Drugwars - Short version of the promotional video.
Buenas los traficantes de drogas!
Watch this short version of the Drugwars Game Trailer and don’t forget to share, tweet, mention, resteem, like it, to spread the word about the first ever simulation & strategy game based on Blockchain.
After a week of ups and downs in Drugwars, where are we now?
- 4700+ players after a week of early access
- Daily prize has reached 5880,039 STEEM
- Some players have upgraded level 20 in different buildings: headquarter, ammunition, crackhouse. (You better fear them)
- There is one player with a level 16 distillerie, well wanna open a party?
- One player is showing off his wealth with a pantheon level 15 (who knows he may be the wisest of all…)
- One player has his weapon storage at level 15.
- We got some players with level 14 of operation center and training facility.
Thanks to the contributions of the players, we have been able to fix major issues as well as minor ones. Still some glitches in the game but we are working hard to make them nonexistent and make them reach number 0.
We opened the Battles for the early access but after some bugs we decided to disable it, but we promise that we will bring back this feature and upgrade it to make it even more amazing.
Players were very interested in the referral system that wasn’t working until a day ago, but now IT IS ON, and players can choose their referrers until 02/24/2019 that you can find in the “help” page.
This week FAQ
When will the Battles be back?
Not yet, but take this breaking time to reinforce your productions and defense.
Will you tell us when Battles will be back?
We will give a 24-48h notice before enabling Battles, so that players won’t be taken off guard.
How many units can I produce?
As much as you want as long as you can afford them.
How can I produce more without having to spend some Steem?
Well it’s a game, if it’s too easy it won’t be fun anymore. BUT players will be able to steal from their enemies when the Battles will be available again, so it will be a way to “produce” faster.
What is the purpose of the Pantheon?
Apparently nothing, once again, apparently. You never know with the Drugwars Team.
When will the other features be available?
We won’t tell you when because it won’t be fun anymore, and we want you to get surprised.
When will you refund me?
If you’ve sent a message to Goyard it means, we will take care of your refund, but we want to ask players to not harass him, sometimes he needs to live his real life a little bit.
Do I rip off 5% of my referees rewards?
Oh no, it’s 5% as a Bonus (in STEEM).
Why am I not producing anymore resources and why is the production number in the red color?
Basically you’ve reached the limit capacity of your storage and it’s time for you to upgrade it or to spend those in upgrading, building etc.
For those who have lived the Sunday Event, what are your thoughts on this event? Do you want to do it again next Sunday? Do you want us to change the event?
We’re sorry for the disturbances last night with the 50-50 Sunday Event reward. But what pleased us was the fact that the Drugwars community, after a week, has put their trust in us, and didn’t freak out when the reward was buggy, instead you took it calmly and knew that we would fix that quite fast.
I’ve had to do a lot of things I don’t like to do. But I’m not as black as I’m painted. I’m human. I’ve got a heart in me. - Al Capone
This is a really fun game, it's worth getting a couple of upgrades with Steem to support the producers and boost your setup - @lordnigel
Amazing game, Amazing art and Amazing team!
AAA to you guys!
by @chitty
REALLY enjoying this game! I used to play a lot of Mafia Wars on Facebook when I was younger and used to really enjoy that, this game Drug Wars brings back a lot of nostalgia and fun! Thank you so much for that, I appreciate the amazing work - by @luppers

#drugwarstothemoon #greatjob
vous parlez français aussi? tres bien!
hmmm, something tells me this building might be useful at some point, I might have to upgrade it a little.
Please, some kind of cool-down period for battles - Players not Bots!
Cheers DW Team!
lol young money crypto money flex
damn right, i just won 256 STEEM :P
We both get 16 Steem if you play 100 spins at 0.1 STEEM. So a minimum of 6 STEEM profit for you, and 16 for me :D
Just did that from a fullcoverbetting referral, and yeah, lucky me! :D
Gratz, I think I'll stick to games with non-anon devs though. :p
that referral sounds anything but sustainable XD
Fair :)
Yeah I was thinking no way but we've both had our STEEM. Think i'm going to quit while i'm ahead, and buy some drug production facilities :D
Seemed like an okay start into a dapp, not bad. I'd still be careful unless I can trust the people behind one, used your ref.
Yeah the game is pretty slick actually. Cheers man!
Good point on cool-downs, I got to 7th place with just one Knifer in a day or two!
Nicely done! The battles being offline has been a good chance to get those buildings leveled up.
+1 for this one! :)
Got to try and keep it a fun game!
Agreed! :)
Good post
Posted using Partiko Android
Good comment :D
Ha! That is one heavy-handed promotion. Perfect.
Honestly though, we should really be targeting the communities of other pay-to-win games. That is a huge untapped market of gamers looking to play this type of game while getting rewarded.
I think in a few months you guys will really be wanting to look outward and think about doing your own account signups and phone app and all that.
Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Awesome work guys! Keep the energy levels up! (Whatever drugs it may take, now that you've got plenty). This is really exciting for Steem and blockchain in general.
Awesome game with awesome devs! :D
Nice video and thank you so much for the great project.
And something like this for the long version? :P
Been having a lot of fun learning about this game and looking forward to some updates!
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. I'll meet you guys on the streets!
Yep it's true.... @lordnigel loves his drugwars fixes.
Well done on a great development guys.
Tip for the new players: a bit of early tactical steem spending doesn't hurt and helps support developers :)