
No one should gain any advantage from using any bot, crawler, or tools not avaliable to all players. Automated actions whether attack bot or not should be forbidden or officially provided to all players on equal ground.
It should be clear in their terms of service.
By using the word attack bot theybare premitting all other bots and arguments over what that means.

Just ban all unauthorized scripts.

How do you propose preventing scripts from just interacting directly with the blockchain, instead of using the game UI?

That doesn't seem a reasonable expectation given the nature of the blockchain and JSON.

Simple. Reserve the right to ban for all unauthorized scripts. You want to run a script, get it authorized.
Someone could make 100s of accounts and just run non attack bot scripts to slowly and safely develop just investing in the heist and taking away resources from paying humans. The accounts can then be sold or the steem can be mined with no intent to actually play the game. It is not in anyone else's advantage.
There are probably already hundreds of accounts doing this and the problem will get worse and worse.

Posted using Partiko Android

How do you detect a script that interacts outside the game with the blockchain directly using JSON?

I'm not arguing for or against bots. I'm pointing out that the scripts don't need to use the UI to interact, to invest in the heist, to upgrade, etc. How are the devs supposed to ban scripts that interact directly with the blockchain?

These interactions aren't occurring in the game UI, where the devs have control.

Maybe the best solution is just wait until the game is a little more developed then create a human only channel. It will never be 100% impossible to protect a server from bots, but many games have quality anti-cheat systems in place which help.

I can't think of platforms similar to Steem that enable such interactions outside of the game UI itself. The situation vis a vis @drugwars and botting is novel because of that.

We'll see how things shake out.

It's being done already ;) Found 50+ identical accounts which are producing good, have nothing to steal and support quite the armies. But it may be manually done buy a family of 50+ well coordinated people, I don't know.

All of them... hate been kicked by a donkey while I'm loading my gun, or splashed by a dolphin when measuring my drugs, don't even get me started on howler monkey and sniffer dogs.

Non -humans are jerks, ban them all.

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