"I am in Rehab now, and I have weird dreams about water and escape" - How to heal from addictions?

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

Excerpt: The physical reality that we live in is only one shred of the wide, infinite, spectrum of life. The other realms are full of other entities, some who have never been in physical form, and some who are eager to use our energetic field to feed themselves off. Like leeches, these body-less entities are lurking and suck energy from us. However, nothing to be alarmed about if we remember that the power is always in our hands and within a split of a second, we can make them leave. This dream, that I interpreted, presents such situation for this young lady.

I give much importance to such dreams as they can tell a lot about your energetic status. Hence, I detail here the dream in length and my full interpretation. I also add a few words about our Pakawah – the friend we have in other dimensions.


Credit: Nathan O'Nions

The Dream

I had a strange dream where I swim in a pool with some girlfriends of mine. One of them was a childhood friend whom I saw ten years ago. In addition, another boy who studied with me in the distant past was present and, in the dream, we are in a relationship. And he hesitates and says that he feels he wants me and then he does not. In the dream, I really care about it. There was a scene where I stood under the running water with him and was in the middle of such a passionate kiss, and then I felt embarrassed and only then did I discover I was without clothes and he came out of the shower and disappeared from the dream.

Throughout the dream, I swim in a swimming pool and I have a big tattoo of a black panther on my left hand. I felt uneasy about having this tattoo. At the end of the dream I ride a roller coaster.

I am 26 years old, I live with my partner. Not long ago, friends stole from us a key to our house and the issue bothers us. I do not know if it's related but I have had a lot of nightmares lately and it actually was a relatively calm dream compared to others. I'm currently unemployed. I and my partner are currently in a process of detoxification from addiction.

A few nights earlier I had a dream of escape, it was not clear what I was running away from, but that was the feeling throughout the dream. I had a suitcase and a small bag, and the artifacts were in the possession of the friend who stole from me in the reality. When I asked to have my things back the friend avoided me. Eventually, I did not get my stuff!

I remember also that I ran down the corridor and turned right and reached a closed warehouse.

My relationship with my partner is hectic, lots of ups and downs. However, it made us closer to each other. I truly believe we were meant for each other. I really love my partner, we have been together for eight years and are planning to get married in the not so distant future.


Credit: Thomas Sheridan

The interpretation

Your delicate emotional and energetic situation, due to the detoxification process, is reflected in your dreams and in your reality. What do I mean by that? Once you start to become addicted (to alcohol, sex, medicine, food, etc) rupture, holes, are being formed in your energetic body. Through these openings, some strange elements enter into your body and suck energy from you.

These alien beings feed off of you. Slowly and moderately at first, and when they see that you do not stop them, they continue. At some point, it is so powerful that the feeding crosses the threshold from the other worlds to your reality and is seen by incidents like the stealing of your house key. So, first of all, you should, of course, change the lock but beyond that, now that you understand the meaning of the occurrence, you should stop this feeding at once. You did the right thing by deciding to get into a rehab.

The damage is beyond physical injury. It is mentally and this is also the reason why rehab is difficult, why people still remain addicted even after their body has healed. You see, on the emotional-energetic level addicts still allow other people to be nourished by them. To feed off of them. You are probably a kind person in your nature who wants to help everyone and save the world. The problem is that sometimes you do it (or have done, in the past) even when the helping is at your expense. First with family members, then with friends and at some point, with strangers who take advantage of you.

When you began your addiction you simply strengthened this feeding. The addiction, therefore, did not provide a solution but only worsened the situation. The first thing is the physical weaning but at the same time, it is important to develop internal strength. Do not give your energy to anyone. Learn to say "no".

The truth should be said – every human being is faced, at some point in their life, with the issue of feeding off and setting limits. Not all of them reach extreme situations like an addiction but ultimately everyone needs to develop this inner strength.

So, the nightmares are dreams where you encounter those creatures in other worlds and they want to "drink" your energy. It's not pleasant at all. The dream of escaping, literally, describes your escape from those creatures. The suitcase and the bag symbolize your identity. The person you are. Someone (= those energetic creatures) steal your identity from you, drink your energy, and in the dream, you try to get yourself back. Without success. Your running down the corridor symbolizes your search for a solution to the situation but without success (= you arrive at a closed warehouse).

So, what can you do? How do you solve the situation?

On a practical level: Every night before you fall asleep, in bed, tell yourself, you can whisper or can be loud - "I'm safe, I'm the master of my reality." Repeat this sentence three times. When you fall asleep, the energetic beings will recognize your powerful consciousness and will not come near you, will stay away. Do it every night until the nightmares disappear.

The dream brings good news. You are in a pool that symbolizes healing, supportive energy, your mental energy. The friend from the past symbolizes a supportive and helpful entity, a good fairy, who is always with you. This entity saysI want to help you, to love you. You do not have to do anything to connect with it/her. She's there all the time. You just have to choose it.

The question is whether you are committed to your recovery and growth process, to a process of spiritual growth, to connecting with your soul. This is not a simple question at all. Most people are lazy. In the dream, this question is symbolized by the child who studied with you in the past, and his indecision symbolizes your own dilemma, whether to be in a relationship with yourself, with your soul or not. That is the most important question in your life, and as you wrote, "I really care about it."


Credit: deko

The Pakawah – your friend from another world

The Black Panther symbolizes your Pakawah. The Pakawah is a creature, not a humanoid, that each person has in the other worlds; the kind of "best friend from the dream" that accompanies us in our journeys in other dimensions. We give shape and color to this friend - sometimes a tiger, sometimes a pigeon, sometimes a fairy Tinkerbell - depending on our mental situation at the time.

And here is the best news in your dream. The Panther symbolizes the tremendous power you have inside. This power is terrifying, it is literally engraved within you ("tattoo"!), And most importantly - it is available for you. The black color symbolizes two things. Strength and indecision. You have not yet decided how to use this power. I'm not talking about physical strength, aggressiveness. I'm talking about inner strength that makes you stand up to others and tell them "No. Enough is Enough!" And as I wrote at the beginning, this is the meaning of your dreams and reality these days - you are learning to develop inner strength, become an independent and powerful person.

The bottom line

Pay attention to people in your life. Do not let anyone be fed from you.

  • Not through your money - if you do not want to give someone money, then be strong, release guilt or shame, and do not give any, even if it might cause a quarrel;

  • Not through your emotions - you do not have to hear the stories and troubles of the whole world if you do not want to. Learn to respect yourself and say "I do not feel like hearing

  • Not through your sexual energy - since you are in a monogamous relationship then there are no other people (men/women) who can sexually exploit you. But sometimes even in a relationship there is sexual exploitation from the partner. You have to pay attention to this and if it happens - stop him and say "No". If you go back to being single one day then make sure that people are not sexually exploiting you. This is very important. I'm not talking about exploitation in terms of power or abuse, but about being in shallow, emotionless, sexual relationships with many partners. But luckily that's not the case with you right now.

  • Not through your workplace - when you start working in a new place pay attention to the energetic feeding of people from you. Unfortunately, most people are unbalanced and they take energy from other people to feel good, to live, to gain power. This happens quite a lot in work environment, so pay attention.

In conclusion

The dream is a very good one! It clearly reflects the situation you are in and at the same time tells you that you are undergoing a healing process and that there are great forces at your service to help you. Keep your finger on your pulse until you return to full balance.

Good luck !:-)

You analyzed it in a very precise way. I have gone through, in the past year, a spiritual process, to connect with my inner self. It encouraged me to hear that the dream is good and not what I thought. I read other online interpretation and it was written that some of the things in the dream signify that people close to me are coming together to hurt me and that's why I was really nervous. You managed to calm me down. Thanks



Thank you for share your own story.Am someone who loves control, having power over myself and what i do and even with all that i still dont have power over my addictions.Throughout the dream, I swim in a swimming pool"

maybe it's just a dream, just a flower sleep.
may also have meaning.

but I do not believe in dreams

people in my area say that dream is just a sleeping comforter.

Most of the time when we are confronted with situations, rather than respond to the situation, all we do is react. When a defining moment comes, define the moment, or else the moment will define you. Your life is in your hands, you have the power to choose how you want to be remembered.?

many many thanks my dear @gentlebot
stay blessed.

"Learn to respect yourself and say "I do not feel like hearing""

Very much so. Choosing to be alone or shutting down external noise is not corresponding with recoursing through an escape hatch in the attempt to not face reality but from my experience it is very important to kickstart the detox process and meet nobody but oneself. In contrast to many, I don't think that pushing onself out of one's comfort zone is a good thing, because in my eyes this implies that we act upon external command without being ready internally. There was a time when I felt absolutely uncomfortable in large crowds, and it was the only right thing to say: stop it now, you don't need to mingle with people if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Accept it as it is now, YOU know best what is good for you".

What I learnt was that it was my crumbling and collapsing old belief systems at that time which caused me so much sensitivity to the external while at the same time I recognized the steadfast old beliefs of others. So especially when we go through an overhaul of our belief system from the inside out, sensitivity to deeply-entrenched external beliefs is completely normal, because we are being indicated that we don't any longer want to follow external instructions but only follow our own leader within. Detachment was highly important for me and I gave myself the time, and the more I let insights integrate in my own pace, the more healthy and inherent my deep beliefs became so that I was gradually feeling more at ease anywhere.

Positive dream messages for her!

Insightful. Thanks

I don't think that pushing onself out of one's comfort zone is a good thing

Sometimes people are stuck, and need a kick. Those who continuously do their inner work, like you, really don't need that. usually.

reading your interpretation of dreams i feel identified with that of "learning to say no".

I have the problem that i always want to help everyone and in that process many people end up wanting to get something out of me.

This problem is growing because now with the situation of the country there are many children in street situation (begging) and it has already happened that I try to help them but i end up much worse.

I would like to know how can face it.

Indeed. Big issue, big problem.

You need to find the right balance between giving and receiving. And even when you give, unconditionally, make sure you are not being used. The solution lies within your consciousness. When you remember, that you don't owe anything to anyone, and you are a soveriegn soul, and you do what you do for the sake of expression, you then alllow a balance within yourself.
Another important understanding is compassion*. Understand that every person, adult and a child, has inner strenghts, and in a way has chosen their life circumstances. Compassion is the ability within you to respect their choices with honor. When you act from this perspective your ability to influence is much greater.

"I'm safe, I'm the master of my reality."

I am fascinated how they remember their dreams clearly, there are times that I do remember them but it is not as vivid as others. Sometimes it's just the feeling of being embraced and feeling being loved are the only things that were retained in my memory. I know our dreams play a big part in our reality. Thank you @nomad-magus for always sharing your interpretations. :)♥

Sometimes it's just the feeling of being embraced and feeling being loved are the only things that were retained in my memory.

You really don't need anything more 🙂

Hello David, again I am delighted to read to you and to be grateful for so much spiritual nourishment, this interpretation surprised me once again but I would like to make a few appointments:

On a practical level: every night before falling asleep, in bed, say to yourself, you can whisper or it can be noisy: "I am sure, I am the master of my reality". Repeat this sentence three times. When you fall asleep, the energy beings will recognize your powerful consciousness and will not come near you, they will stay away. Do it every night until the nightmares are over.

So just by repeating this sentence, it's like empowering your conscience? even if it's incoconsciously? really repeat a few sentences can help us? or does the conviction or strength and/or hope with which we say it help us??

The Pakawah is a creature, not a humanoid, that each person has in the other worlds; the kind of "best friend of sleep" that accompanies us on our travels in other dimensions.

I do not think I remember any creature that reflects in my life, is there any way to know what your pakawah will be and if there is anything I can give you some inner strength? like the panther.

Maybe you have limited time to answer me, but it seems that this topic is so unknown, that I arouse great curiosity, I will try to read something on the Internet, happy start of the week dear friend

  1. Repeat with confidence. From your heart. As if you stand on a stage and speak up to the audience.
  2. The Pakawah is always there, with you, whether you are aware of it or not. You may state your desire to meet it in the dreams. It will come.
    Good week 👍

I once dreamed, One night, I dreamed of meeting someone wearing white clothes. Every night, I dreamed of meeting that figure and for almost 2 weeks I kept feeling scared. After that incident, I felt there was something strange. My heart always talks. Every time I do something, there is always a quarrel that confuses me between choosing what kind of brain talk. I realized the dream is the sleeping flower of the dream I have a strong power to commit if it is just a dream

I will be of little answer to this question

The question is whether you are committed to your recovery and growth process, to a process of spiritual growth, to connect with your soul. This is not a simple question at all

In my opinion, the commitment's firmness is visible to your belief. That belief is related to your faith. May your faith not be shaken. Money can not buy it. Pressure can not shift it. Indeed there must be paid by people who are committed to having firm beliefs. However, more is the price paid if you do not have a firm faith
Thanks for this @nomad-magus

Faith about what? 🤔

...make sure that people are not sexually exploiting you...But luckily that's not the case with you right now.

Something is telling me even though she didn’t tell you this (being sexually exploited), but you have a suspicion that this is or was the case, not only that it “will be”. But because she didn’t share it with you, you are just advising her subconscious to take the right path. I might be wrong.
It’s amazing the way you are able to interpret her dream in such a details. I love when you mentioned “Panther symbolizes the tremendous power you have inside. This power is terrifying, it is literally engraved within you ("tattoo"!)” Your interpretation can make people do the right thing or feel better for example by reading her reaction.

Indeed. You are very perceptive, friend👍🙂

Dealing with addiction is one of the most difficult things to do. Am someone who loves control, having power over myself and what i do and even with all that i still dont have power over my addictions

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