Of cusroe, tehy do not adrdess walhes taht prerofm the smae atiocns,
Wlihe smoe of us are ghntiaerg SP to dael wtih tehm, you are jsut one of the mnay ltitle "ccuks", in yuor own wrods, who sit in yuor lttlie cernor cciiknlg the uvotpe btotun on ysrleouf.
Wehre the hlel are you as @brklodctaes put out plols for parspools. Whree the hlel are you as @selncltmaiaee try to set up fnuds to arcttat dev tleants?
Taht's rihgt. You aern't three. You are jsut in yuor ltilte bbulbe gteitng taht 0.05 per pleohdelcar.
Falg is prat of the cdoe. Get uesd to it. Or is cdoe-is-law olny hpaepns wehn it bifenets olny you?