing you'd want to do, and one thing you'd like to learn from being that person?

And, tip!

Aaaaah thank you my darling!!! That means the absolute WORLD to me!!!!! Especially from Miss Husky herself :P

AWESOME question!!!! Definitely going in to the next podcast!!!!! YAY!!!!

And thanks for the tip! MWAH!!!!!

again again again!!! hehehehe xxxxxx

Hey Jaynie,

I loved the way you started off with "Hey everyone, Welcome to first official Rock and roll podcast" hahaha.
You look really vivacious and energetic. what a coincidence, It was your first podcast and two days ago I had my first dtube video.
You have asked who would love to chat on live Podcast, I volunteer myself, I am sure you would like to chat with a 20 years old University student who wants to go on mars and has very cheap Afro :p

Waahahahahaha @suf1an - that DEFINITELY sounds like it would be fun... I mean, I have always wondered what you guys keep in there.... hehehehe (juuuuust kidding!!!) ;) If you would be keen to do a live chat, then please DM me on discord... here is my handle: jaynie#9450

Yayayyyy. Let's do it. I am sure it would be fun and more importantly I will come to know about one more stranger who will not be strangers after this chat. Meeting new people is on my bucket list. I love meeting strangers and knowing about them because sometimes they end up surprising you.

I will ping you on discord and let's discuss more over there.

Cool Beans :)

It was great to "hear" you, and you "give good radio!" So well done! And thanks for sharing your story and background... abusive situations are hellish, and nobody should have to endure them. I'm glad to know a bit more about the real Jaynie... you're pretty awesome, and a survivor, at that.

Thank you so much @denmarkguy :) REALLY! It was pretty nerve wrecking hehehe.... but I am glad I did it... here's hoping the next one has less "bloopers" haha :)

Great podcast - keep it up. xx

Thanks mom xxx

Hey, @jaynie! Awesome intro! Put a smile on my face! hahaha! I actually still mess up my intros. My wife will be sitting and waiting for me to finally get it right.

Great episode! Loved how relax you were in this one.

You have an amazing story and have gone through some crazy things in life. It's no wonder you have such an amazing perspective and live by that cut the crap attitude!

I think the world needs more real and honest people. People who are not afraid to speak their minds in front of others for the sake of the betterment of all.

Great show and thanks for the shout-out!


I do have a question! What do you think are the characteristics needed to be successful on steemit? Maybe you've answered this before but hey, doesn't hurt to hear it again :)

Ah wow @branlee - Thank you SO much for that awesome feedback... and for the question. I will definitely get stuck into that next time :)

Yeah, I had quite a bit of fun doing the intro... I figured I may as well laugh at myself! lol... makes it a little less stressful haha!

As for the world needing more honest people... I could not agree more!!!

Thanks again for the support and for your kind words x

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