DREAM : you ‘have’ one or you ‘had’ one?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dream7 years ago (edited)

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Well, recently I was talking to an old lady and while we talked she became nostalgic and went into her childhood. She told me incidents about her old and young days, how she used to bunk classes and many more ,but there was one thing she told me which I have heard a lot of times before ,even from other people too. I have come across many people who had this very common thing to say while they talked about their childhood or their old days.

The common lines which I hear is that: ” I dreamed of becoming (something) when I was young but I couldn’t do it because of (the reason/excuse )”

And I am pretty sure you hear these lines quite often too. Its very common among grownups who have established themselves with something to live with and cannot go back and work for their unfinished dream again.

When I look at the world around me , there are so many people which includes the growing ones, the struggling ones, the working ones and many more. Some of them are dreaming to achieve something great, some are working and trying to achieve their dream and some of them are still busy dreaming of their dreams. But the basic truth is that everyone started with a small dream when they were young. A dream which had no limits or excuses but just a source to see a happy and a sort out ending.

Childrens doesn’t knows about the struggles one have to face to achieve the things that they are dreaming of, but they still see that dream because it becomes the only goal of that child that they wants to achieve. But if they already had a dream in the beginning of their life, then why did it fade away when they grew into an adult????

There are lots of reasons behind the problem mentioned above. However, I have given a name to that problem, ‘The Dream Fading phenomena’.Okay I must clear that there is no such names like that and it’s just a term to explain the entire problem in few words.

During the growing stage, a child grows and interacts with the world. And while he does that ,he gets attracted to certain things available around him .Things related to his attracting subject seems interesting and he slowly starts to cook it up to give it a shape, he finds out everything about his interests and then sets his destination to it .But the fact is that ,he just sets the starting and ending destinations without caring much about the struggles one needs to face to achieve it and trust me, it is really damn easy to do ,everybody can do that, its more like setting up the pickup and drop location on Ola without caring much about the route .

This entire thing of setting the starting and ending destinations is actually setting a DREAM. Every child has one.

Now when he has a destination, now he needs to do something to reach his destination. He needs to work at it.Now a general thing that every boys and girls from India hears is that ‘study well to accomplish your dreams’. Well I won’t say it’s something wrong but the thing is dreams differ from person to person and so does its ingredients. A guy wanting to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer etc will definitely has to be within books but what about a guy who is more interested in cricket, youtubing ,or maybe singing or dancing .Well I agree that a basic education is needed for everyone but I also say this that ‘one should always focus more on the things that will one day lead to their dreams’. But once the child starts working on his dreams, he realizes that there is more than just setting up the starting and ending destinations .He realizes that there are hurdles and problems he needs to face, there will be struggles, his patience will be tested, people will say stuffs and many more. At this stage he realizes that it’s not ‘so easy’ as he thought it would be when he was just a kid. And yes, honestly, it is not easy at all and at that moment he realizes maturely that now he is no more the one who just simply sets up the pickup and drop locations and doesn’t care about the route much, but he is now the driver himself who only cares about the traffic, time, distance and of course the route to reach his destination. Things becomes bumpy and practical.

Now here is the stage where things take turns. At this stage, people gets divided into three groups, namely

The ’I GIVE UP’ group
The ‘LETS TRY’ group
The ‘LETS ACHIEVE’ group
The first group is the one who gets influenced by the pull-him-down environment completely and are slowly forced to give up their dreams. This group is pulled down by the lack of patience, inability to struggle and not stepping forward to take risks. This group is generally the ‘losers’ who could not/cannot achieve their dreams .This group is the one who talks about their old dreams after years and gives excuses due to which they could not achieve it.

The second group is the one who is partly influenced by the environment and partly influenced by their own hunger to achieve their dream. This group maybe pulled down or pulled up depending on the person’s patience, his/her ability to handle struggles and to take risks. This group can be ‘winners ‘or’ losers’. The people in this group are the ones who are at least satisfied with the fact that they tried even if they could not achieve their dreams or are happy because they achieved it through struggles.

The third group contains the people who are not at all influenced by the environment at all and this is the only group who has all the hunger as well as the abilities needed to make their dream come true and nothing can pull this group down. This group is the ‘winners’. These groups are the one who is satisfied as well as happy. They are satisfied because their hard work was fruitful and happy because they have successfully reached their destination.

Clearly, everybody will love to be in the third group.

Sadly, only few people are in the third group, many in the second group, and unbelievably huge in the first group.

People who dont even try to pursue their dreams or are pulled down easily by the society belongs in the first group.The lady I mentioned at the beginning was maybe from the first group . The people who have no idea if they will ever reach their destination or not are in the second group. And the people who have successfully achieved their goals or the people who thinks that they will one day achieve it is in the third group.

However there is a good news too – ‘The group does not select the people, its the people who selects the group’

What I am trying to say is that, it’s never too late to work for your dreams .It does not matter in which group you are,we all can start fresh and make things happen according to our wish and dreams.

We all want to achieve our dreams because it’s the dream which keeps us moving and gives us a reason to work. But at the end it’s just the choice of the people .It’s their choice to finally be happy due to the achievement of their dreams and arriving at their destination or it’s their choice to sit down somewhere after years , become nostalgic ,recall their old days and tell something to a stranger like:

-“I too had a dream which never came true”

About Author

Arnav Banerjee
Blogger, Writer &Innovator

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