Your Mind on Ketamine - Some hints and tips

in #drugs8 years ago

If you ever have the urge to roll up a note and snort some ketamine, I thought you might like an insight into it's effect on your mind and some hints and tips.

First of all, let me clarify something, I absolutely advocate taking drugs responsibly. I don't take drugs often these days. I'm 34 years old and have responsibilities but my twenties were a haze of ketamine, ecstasy, cocaine, weed, LSD, magic mushrooms and other pharmaceuticals that we could get our hands on. Also, this blog is just a guide and is not an exact science. I speak from my experience and people take ketamine at their own risk - respect the drug and it will respect you.

Ketamine was one of my favorites. May main tip with this drug is DO NOT do it in a nightclub or where there is hazardous topography, like cliffs or quarries (yes, we took it at quarry parties and it was almost disastrous). You will lose your motor-neuron facilities and controlling you body is not very easy at all.

My second tip is, go easy initially. It may be tempting at a party to rack up a couple of booster lines and double-dunt but you will only hit the k-hole with zero experience of the drug and end up freaking out. This is what happened my first time taking this drug. I receded into a reality where time segmented into chunks and I thought my mind was downloading in binary to other consciousnesses. I forgot what reality was and thought I was binary forever.

Luckily, the drug wears off quite rapidly so once you begin to experience reality again, you can control yourself and the relief will kick in that you aren't in fact a binary stream of information (or maybe you are and the ketamine just shows you this?). But bear in mind, when in the k-hole, you have no concept of time so it can seem like aeons.

Take some ketamine at a small house party or gathering at first, do a small (half the size of your pinkie and just a few grains thick) line and see how it feels. If you do small amounts, the feeling can be amazing. If you really want to hit the k-hole (a term for losing your sense of reality), then get comfortable and rack up a line the length of your index finger and the thickness of a fat piece of string and snort it.

You should feel the effects within just a few minutes but once you start on the trip, relax because you can't stop it.

All in all, if you are so inclined to experience different states of consciousness, ketamine can be a good learning journey and recreationally, can be good fun. Again, everything in moderation. Have fun!

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