RE: what took U so long?
Might want to check with Steem, Inc. on why they decided to under-reward curation and thus encourage people to post low-effort content 10x daily.
Not that I think increased curation would solve anything (because the damned bots screw it all up) but your complaint would be with the witnesses that run the code. If you want change, support a witness that has that in mind would be my recommendation. Steemit Inc doesn't necessarily determine the code in play. That's the top 20 for you. (Whether there are some underground dealings about who is in the top 20 and possible influence StInc has is another topic.)
I don't even do 10 posts a day. Why don't you target bigger name players that do it (who I'm not going to call out because I don't believe it is in any way wrong.)
I go after what is appropriate granted my stake. Bet your ass I'd be going after whale abuse if I had the influence. I don't.
Oh, that's right. Because you don't really care about fixing Steemit; you just want to virtue signal like a cuck and pretend that you're making an actual difference by removing 5 cent rewards from my purposefully low-effort posts.
That's cute that you're using anti-"SJW" rhetoric on me. Do you think you are entitled to rewards for your low-effort posts?
My ideology?
If a man does not work, he shall not eat.
When I see people trying to get things by being lazy, it triggers the hell out of me. If that makes me a cuck or beta male or whatever the hell you want to call it. So be it.
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