Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #143 (Doin' It Well)
Hey what’s up Internetz, and the netizens thereof? I’m just here writing my blogs on a Friday night again, because what else am I gonna do on a Friday night. Perhaps you're even reading this on a Friday night. In which case, I have at least something slightly better to do on a Friday night then you do. So I’ve got that going for me. Which is nice.
So I have a question for you, Internetz. Why are y'all always losing your shit over a dress? Has anyone else noticed this? Seems like every few years or so, the entire internet collectively decides to argue about someone’s dress. Remember Lady Gaga’s dress? That was delicious. Then there was that dress that was two different color schemes depending on who was looking at it. I saw white and gold myself. Other people saw something different. That was weird, but also kind of neat. More recently, some obscure congresswoman went to a very expensive event wearing a very expensive dress with “Tax the Rich” written across the back. And just like the last dress I mentioned, everybody saw something different. Some people saw a hero, some saw a hypocrite. You know what I saw? The internet arguing over yet another fucking dress.
As for the message, I got tired of hearing that shit a;long ass time ago. Not that I don’t agree with it, in principle at least. Certainly if there could be such a thing as a just system, then the people who benefit the most would pay the most into it. You say you’re a self made billionaire? You’re not making shit without roads to move it on. Meanwhile you want your employees to be at work on time everyday but don’t want to pay for the bus they have to take there. I just know that it’s empty rhetoric and always has been. Something that comes back around every few years to get the voters all fired up. Sure it sounds good to some working class voters, but what they fail to realize is that it doesn’t matter how much you tax these people when they’re not paying their taxes anyway. You could tax Jeff Bezos 100% on his income and after he takes advantage of every loophole and tax credit he’ll still end up getting a 200% refund. It’s like when people say “Support the troops!” and I’m like “Ok, how?” They never say things like “Pay them better” or “Make sure they don’t end up homeless” or “Don’t send them to fight in bullshit wars”. It’s just a way of telling the people who oppose those wars to shut up. “Tax the rich” and “Support the troops” mean exactly the same thing. Nothing.
Of course the world has changed a lot in the last 20 years. Back then the Democrats were running against war and mass surveillance. I mean they still voted for those things, but they ran against them and that’s what’s important. But now our preferred method of supporting the troops is to murder people with drone strikes instead. These have had a minimal success rate when it comes to hitting their actual target, and mostly kill innocent civilians, but no Americans are getting killed so people are OK with it. It's all just dirty foreigners f Thing is, this has been going on for a long time now. As far as I can recall it started during the Lil’ Bush administration and then got ratcheted up in the Obama years. But the media seems to just now be starting to make a fuss about it. I’m sure it couldn’t have anything to do with the Afghanistan situation. Surely the news networks that run advertisements for military contractors wouldn’t want us to go back there, Nah. That can't be it. This is probably one of those things I’m not supposed to think too hard about. So I’ll just call it a night here and say “Fuck it. Before it fucks you.”
"Just Fuck it". It is the most spiritual way.