Magic Mushroom FAQ

in #drugs9 years ago


Magic Mushroom FAQ​

I made this thread because I saw some posts recently by members asking about psychedelics so I thought that I’d contribute as much as I can to the subject. I’m by no means an expert but have taken shrooms over a dozen times now in addition to other psychedelics. If you’re interested in trying shrooms you should check out the sites I link in the last spoiler to read more information and people’s experiences. The FAQ continues into the next post cuz it's too long.

Disclaimer: I don’t endorse the use of magic mushrooms, this thread is made for the sole purpose of harm reduction. They are a serious drug and should be consumed with the utter most scrutiny.

It’s my first time, how much should I take?

 A good beginner dose is going to vary by person. If you’re 140-200 pounds I typically recommend 2 grams (dried) if you’re smaller than that I’d say take .5g less and if you’re bigger take .5g more. This dose shouldn’t blow you away by any means, it’s just enough to give you a feeling of what to expect from shrooms and should give you a sense of ease. 

 What will I experience?
 1-2g: slight open (OEV) and closed eye visuals (CEV); when you close your eyes you might see geometric patterns, when your eyes are open you’ll probably notice objects have ‘tracers’ and stationary objects may appear to move in ‘waves’; audio hallucinations (it’s not like you hear someone who isn’t there talking to you, sound is often just distorted); uplifted mood/slight euphoria; profound thoughts; empathy; reduced ego.

2-3g: mild OEV and CEV; with your eyes closed you’ll see more intricate patterns swirling around and may even see short depictions of scenes, with your eyes open ‘tracers’ and ‘waves’ will be more pronounced and the world may appear very ‘cartoon-like’ (hard to explain but basically everything looks kind of fake); in complete darkness you may see things that aren’t really there (I’ll describe what you might see in another section); audio hallucinations; mild euphoria; some confusion and thought loops; profound thoughts and an altered view on your life; empathy; greatly reduced ego/ego death.

3-4g: Full OEV and CEV; with your eyes closed you may appear to see what basically look like another dimension (a beautiful one), with your eyes open you’ll see full blown hallucinations as well as ‘tracers’ and ‘waves,’ and again the world will appear very cartoonish. You may also experience full audio hallucinations (hearing voices that aren’t really there), don’t worry it’s not as creepy as it sounds; intense euphoria; confusion and thought loops will most likely be prevalent; extremely profound thoughts and a radically different view on almost everything you thought you were sure about; very strong empathy; complete ego death.

4-5g: you better buckle up, you will experience VERY intense hallucinations of every kind (audio, visual, tactile, and taste). You will quickly become overwhelmed with what you are experiencing as there is not really any stopping it or slowing it down (trying to is what leads to bad trips). It’s best to find a comfortable place to sit/lay down (shortly after you consume them), forget everything else, and enjoy the ride. On this dose a trip becomes extremely difficult to explain because there isn’t anything to compare it to, it completely shatters reality. The trip is very unpredictable, your experience changes rapidly, you often come in and out of what appears to be different dimensions and you’ll probably have moments where you forget who you are and that you’re tripping. You’ll still experience intense euphoria; confusion and thought loops; extremely profound thoughts and a 180 degree view of so many things in your life; extreme empathy; complete ego death. 

 Any negative side effects?
 It’s normal to experience nausea during the come up, you might even puke. An elevated heart rate is also normal so if you have any heart condition I’d advise against doing shrooms.

 If I take a little and I don’t feel anything can I take more?
 No. Overwhelming tolerance kicks in immediately. You should wait at least 2 weeks before you take them again because that’s about how long it takes for your tolerance to return to baseline. 

 I’m quite skinny or fat. Will your dosage guidelines be the same for me?

Not exactly. The effect shrooms will have on you depends on your body mass. I’d say if you’re under 140 pounds deduct .5g and if you’re over 200 pounds add .5g to my guideline. There’s definitely going to be some variation within 140- 200 lbs as well but you should use your own discretion there. Remember you can always take more (the next time you trip) but you can never take less.

 Are mushrooms addictive?

No. This doesn’t mean that people don’t do them too often and eventually start to lose grip of reality, but the insane tolerance of shrooms that kicks in immediately after consumption and lasts for about 2 weeks prevents people from consuming them compulsively.

 How often can I do them?
 Well you can probably do them every 1- 2 weeks for quite a while before tolerance becomes a huge issue, but I don’t recommend this. Over-using shrooms can have a negative effect on your life and mental state. I’d say at the very least you should wait 1- 2 months in between tripping (on any psychedelic) but straying from this occasionally shouldn’t cause you any harm.

 How do you take mushrooms?

 There’s a lot of different methods of consuming them, most either aim at covering up the taste or heightening the shrooms potency. One of the more popular ways to cover up the horrid taste is to eat them on a peanut butter sandwich (never tried it). Another way is to grind them up and mix them with OJ that has pulp. This way also supposedly intensifies the effects (never tried it). The way I take shrooms is to grind them up as much as possible and mix them in a glass with a small amount of lemon juice and down it. Put the shrooms in the glass first, then add just enough lemon juice so that the shrooms are saturated and viscous enough to drink. Don’t fill the glass with lemon juice because that’s just more disgusting that you’ll have to ingest. After you down the glass you’ll notice a bunch of shrooms stuck to the side of the glass, add a little bit more lemon juice, mix again, and drink whatever’s leftover. Now, while this mixture tastes fucking horrible (plug your nose and have something to wash the aftertaste away with) I find that this intensifies the shrooms potency 1.5x and causes them to hit you quicker (you’ll feel it in as soon as 15 mins) but the trip doesn’t last as long. It’s important to take this into account when dosing. For example: if you want to do 2g only take 1.3g because 1.3 x 1.5= 2g.

 How long will they last?

 This is far from set in stone so don’t panic if your trip doesn’t follow this timeline, this is just a general idea of what to expect.

Onset: 30-60 mins

Coming up: 20-40 mins

Peak: 2.5-4 hours

Coming down: 1-3 hours

Taken with lemon juice:

Onset: 15-30 mins

Coming up: 15-25 mins

Peak: 1.5-3 hours

Coming down: 1-2 hours 

 What will these hallucinations be like?
I’ll do my best but this is a very difficult question because: you often forget a lot of the hallucinations you experienced quickly after the experience (like a dream), they’re different for everybody, and differ every trip. Like I mentioned above, on small doses (3g and lower) they mostly appear in the form of ‘tracers’ (similar to what you see when you wave your hand fast in front of your face) and ‘waves’ (stationary objects and patterns will appear to move in and out). On higher doses you will see more stereotypical hallucinations (no, probably not dragons) especially when you’re in a very dark room. Here are some of the recurring hallucinations I often see: a sea of letters on the wall or floor, a large being that appears to be made of a thin black veil that slowly unravels itself and makes its way towards me, intense flashes of white light (like lightening) followed by an unusual scene such as a group of naked people lined up against the wall.

 What’s the best set/setting for a trip?
 Depends on the person, what’s most important is that it’s a place where you feel comfortable. If you’re tripping around others it’s best that you know everybody there (I recommend only tripping with one or two other people) and are cool with them. Here’s some unconventional advice: you don’t need a trip sitter, especially if you just take a beginner dose of 2g. I think having a sober friend hang out with you is a bad idea because in my opinion they’re more likely to give you a bad trip than help you through one. If you don’t want to do it alone I say trip with one good friend that you can share the experience with. If you’re tripping and he’s sober he’s likely to ask you a bombardment of stupid questions about what you’re feeling that’s going to take away from your experience. You don’t need them, you’re not going to freak out, you’ll be fine.

My favorite setting: laying down in a pitch black room either by myself or with one or two friends and listen to classic/psychedelic rock music. 

 Do you take any other drugs while on shrooms?

About 15 minutes after I drink the shroom/lemon juice cocktail I smoke a joint. This typically helps with the nausea and launches you into a quicker and slightly more intense trip. However, if you’re the type of person that gets really paranoid/anxious when you smoke weed I’d definitely advise against smoking on shrooms.

 What to do if you’re having a bad trip?

I’ve never had a bad trip on shrooms but I have had a couple on acid and it wasn’t anything that I couldn’t handle. You may have heard stories about a friend of a friend that took shrooms and starting screaming and tearing his house apart but for the most part these stories are made up or way over blown. I believe that these nightmare trips only happen when you’re tripping in the company of retarded friends who wouldn’t shut up and probably even started filming you at times (this is why I advise against a trip sitter). Generally a bad trip just involves a lot of anxiety and worry. What happens is you typically fear you’re going insane or that something is wrong with your body. You’re probably (mostly on higher doses) going to feel a sense of confusion that you’re unfamiliar with as well as a lot of repetitive thoughts (thought loops). Remind yourself that this is a normal part of tripping and either try to change thoughts or switch activities (start listening to music or listen to a different band). Most people turn into hypochondriacs when they’re tripping and misinterpret bodily sensations and every minor ache as a life threatening illness. You then launch into a frantic state over whether or not to call 911 or not. Unless you have some prior condition shrooms don’t cause you any bodily harm, just step back, take some deep breathes and tell yourself that you’re perfectly fine and whatever problem will most likely go away in no time. You may also feel like you’ve been tripping for too long and that this can’t be normal. You frantically keep checking the time and praying for the trip to end. It’s important that you take a step back, put your watch away, and tell yourself that you’ll come down when the shrooms are done, you can’t force yourself down. I recommend doing shrooms at night time, that way you don’t have to worry about any engagements and the trip ends whenever you fall asleep.

 What was your most intense trip like?
My most intense trip happened the first time I ever mixed shrooms with lemon juice, it was also the largest dose I’ve ever taken (4 grams). Remember that this equals about 6 grams had I just mixed it with water. About 15 minutes after dosing I was surprised that I could already feel a tingling sensation in my body (first sign that it’s coming on). At this point I sat outside and split a joint with my friend that I was tripping with and by the time the joint was done the world turned very cartoonish and I knew that I was in for a crazy ride. Time felt like it was going by incredibly slowly and I was getting hit by waves of nausea. I looked up at the clear night sky and saw beautiful patterns that the stars were making and was convinced the universe was held up by some sort of scaffold (kind of like an imax cinema). After the nausea passed (probably 45 mins since I dosed) we went to chill in his basement and listen to music.

Within a minute of turning off the lights, starting the music, and reclining in a chair intense visuals starting appearing. Me and my friend were laughing our asses off for no good reason (not uncommon on shrooms). It was now that flashes of bright white light kept filling the rooming (like it was lightening outside) and after every flash I could see these people lined up against the wall of his basement. After every flash they were wearing something different and sometimes they were naked, covering their genitals.

Past this point I had no sense of time, self, and reality. I was whisked away into a myriad of weird scenes and realms that didn’t seem all that strange at the time (similar to how dreams don’t seem weird when you’re in them). Recalling these are pretty hard but I’ll do my best. At one point I turned into what I can only describe as a sea of semen moving in the same direction. We were all the same yet all different, hard to describe but this is kind of how I view humans and all life today. At another point I turned into this big spinning wheel. I was being spun yet felt like I was the one spinning the wheel as well. I should point out that sometimes during these scenes I can hear the music playing at other times I can’t. What was most interesting is that sometime during the trip I heard a song play, from start to finish, that wasn’t really playing. It was a song that I had just heard for the first time earlier that day and really enjoyed. It was playing throughout my entire body and gave me the feeling that there was a bunch of tiny speakers in my body blasting it. The last thing I recall before coming down from the trip is becoming the night sky and feeling intense euphoria. My entire body was made up these little lights on a black background (hence the night sky). I swung my arms around a lot and I felt such a great sense of freedom and tranquillity.

After this I ‘woke up’ and realized who and where I was and felt a great afterglow that lasted into the next day. 

 Where can I go to find more information?

 I’m glad you asked. this is an entire forum dedicated to magic mushrooms erowid is your one stop shop for all your drug information needs! It has lots of information on magic mushrooms as well as an experience vault filled with many people’s ‘trip reports’ 

 Thanks for taking the time to read my post i hope its usefull for y'all .

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