Within dreamscapes – know to fly
There is a place I know of quiet well, though on will alone, I cannot go there. I cannot wish myself there, though I do find myself hoping I could find my way, and this world would come into my grasp.
The grass is always a perfect shade with each blade moving methodically in the breeze, giving the appearance of waves passing through a vast ocean of green. The wind is continuously moving the landscape, but it is something I never feel on myself. Everywhere, an expansive field lay before my eyes with trees speckled throughout with the most fascinating aspects being the intensity of the colors that surround me. The most confusing being the telephone poles, and the dangling wires that stretch from horizon to horizon as if train tracks were laid in parallel to the next.
This is my paradise, completed with a sense of security nothing else could provide.
I am alone, but as I slowly walk forward, a flock of birds spring from a tree next to me and take flight. The array of colors this flock contained; the blues, the reds, green and purples, white, shades of black, and yellows, forced the eyes to follow the birds into the sky and instills the desire to follow them when they disappear from sight.
Every movement here seemed slowed, as if pushing against the fluid of time, each step forward was like wadding through waist deep water, yet was done effortlessly.
When I came near to the next tree, another brightly colored flock of birds sprang from it. All of the birds taking flight and flying off into the horizon before disappearing.
Except one.
A peacock appears from behind the tree and spreads its beautiful and fantastic feathers, then stares with its beady and black eyes into mine. No words are said, but I know exactly what it wants to say….
Fly away
Without hesitation or direction, I know how and what to do. I begin to move my arms up and down. The air around me is like a thick syrup that I can grasp with my hands. It was like swimming to just stay afloat, but instead of floating I start flying.
The faster I move my arms and the higher I climb. I get so high up that the bubble clouds are next to me, so I reach out and grab a piece of fluffy white cotton to take with.
Then I realize how high I am by looking down. The sense of fear rushes throughout my body, and I begin to tumble and fall. I move my arms but feel nothing, I fall faster and faster and the ground is approaching. Right before I crash, instead of moving my arms, I hold them straight out, and miraculously I begin to glide. The fear inside me subsides as I slowly glide around this amazing landscape and another group of multi-colored birds come to fly next to me. Everything is bliss when I notice the peacock on the ground and the overwhelming urge to go to her.
I slow myself and glide over to the peacock who has extended her mesmerizing feathers, and just as my feet are about to touch the ground…