PED-Performance enchancing drugs

in #drugs7 years ago

Performance-enhancing substances, also known as performance-enhancing drugs (PED) are substances that are used to improve any form of activity performance in humans. A well-known example involves doping in sport, where banned physical performance–enhancing drugs are used by athletes and bodybuilders.


So YES or NO?

Everyone of us is training to become bigger, stronger, faster, more powerful, etc...

So with taking some PED we will get just faster and achived exactly what we always wanted. Even bigger, stronger, faster,....

So where is the reason why not take them?
The problem is not in how good are you becoming but who are you becoming.

A person who is always cheating, person who is always looking for shortcuts, the one who nullifies other efforts, time and honesty to become good, a champion.


Interesting question. I'm not too familiar with PEDs but from what i understand, a lot of hardwork is still required.

Don't think there's a drug that makea us superhuman just by taking it. Where do we draw the line in the difference between a health supplement and a PED?

Of course there is still alot of hard work behind.
But there is just difference when doing it clean on not. When people are on PEDs recovery time is much shorter, they advance faster, and much more....
Yes we could talk long about which suplement is healthy and which not....
In just normal whey proteins there are so many additives which I think are not very healthy, specialy tastes and so...

I don't disagree, but I think this sort of ignores the fact that a lot of PEDs have drastically changed. It seems that now there are a lot of cases where PEDs are more for recovery and are made up of a lot compounds that mirror hormones found in humans. It's almost getting to this weird grey area where, soon enough, there won't be much (if any) distinction between this recovery class of PED and taking some advil if you're sore.

I agree. But It's still drug. If it shortens recovery time faster then when clean?
I think is the same, when you take them to increase power stamina, right?

I'm not entirely sure, but yes, it's still a drug and still banned. My point is that i think they've gotten a lot less scary like the old school anabolic steroids. I think sooner enough people won't be able to distinguish between PEDs and something you buy at CVS.

The long term effects of PED's is typically not positive. And the influence they have on younger kids is profound when they see athletes they admire caught of PED's. I remember hen Mark McGuire had Androsteendiod in his locker...which was used to cover up the fact he was using Steroids. But he, Sosa, Bonds, Palmeiro were just killing the baseball. 50 homerun seasons were common.

Now with testing and punishment it becomes a question of Risk vs Reward. Is it worth it to get suspended for using PED's. Baseball has an 80 game suspension on your first offense, a full season 2nd offense, and lifetime ban for a 3rd offense.

Football it ranges 2-8 games i believe for a 1st offense. But Marijuana counts the same as a PED.

MMA with USADA testing has cleaned up the sport a lot and a fighter can be suspended 6 month to a year. Which is a lot of money out of their pocket.

So in all I think it's not worth it. For your health and career. Although I can see if I a guy has no shot at making it or needs a monster year in the last year of his deal he just goes for it. Like a Ryan Braun. lol.

I totally agree with you. There are many bad side affects of using PED.
We could write pages about why not use them. This time I wanted to explain from another point of view.
What kind of person are you becoming when you cheat others with taking this kind of drugs.
Maybe we can understand proffesionals when It's all about money. But to many amateurs use them to step forward and don't care what they are doing to their bodies.

You know that is GREAT point. One thing I remember that has stuck with me in regards to PED's is BJ Penn. He is a MMA fighter I LOVE. He is clean and fights fighters WAY BIGGER than him. But unfortunately he ha gotten into fights with guys HIGHLY suspect able for using PED's.

But he said something in an interview that has always stuck with me. Since he is clean...every time he trains for a fight and pushes his body...the next morning he can BARELY get out of bed. Dudes on PED's recover much faster thus having an advantage. Plus he mentioned in MMA you are out there to Kill or be Killed and it's not right if someone CHEATED to have an advantage to KILL you.

Exactly:D Once I was talking with my friend. We've been together in martial arts for 2 decades. And as I remember he was using PED for more than 10 years.
Few years ago he flew to Florida(we are from Europe) to pass a belt test. After a month there his body ran out of supplements he was taking and in a phone call he was explaining me how tired he is, sour, everything hurted him,....
All I could answer him dear friend this is NORMAL....we all live like this. When you train hard, it hurts...and it takes days to recover:)

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