Don't invest any more STEEM into Drugwars, and especially don't think you'll earn STEEM by sharing fights!

in #drugwars6 years ago (edited)


I tried the share fight option last week

Without knowing they'd post it immediately, I was stupid enough to drop the post from my main account. As I don't like to share just a screenshot without any text, I added the post a bit afterwards. Then @canadian-coconut decided to vote that post, which made the post value go up quite a bit:

As you can see, her vote was $ 1,40 while the @fundition vote was only $ 0,19. This is what got paid out after the 7 days:

As you can see that's a pretty nice profit for using their button, that is very easy to click on. While they only gave away a small $ 0,19 vote they more than doubled their effort by receiving $ 0,453 of the total post payout! Now that's how you build your account, right? I think you're a bunch of thieves!


It can be even worse!

While I instantly decided that I would never push that button again on my main account, taking the risk they'd take a big chunk of my earnings there, I decided to try it out on my alt accounts. Yes, I have alt accounts in the game, and yes I've invested with those accounts too. Not much, but I invested a bit to get started. These accounts either got a $0,07 vote or even NO vote at all, while they STILL take 35% of the earnings!

Now, in this case it's not that bad for the account, as no other votes followed either, so they get 35% out of nothing, which leaves them (and me) with nothing in the end. But I call it thievery that they don't even drop a vote on a post when they do take more than 1/3 of the post payout. Because while I tied this with my alt account, I'm quite positive that there must be people out there not getting their vote while they still have trails voting on their posts. That means @drugwars and @drugwars-dealer is stealing 35% while not giving back a damn thing! Way to go guys! That's how you make friends! Oh, I forgot you're not here to make friends, you're a bunch of gang members. That's clear now.


Where I was spreading my ref before I'm now advising people to be careful

Don't invest any STEEM from now on, because they've made an announcement trying to make it look as it's a positive thing, introducing their "Future" token, giving us only 48 hours notice of the STEEM payouts coming to an end. Of course they didn't announce this earlier, because that would mean they are losing STEEM investments by their players.

While most of us knew their system wasn't going to be sustainable for a long time, I'm quite surprised (like I also read someone say in the comments below their post) how they manage to keep fucking up the game and pissing off the players. Well done guys! Glad to see at least you guys get a huge @fundition upvote for a post making the biggest part of the players mad, good thing that there is no beneficiary there ;)


To be clear

I have absolutely no problem in accounts like @utopian-io taking a part of the earnings as a beneficiary, as they also give back to the community and authors. They actually give you a nice vote for your contributions on Utopian, and that's only fair. In the end the account will grow, and your vote from them will grow, but this isn't the case with @drugwars.
They take more than they give, and I think people should be aware of it. You can't just set up this system taking a huge cut like that, while you only give pennies away. And even worse, in a lot of cases you aren't even giving any vote! Not a cent, while you do get the 35% of the post payout. It makes me quite mad, and you are playing God here, come on, what did you expect that people would just take this, without speaking up!


And then there's this too, which I needed to address also

I think a lot of people know @simplymike on Steemit, and know her personality, she does nothing but good things for people. That's what I responded below her comment to back her up too. And actually @hightouch it sure does seem like you guys are running off with people's STEEM now! While you let people know long before battles started, you guys decided to through this out there with a short notice, without disabling the option of people upgrading with STEEM. There is no info in the game about this new change, and I'm sure you guys hope for people to notice this change too late, after purchasing instant upgrades. You guys really messed up here. Lot's of people already talked about putting everything in the heist, and leaving it as is after the change. And as you sure have read in the comments of your own post, most of the players feel betrayed.

But I'm sure that's all because us players are a bunch of dishonest people, right?


Right on! Resteemed for more exposure, trying to protect people from investing anymore Steem. Because, like you say, there's no mention on the site about the fact that they won't be paying out Steem anymore, but - of course - the payment buttons are still there.

The @fundition vote they get is because the main dev from Drugwars is also the big guy from Fundition. Now if that isn't a conflict of interest, I don't know what is...

This entire setup gives a bad name to cryptogames, and once again to the Steem blockchain. It's not that this blockchain has such a good reputation that we can afford things like this.

I've been saying the 'game' was fishy from day one, and although I'm sorry for all the people that invested Steem and will lose money over this, but I'm happy the community finally saw the 'game' for what it is.

Yes, definitely a scam! And for @hightouch to talk of @simplymike like that, speaks volumes about his disconnect to the Steem community. Thanks for putting this information out there. I hope they do take actions to fix all this, as it is a somewhat fun game and could have been so good for our i don't know.

Now, I must admit I didn't go too easy on him either, lol.
The weird thing is that I get the feeling they honestly do think they are doing good. But maybe that's just because I can't imagine people would deliberately steal money from people like that.

They keep saying the 'game' isn't a ponzi, but when you look up the definition of a ponzi scheme, you get an exact description of the game

Let me try if this wikibot still works:

It should reply with the content of that Wikipedia article.

Maybe I could understand that people thought it was a fun game before the last update where they hid the information about people's army and resources. I did have a little fun robbing people with one f my alts. But since that update, I don't get it anymore - I never really got it anyway, lol.

now where's that bot??? :0(

I'll do it myself, then

A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]; also a Ponzi game)[1] is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.[2] The scheme leads victims to believe that profits are coming from product sales or other means, and they remain unaware that other investors are the source of funds. A Ponzi scheme can maintain the illusion of a sustainable business as long as new investors contribute new funds, and as long as most of the investors do not demand full repayment and still believe in the non-existent assets they are purported to own.


This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

If you found this comment useful, consider upvoting it to help keep this bot running. You can see a list of all available commands by replying with !help.

Yes, thanks for checking :P

Make sure you fix it the mistake AND make sure you upvote their comment(checky) because if you do, theyll come back in a day or so and give you an upvote.

Really? Didn't know that, I think I fixed the mistake, but will check again to make sure I didn't make the typo twice lol :) thanks for letting me know..

Maybe im wrong. For as i went in search of that article, i can't find it. But, i guess we will see. Sorry if not. But i do love this bot and always upvote it when it helps me.🙂

Why would you prevent them from giving you an upvote???

Im confused. Whos preventing who from upvoting?

Sorry, I read it wrong. I thought you said: if you DON'T, they'll come back an upvote you

😜 Im always misreading things myself. A thousand things to do a day makes it tough at times to read things 100% correct all the time.

lol. Priorities must be set ;0)

Extremely good post, hadn't seen the announcement so that's good to know! Been seeing a lot of the fight posts lately for sure, definitely not the same as utopian, where they usually vote with over a dollar (around 25 for me usually). Kinda saw this coming, seemed like an exit scam from the beginning but I made my investment back ASAP, so idc. Feel bad for those who assumed it would keep going and poured money in, but these are a dime a dozen, gotta have some skepticism.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! There are more people that hadn't seen the post yet, and to be completely honest, I didn't check their announcements that much either, so I could have easily missed that too.

I've gotten Utopian votes for my translations while I translated for them, and in those cases I really completely understand that they want you to post it with them as the beneficiary, as the rewards are worth it. I've had votes from them up to in the 90 dollar when I started, and no problem with them taking a cut. But I really feel in this case, it's just theft. If I'm completely wrong, and someone shows me stats stating otherwise, fine I will admit that happily, but based on what I've seen so far, they are taking from us with the share button.

I saw it coming too, so after thinking about the game for a few hours, I decided IF I would put STEEM in, I should do it ASAP, and not wait a week longer. And so I did, I've asked my bookkeeping stats somewhere below, 39 something profit. So I'm good, it's just really pissing me off that they do the things mentioned above. And clearly I'm not the only one feeling that way.

Glad you also didn't stay in the red zone :)

!bookkeeping drugwars

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @petertag!



  • 13.602 STEEM from daily
  • 4.183 STEEM from heist
  • 0.040 STEEM from referral


  • 23.945 STEEM


  • -6.120 STEEM

First transfer was before 34.85 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.14 % and you are earning approx. 0.51 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 12.0 days.

ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account

Your ROI per day is 0.77 % and you are earning approx. 0.18 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 33.4 days.

You're lucky only losing about 6 steem.
I know people who are waiting for some hundreds steem to come back into their wallet.
Sure, it was their decision to invest - but still, I think it's a bad thing to change the rules during the game on such short notice.
They first saw a lot of steem coming in and thought "well, let's reward the players" which works as long money is coming in.
Now they saw that less steem is coming in and they quickly had to change the rules to not go bankrupt.
So this whole game was just a redistribution of steem between heavy investors and smaller ones.
Actually not that bad ... as long one is not the heavy investor :)

Their sustainability model is definetely suspicious. People do play the game for a steem reward, who wants future tokens? I am leary about all these SMTs, hopefully they bring new people to Steem and increase the demand.

The spam from those Drugwars posts' are ridiculous and to know Drugwars takes more than the curators get that's just plain old theft. Shame on them!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, spot on, I totally forgot to mention that part in my post, I was planning on addressing it too.. The garbage leaving it on the blockchain.. making all these transactions with the lousy posts being dropped. And yes, guilty for trying them too. But not even getting the option to add something about the fight is imo stupid. Most people don't fancy dropping these screenshots. I mean, it's considered spam normally, but when drugwars has this, it's suddenly perfectly fine?

I hope you didnt invest too much. I had a hunch things would end up like this which is why i tryed to warn people.
Not saying they cant fix it, but the problem lies in them losing the trust of the community.
We shall see what happens.

A lot of developers and witness on Steem are only here to take take take. These guys are no exception. There are a few good people helping them because they are interested to see what can be done on Steem, I'll admit it is pushing boundaries, but still we are paying them to develop a game and they are swindling us all.

The game is still in early Beta testing and they are already unhappy with the amount of money they are making.

I am way up in my 'investment', but frankly speaking the game sucks, and I would have stopped playing long ago without getting Steem.

I know some people are like 'yo it's a game not an investment' well then stop taking my money to be a beta tester. Also I'm the customer so good job telling me how to think, who do you think you are the government?

I don't think they are a scam, I just think they are treating their player like shit. They aren't blizzard or some other large studio so why should we put up with their BS? As for the people who like the game, to each their own I guess.

There are thousands of free games online (without illegal downloading) that are much much better.

While not familiar with your account @anouk.nox, I wanted to let you know I admire you writing this post.

Integrity and the trust resulting from it, is essential to any good business. From a long professional life in the business world, I have written about it, as that is what I look for ...

"While most of us knew their system wasn't going to be sustainable for a long time ..."

One Steemian I have found to be trustworthy, @constanza, wrote briefly on this a while back. Taking him at his word, since one area of interest for him "in here" is gambling, I never took a look at drugwars ...

FYI, found your post due to a resteem from @simplymike. I have now both upvoted and resteemed it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, @roleerob

Posted using Partiko Android

I always thought drugwars seemed too good to be true (after experience of clash of clans).

Like everything else steem its been great for the early adopters and the majority are left paying catch up.

I never would've used their button on my main account, too sus.

Thanks for confirming.

I assume you're in profit tho'? Which is something at least.

Just let them get on with it I say and leave it if yr unhappy!

Posted using Partiko Android

Same here, I decided if I was going to invest some Steem, I needed to do it early. So I started to do so the first days , and then decided this is enough (68 Steem it was checked bookkeeping earlier because I wasn't sure) Got back 39 something Steem .. so I'm good. Still don't think this is the right way to handling this from their side.

Using their share button doesn't say they take 35%, and it also doesn't mention you can't edit the post before publishing. Which imo is just a lot of garbage out there.. But that's my opinion.. We'll see where it goes :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I invested much less, and have almost broke even,

People who invested less (say 20 steem) are in profit.

It's just a game!

What's the command?

!bookkeeping drugwars

Hi @revisesociology!



  • 14.495 STEEM from daily
  • 6.538 STEEM from heist
  • 0.000 STEEM from referral


  • 26.276 STEEM


  • -5.243 STEEM

First transfer was before 33.40 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.40 % and you are earning approx. 0.63 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 8.3 days.

ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account

Your ROI per day is 1.44 % and you are earning approx. 0.38 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 13.9 days.

Yes that's it see comment .. luckily it's not that bad for you :)

Posted using Partiko Android

well this is the first I had heard that they were going to stop steem payouts. I have mixed feelings about this post, as for one I don't agree that drugwars is taking without giving anything back - for quite a few days recently drugwars was the #1 DAPP on steem blockchain, with even more daily users than, and I am absolutely certain that they have brought in a large number of new users to Steem who may well stick around after this initial exposure. I also have no problem with the constant changes to rules and what not, that is honestly to be expected when a game like this is rolled out without extensive playtesting first, and it was made crystal clear from the beginning that rules could and would be changed. But I definitely agree that this is an extraordinarily short warning period before a change like stopping Steem payout, which isn't really a mechanic change to the game itself and makes anyone foolish enough to invest significant Steem a total sucker. Of course, it was pretty clear to me personally that anyone who had invested significant steem in the upgrades was already a sucker - just looking at the costs of upgrades vs. what they give you should have been enough to make anyone realize that only a few initial upgrades might make sense, and anything after that was just wasting money.

I don't mind on disagreeing with you, but in this case it's more caused by the words I chose to use in the post. As I was actually speaking about the share battle while mentioning that. And I'm sure they've brought quite some new members to Steemit, I believe that right away, and I actually also don't mind the changes in the game all the time. I'm one that easily adapts to changes, I've learned that along the way.

But I do really feel that it doesn't speak for them to take this short notice for this. In a comment below their announcement, someone mentioned they could do this in stages, for example: start with replacing ref rewards by the token, followed by the heist rewards and finally the daily (or another order) I think that's actually a good way to do this.

Thinking about the fact that they gave us a week notice for the battles to start again, why would they do this on this short notice? And I also find it not ok to keep the STEEM payments in the game while clearly some people haven't read their post yet. There's a comment below my post here stating that person had just bought something with instant upgrade a minute before finding this post.
I want people to know what's happening, so I spoke up about it.

I personally didn't lose anything, I even made a profit, because I knew (better word is expected I guess) that the payouts would drop hard, and within some weeks we'd not be receiving much of the initial daily reward. And so I invested the first days, and didn't put any steem in after that. So my post is not based on shitty feelings of losing anything, as I didn't. I didn't expect the system to be sustainable for long, and I was right.

I really do think they could have done this in a more decent way, because this way they simply piss off players.. that's not how it should be. :)

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