You Might Be In A Druid's Home When
...the homemade remedies outnumber the store bought medicine in the medicine cabinet
...they have a "Pagan bookshelf"
...there are wards everywhere
...they have collections of rocks, seeds...
...leaves, feathers, sticks...
...houseplants take over in a decidedly non-Better Homes & Gardens kind of way
...they have a staff. The staff has a name. It's in Gaelic.'re not allowed to sweep the corners under the cabinets where Kitchen Spider lives
...their friends from other traditions gift them more wards
...they bless the water in ogham
...keeping up with the latest gadgets might not be their forte
yes, that's a 13" CRT television with a built in VCR and bunny ears. With candles in the way. Because I haven't watched TV since the last season of Sherlock. Though I've used WiiFit a few times. In like, December.
...but old school tech? Yeah, we do that. At 100wpm. Like a bard with a harp, yo.
Druid Fun Facts:
Ancient Druids didn't build Stonehenge (it predates them).
We don't sacrifice virgins (and we don't know if they actually performed human sacrifice in antiquity. But frikkin' practically everyone did in antiquity. Monotheistic religions, too. It's in the old testament, so shut up about it before I throw you in my wicker man make you a nice cup of tea and serve you some cupcakes).
Ancient Druids were in school for 20+ years (me too: 21 years of formal education, but of course, not from Druids [cuss]).
Faeries are not cute little mischievous Victorian pixies who wear flower skirts and pull on your cat's tail. They're big and powerful and can fuck your shit up.
image found on blogspot. I'd love to know the artist, but I don't!
The Morrigan, Goddess of War. Not Tinkerbell. when we talk about the fae or you're reading Celtic mythology, keep that in mind. 😁
That Red Fish your momma always warned you about
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Buy a Druid a Coffee (or the kittehs some noms, more likely):
You just about described this homesteader! A few things out of place but not many! Amazing...
LOL! Get those wards keeping your family safe 💚
I do!
Seven of 13 of these things are true of us as well! We consider ourselves christians with a universalist interpretation, but deeds are more important than labels.
Obviously these can apply to other people as well. But I have encountered a lot of ignorant people (who asked me if I sacrificed people, worshipped the devil, threatened me via text messages when they figured out the pet sitter was Pagan, and who think Pagans are part of some illuminati conspiracy of some kind), so it's just a little lighthearted "I'm a human, not a monster, maybe eccentric, not evil" post.😉
I might start saying we are nature-based christians! Most of our neighbors already suspect something is off
All the best people are "off" 😉
Also, in early Xtian Ireland it was a mishmash for a long time. There are Síle na Gigs over the earliest church doors. You can Google that, it's nsfw though! The Síle represented the portal to the mysteries - ergo, over the church door makes sense - but it's an image of a stylized, naked, squatting woman opening her vagina with her hands, inviting you in - because sex with a woman was sacred , and a portal to the mysteries. It's why Vestal virgins were not virgins at all, but sacred prostitutes.
You type 100 wpm on that raggedy POS typewriter?
Well I clock over 100 on computers, and I'm a hair slower on my Super Awesome Old Typewriter, so I figure about there. Sometimes I tangle the keys because I hit them too fast.
That's pretty fucking amazing... I always loved the sound those old typewriters make when used properly
Me too! 😊
you have many interesting collections!!
What are druids and what do they do? 😐