Tipps for (drug)addicts

in #drugs2 years ago


are you addicted drugs? Don't worry, you don't have to tell it. Me too, by the way. I have used a lot of drugs in my few years, so i gained a lot of experience in this field and i'm willing to give you some tipps to help you with your addiction.

So here are some tipps for you:

  1. (The most obvious) get some #help: Where i live there are many public services that help people with addiction. You can go there, talk to a therapist and they also give you some medication against drugs like heroin. And the best is: Those services didn't cost you a penny.

  2. Find a hobby: #distraction is a very important point when quitting drugs. I've smoked a lot of pot when i was bored (i've smoked not only because of boredom, but thats another shoe). The best way to get distraction is to find a hobby. Is there something you always wanted to do? Do it now! But it's very important to not consume something before you do it! If you consume the first time and later do the same thing without consuming, the second time is disappointing.

  3. Based on point 2: find some #working-rehabilitation-service in your area. I was there too, and to be honest the work isn't great. But you get used to a routine, stand up in the morning, go to work, have some distraction until the work is finish and they also help you to find a workplace you like after some time in the service. You also earn a little bit of money.

  4. Make a plan: I've made a #consume-plan with my therapist to quit weed and other drugs (but mostly weed). We said for the beginning every second week 2 joints on Friday and 3 on Saturday. Later we reduced it to 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday and now it's reduced to every 3 weeks 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday. To be honest, i barely stick to my plan (to be clear: when i can smoke, i smoke the amount of joints we said, but sometimes i feel like to smoke one at a weekend where i shouldn't smoke), but it helped me to reduce it from 5-6 joints per day to 1-2 joints per week. And this brings me to my next point:

  5. Stick to your plan: Be #consequent with your consume-plan. Sure i reduced it a lot with this plan, but i don't always stick to my plan which bothers me. By the way, this is called a planed consume in the services from point 1. And not everybody can do it like that. In my opinion it's easyer in long term to quit from one day to another and not to reduce it step by step.

  6. No excuses anymore: To be honest the consume-plan is for me more an #excuse that i still can consume. Let me clearify it: drugs play a important part of my life because i'm interested in them since i was a little child and i always wanted to try them (i was interested in how they could change my vision and feelings, etc.) And now i like them, it's chill to smoke a joint with some friends or to take some cocaine together and to be honest i don't know what else we can do... So the consume-plan is for me more an excuse that i still can consume sometimes. But it will not always be like that, the main goal still is to quit on drugs. So the consume-plan helps me to reduce it, that after i have it easier to quit them since i'm not accustomed to everyday consume anymore. But that the plan can really help me, i must quit on making excuses that i can smoke or take a line when i want. But there could be also other excuses like: 'I haven't smoked in a week now. Today i will reward me with a joint'. Don't, just don't! Don't make excuses to take drugs.

  7. Quit the contact with 'bad' friends: i know it's not easy and i don't want to call your #friends bad, but you have to quit the contact with people who want you to take drugs together. And if it's impossible because they are good friends for you, you should considering to quit the contact at least for a while. Tell them you will quit on drugs and therefore also the contact to them (at least for a while) because it's harder for you if you see them and they're high. You could also tell them that you can still see each other, but only when they aren't high. But it's important to not stick around with people who are always high.

  8. Search new friends: This point could be the hardest of all. Many take drugs because of a problem in their life and with that problem they can't really #socialize or make new friends (eg. depression), or they have unlearned it. Many also don't know how to find new friends. I wish i could tell you, how you can find new ones, but at that point i'm very bad since i have social phobia. But with new friends you can find new hobbies or new things you like and that will distract you from abusing drugs.

I know, it's not easy to quit on drugs and there could be always a relapse. But don't give up because you got a relapse. A relapse is completely normal. The important thing is to get back up and try again until you reached your goal!

A last question: Perhaps, were you once addicted to drugs? If yes, could you reply with your tipps that helped you to get clean?

Thanks :)


Great tips you gave!

You could use the tags #life #health #lifestyle too.

Being consequent, breaking with bad habits and people will be hard so is finding new friends. Count with the fact you will be on your own and people will hate you if you get out. If you still have suppirtive people keep them close.

My only addiction was the meds the doctor described. I gave up on them although they said it was dangerous. It worked out fine for me. I am more healthy than I ever was with those pills.

I hope people will read and support you. 💞

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