A Breakfast with Gardaí (Irish Police) - Howard's Dream Journal #2
Continuing my series on sharing dreams I think are funny, interesting, or make good stories, with the hopes I start a trend on Steemit of sharing our dreams to increase the phenomenon in each of our lives.
Read Part One: Collective Insanity
If you've read my first installment you might think I have a lot of dreams of people sat at tables, but these are just two out of 100 dreams I haven't shared.

I found myself sat at a dining table in the early morning in the house of someone I barely know, probably a woman, probably after a night out, when a man sat across from me in his pale blue shirt. I was shocked, yet pleasantly intrigued as this had never happened to me before. We Irish have a funny relationship with An Garda Síochána (The Guardians of the Peace). They're not as threatening or as "other" as the Police of the United States or Mexico, yet not as loved and revered as the Japanese police who are seen as kind and helpful men in boy scouts uniforms. I said "Oh, good morning. You're a Garda? Fair play." It was clear he was just a regular officer and went on to tell me how part of his job is to clean the toilet in the station. I commiserated with him on the treatment of his profession, saying "you never hear of a primary school teacher having to clean the staff toilet, now do you?" At this point an older man sat down to my left with his morning cup of tea, but I paid him no mind. I went on to say "When I was a young lad I really hated the Gardai..." at that point, both the Garda and the old man turned in their chairs to face me as if to say "Oh, yeah?" At this point I realised the older guy was wearing a Sergeant's uniform and a tiny part of me sank. "I was only a young lad..." I continued, "... I didn't do anything serious, I just wanted to be left alone to do my thing. Plus, I was brainwashed by the 'Fuck the Police' American music" which the two gave a passive nod to. At this point I saw a young woman (I think she was the only person I knew there), she sat down across from me to my right, also in officer's uniform - all three intently looking at me. I continued to finish my thought: "... now, I think you guys are the best. You have a thankless and the most important job."
It was at that point I woke up just enough to realise I had slept in, but also that I couldn't go back to sleep after having such a bizarre dream. I felt as though it was a pivotal dream where I had come to peace with the authorities on this island after ten solid years of being a weed-smoking renegade from my teens to mid-20s. Everything I did and said in that strange alternate dimension came from the heart and was meant fully. It may have been my opportunity to, at least symbolically, make peace with these people. It was about 7-9 days ago I was waiting at the bus stop across from the beach and I saw two Gardaí patrolling, talking to each other, and talking to citizens - why? I don't know - but a part of me wanted to go and shake their hands and lamented the prohibition against giving them gifts.