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RE: Unlong (Live Jam Take) - TECHNO
Great hearing more live jams like this. I need to get in the habit of recording sessions like this and posting them, but I have such a heavy reliance on granular synths that I find it hard to make the sound I want with just hardware. Still, this makes me want to do a set with just my Elektrons. What are your thoughts on the O-Coast? I'm really interested in getting one.
Awesome to know you dig!. I hear you about granular. I'm adding some granular sampling with the MicroGranny soon. But yeah it can get quite messy easily. Maybe I'll include it on the next jam. Best thing I did was forgetting about the sound I wanted and just make the most out of the machines.
The 0-Coast is amazing man, I recommend it 100%. And if you don't like it you will sell it easy, but I doubt you won't like it!.
Thanks for listening!.
Thanks for letting me know. Seriously looking at offloading my Mopho Keys for an O-Coast. I just really dig semi-modular stuff right now, but I'm not quite ready to dive fully into modular. I've also been looking at the Tasty Chip's GR-1 for a hardware granular. Looks really promising.
Hi! That granilar synth looks amazing. I didn't know I needed it! :)