Courts are forbidden to rule drug dogs false alert
In 2006 I was the first to blow the whistle that police officers qued their drug dogs to alert in order to gain probable cause to search your car.
I testified in over 20 drug dog cases and each time I testified I told the judge that if he would allow the K9 to enter the courtroom I could make that dog, or any other dog, false alert. The judges would never allow it.
I’ve worked over 800 cases as an expert witness of 11 years. I now tell all my clients and lawyers it is fruitless to make a legal argument claiming the drug dog false alerted.
How K9s work
Narcotic detector dogs are trained to alert their handlers to the presence of contraband by either scratching or sitting. Now, a k9 can wag his tail wiggle, his ears, or roll his eyes and the judges are saying its a real alert.
For instance watch this video:
The cop walks his k9 around a car for 4 minutes. The dog never alerts but the cop calls it an alert anyway.
Learn exactly how a police officer makes his dog false alert and how they detect contraband In this video, taken from NeverGetBusted Volume 1.
When can an officer search your car?
There are only 3 probable causes for an officer to search a traveling automobile.
Plain sight - The officer detects contraband with one of his senses. ie He smelled marijuana.
Informant’s Tip - A reliable confidential informant states contraband is inside the automobile
Dog alert - If the other two criteria are not met, the cop can simply make his dog false alert and search your car.
How cops are banking on this trick
I just explained how asset forfeiture is a billion dollar business in this article:
“Civil forfeiture law gives cops license to steal - Ex Narc explains how police rob billions each year in this Vice interview.”
If it weren't for K9s, all a person would have to do is refuse consent, not have anything in plain site, and not be snitched on, to avoid having their vehicle searched and their property stolen.
These 2 NeverGetBusted Tips No Longer Work
I used to tell u to spray fox urine on your tires. That is wrong! I also told you to put a cat in the car. Don’t do that either. The dog will be interested in the cat or urine and cops will call that an alert.
According to federal and state court testimony, judges throughout the U.S. have ruled any movement a k9 makes can be considered an alert. If the dog reacts to the fox urine you sprayed on your tires, judges are ruling the K9 alerted on the odor of contraband.
What to do if police dogs search your car
The only tip we have is this, and it works. Dozens of citizens have told me of their success with it, and it has worked for me on one occasion.
Anytime police dogs are deployed to search your auto, announce loudly and boldly that you are aware police can make their canine false-alert and you know what a true alert looks like. This scares the officer, who, after hearing this, will usually walk his dog around the auto and then leave.
Good luck out there
I hope this information keeps you out of a human cage worse than the cages police dogs sleep in. Stay safe and NeverGetBusted.
And remember, it’s not the k9s fault they’ve been corrupted...
Very good information sharing @barrycooper
Civil forfeiture is ILLEGAL according to the US Constitution. You can't be double punished for a crime. This is referred to Habeus Corpus.
i believe they use the dog alert to stop cars for check up, sometimes they will still find nothing and they will be like {sorry maam/sir for the misunderstanding}