The Washington inn don't stay there sherry is a terrible person
I'm come a long way I've finally recovered from the homeless situation not looking ago but I'll admit I'm still having issues with being sober i have a decent paying job here in Watertown Wisconsin i miss my kids so much though but now i can send them gifts i appreciate all the support from those that follow i recently had an issue where i had to jump out a two story window to survive i was set up by the hotel manager at the Washington inn and the drug addict girl i met her only use to me was sex i mean we all have needs right?? And this town's full of them but they try not to put out this is what happened i call one girl no answer then she calls me claims she wants to hangout i was fine with it i just copped i don't like to drug alone i have audio hallucinations and that bothers me so she came I'm a generous guy always have been i gave her a huge blast now she's stuck but she's shaking I'm asking her what's up but no response so i start thinking okay i need to hear quickly i make myself one as i hit it i hear the manager oh you fucked up not in my hotel mother fucker i reply oh really bitch bring your worse and so she did i heard the call she fucking called the cops on me and their coming up the stairs as they got to the door i heard shoot when you open the door wait wtf open the door they have a room key are you kidding me!!!! I quickly have no other option I'm dirty I'm not going to jail so i knew what to do on drugs I'm not myself but very defensive and tactical I'm very hard to beat in a fight i used to be forced drugs when i was a child in a sex slave operation I'm the only survivor i know of due to this so i had no choice but to go extreme i quickly fill it and pull with all my might there getting very close to opening this door my mind it's now completely broken I'm in fight or flight mode but I'll fight with out warning now it's beginning to open i lifted the first window and broke the rest crashing down to the bottom floor keep in mind i could of injured myself badly but i didn't i know how to land when falling disclaimer don't do drugs or anything I'm speaking of its based for your health upon landing i can't get my focus quite yet but i hear too many voices I'm staggering to focus i broke a few more windows trying to escape this bitch sent police to kill wtf cause i do drugs that terrible she should not be able to run a business but i survived the guy tried to shoot me but my luck kicked in i made enough noise to draw attention he couldn't draw his gun so he threatened to taze me wow dude I've been tazed a dozen times over that's nothing i kept them going until i saw an ambulance the whole ride they threatened to kill me tie me up in the woods this place is ridiculous but I'm very hard to kill well until next time I'll better detail it next go round