The Powerful Message In This Episode of Spongebob: Don't Get "Hooked" On Drugs

in #drugs7 years ago (edited)

I was visiting some family this weekend and some younger cousins happened to be watching Spongebob. The first thing I noticed about this episode was it was an episode from when I was a kid (probably from ~2000) and I actually remembered it. However, this episode had a very powerful and relevant message that I never noticed as a kid.


The Plot

In this episode, Bikini Bottom (the town where the show takes place) is confronted with fisherman hooks. Mr. Krabs (Spongebob's boss) comes running into work warning about the dangers of the hooks. However, Patrick (Songebob's best friend) comes to where Spongebob works and tells him to come to "that carnival" with him. But this was no carnival. No, this was a field of hooks! Spongebob, frightened, recalls and warns Patrick of the dangers as told by Mr. Krabs. Regardless, Patrick shows how fun it is to eat the bait on the end of the hooks, then ride the hook as it pulls you up only to let go and float down. Eventually, Spongebob is convinced that this is actually fun and safe and they spend the whole day riding the hooks.

Eventually, Mr. Krabs notices Spongebob missing from work. He goes on a search for Spongebob only to find him doing exactly what Mr. Krabs instructed him not to. Spongebob promises never to do it again. A day goes by, and Spongebob is on his way to work. Patrick stops him and tells Spongebob that he should join him in riding the hooks again. Spongebob reminded Patrick that they promised never to touch the hooks again, only for Patrick to respond, "who would you rather listen to, a dummy like Mr. Krabs, or me?" Spongebob ends up riding the hook one last time, and it hooks onto his pants. He runs to Mr. Krabs for help exclaiming "I'm hooked!!" Mr. Krabs explained the only solution was to removes his clothes in front of all of the cute girls that happened to be in the store. Humiliated, he follows his instructions and becomes unhooked. And in the end, we see Patrick ending up in a can of tuna implying he got caught by the fishermen.


The Message

If it is not obvious, this episode is warning children of the dangers of drug addiction. The hooks are the "drugs," Patrick is the addicted enabler, and Spongebob is a typical victim of drug addiction. Mr. Krabs is the (sometimes ineffective) educational programs like D.A.R.E.

Spongebob, normally a hardworking employee, is pulled away from his usual productive life by playing with the hooks. Even when he wanted to stop using the dangerous hooks, Patrick reminded him how fun it is and how it isn't dangerous at all. In the end, Spongebob has to come running back to Mr. Krabs, ashamed, and asking for help. It isn't until he is completely humiliated and embarrassed for falling so far into a hole that he is eventually able to combat his addiction. Patrick, who remains addicted, gets "hooked" and ends up "canned." The metaphors and analogies in this episode are real.


The Relevance

Drug addiction is such a serious topic, especially for today's teens. So many high school and college aged students are falling victim to the world of dangerous drugs. They often end up hospitalized or even worse, dead. I asked my young cousins if they understood what this episode was really about. When they said they had no idea, I did my best to explain the dangers of drugs, and how people like Patrick will someday try to get you to do something you shouldn't do. I also explained that these people would likely end up in a can of tuna (which they thought was hilarious).

Now I'm not here to say all drugs are dangerous/bad because I know that is a very complicated and controversial topic right now. But I do think that the message in this episode of Spongebob was very powerful. The only issue was its target audience clearly doesn't understand the message yet without some help. And even with help, the message did not seem to completely sink in. Regardless, it is a more valiant effort than a lot of the children shows today put forth. I applaud the makers of this episode of Spongebob, and I hope that this message starts to reach this next generation of teens more than it has mine.


I had wrote a post a couple weeks back, someone I knew that had kids was found dead on the side of the road from a heroin overdose! Most of the people on here are so young and I would write more but my 12 year old son is a poster on here and would rather not go into details! But, just stay away from it, it is just not worth it! Also, I always loved spongebob! LOL

That's a great way to put it !! We see so many teens dying not some abuse of drugs , wish the generations coming forward make better choices

We can start by setting the right example for them :)

We should be the leaders , not followers (:

Wow man, amazing post. Having been through addiction, I approve of them trying to educate children even in it's in such a metaphoric way. Resteemed as this was really interesting, I never made the association myself! Looking forward to more of your spongebob theory posts ;)

With the kind of elements that our kids are exposed today, I think it will be hard to for parents to govern their children.

I love this, I write a Spongebob blog myself and I think the message and relevance you wrote about were dead on! If you want to read more about the relevance of Spongebob episodes, check out my blog "He Lived in a Pineapple", or don't and just keep watching Spongebob, both are great options! haha

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